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多买一些字典,像牛津初阶 词典上面有对单词的全面理解,多看一些外文书籍,像nature一样的杂志

145 评论



260 评论


杂志:《疯狂英语》 《英语沙龙》 电影:查理与巧克力工厂 功夫熊猫 滨河世纪 马达加斯加 英语学习视频:走遍美国 美剧:成长的烦恼

214 评论


典范英语(Good English),原名《牛津阅读树》(Oxford Reading Tree),是英国牛津大学出版社出版的一套家喻户晓的英语教材,闻名英国,享誉世界。剑桥少儿英语,英国剑桥大学考试委员会于1996年正式推出,针对非英语母语国家6至12岁少年儿童的英语能力培养和提高设计的考试。以上是教材,如果要增加单词量,建议到书店看着买,因材施教。还有就是要认真背诵。

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建议你看原版迪士尼英文电影和英文歌 比如迪士尼《Tangle》(魔发奇缘又名长发公主)里面的歌就挺好听的,而且迪士尼的本来就是面对儿童,所以说话都是很清楚,容易听懂。里面的歌的名字叫healing incantation你可以去听听看 那些英文歌多是很舒缓的音乐,容易记住英文单词,那些稍微快些的歌连读非常严重,比较难学。 或者你也可以选择一些比较旋律上口又好听歌,推西城男孩的season in the sun和my love,迈克尔杰克逊的you are not alone,tamas wells的Valder Fields,还有怀旧金曲lemon tree这些都蛮经典,新一点的话,泰勒斯威夫特的mean也都还好,没有很快,旋律也好把握。

tears in heaven 歌词很简单好记又上口,歌也好听,意义也很深远



I am a nice six-grade student. I am a fine six-grade student.

·[英文歌曲]-One thing ·[英文歌曲]-Falling 堕落 ·[英文歌曲]-Diary(图) ·[英文歌曲]-Heal the World ·[英文歌曲]-Forever《永远》 ·[英文歌曲]-Miracle (爱的奇迹) ·[英文歌曲]-Dangerously in love ·[英文歌曲]-I am alive ·[英语歌曲]-只要你爱我 ·[英文歌曲]-Things will go my way ·[英文歌曲]-Call my name ·[英文歌曲]-突如其来的爱情故事 ·[英文歌曲]-Even If ·[英语歌曲]-Viva Forever spice girls ·[英语歌曲]-TPiecesofme我的每一部分 ·[英语歌曲]-The end of the world ·[英语歌曲]-Heaven(图) ·[英文歌曲]-Summer Wine ·[英语歌曲]-You should've known better ·[英语歌曲]-A song for you ·[英语歌曲]-Did you ever see a lassie ·[英语歌曲]-Simple simon

我初二的时候看很多英文电影,迪士尼的卡通全看了(不过我更推荐皮克斯的卡通,比如《飞屋环游记》《海底总动员》《机器人总动员》等等.我喜欢感人的~哈哈~) 推荐:《美丽心灵》《阿甘正传》《肖申克的救赎》《心慌方》系列(这个系列我很喜欢,虽然有点血腥,但是能抓住的神经) 书籍的话我那时候一直看一个叫做《英语广场》的杂志,里面有很多美文和故事,还介绍一些国外明星,是比较轻松的读物,能让你愉悦的学习英文~

你要什么难度级别的 男生还是女生 女生的话可以去唱Back to december 或是 love sorry 基本上泰勒.斯威夫特的所有歌曲都蛮适合我们唱的 男生的话去唱贾斯丁.比伯的 找一首转音不怎么多的

《Yesterday once more》 《Big big world》 《Lemon tree》 《Fire fly》 shinning friend long long ago you're my sunshine my heartbeats 天堂的眼泪 op-infinity all rise 上面的歌随便选四首 be what you wanna be doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer why not president, be a dreamer you can be just the one you wanna be police man, fire fighter or a post man why not something like your old man you can be just the one you wanna be doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer why not president, be a dreamer you can be just the one you wanna be i know that we all got one thing that we all share together we got that one nice dream we live for you never know what life could bring coz nothing last for ever just hold on to the team you play for i know you could reach the make sure that you won’t s be the one that you wanna be now sing this with me we may have different ways to think but it doesn’t really matter we all caught up in the steam of this life focus on every little thing that’s what does really matter luxury cars and bling thats not real life i know you could reach the make sure that you won’t s be the one that you wanna be now sing this with me doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer why not president, be a dreamer you can be just the one you wanna be police man, fire fighter or a post man why not something like your old man you can be just the one you wanna be last year i used to dream about this day now i’m here i’m singing for you i hope i could inspire you coz i’ve got all the love, coz i’ve got all love for you doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer why not president, be a dreamer you can be just the one you wanna be police man, fire fighter or a post man why not something like your old man you can be just the one you wanna be

水叮当的歌 my oh my . doctrt jones。 roses are red.。 an apple a day 听听有喜欢的没

343 评论


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