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影片名称: 廊桥遗梦英文名称:The Bridges of Madison County1995 华纳兄弟影片公司出品导演:克林特·伊斯特伍德 Eastwood, Clint主演:克林特·伊斯特伍德 Eastwood, Clint梅丽尔·斯特里普 Streep, Meryl安妮·考利 Corley, Ammie维克托·斯利扎克 Slezak, Victor吉姆·哈尼 Hagnie, Jim剧情简介卡洛琳和迈克姐弟两人都面临着家庭离异的困扰。这时母亲弗朗西斯卡去世的消息将他们召回了童年时生活的乡村。在母亲留下的一封长信中他们了解到了母亲深埋在心底的一段感情秘密……1965年的一天,一家人都去了集市。弗朗西斯卡独自留在家中。摄影记者罗伯特·金凯的车停在了门前。他向她打听曼迪逊桥的所在。弗朗西斯卡上车亲自带他到了桥边。罗伯特忙着观察造型、选取角度,最后采了一把野菊花送给弗朗西斯卡以表谢意。弗朗西斯卡心中泛起了一种特别的滋味,于是邀请他去喝冰茶。两人互相讲起了自己的婚姻家庭: 罗伯特与前妻离异, 而弗朗西斯卡伴着丈夫和一儿一女过着单调而清寂的乡村生活。夜色降临,弗朗西斯卡在送走罗伯特后竟有一种依恋的心情。她终于下定决心驱车前往罗斯曼特桥,将一张纸条订在了桥头。第二天,工作了一天的罗伯特终于发现了纸条。他接受了弗朗西斯卡的邀请,两人在桥边一起工作,拍照。夜色再次降临,两人回到弗朗西斯卡的家中共进晚餐,在轻柔的音乐舞曲中,两人情不自禁地相拥共舞,最后一起走进了卧室。以后的两天两人整日厮守在一起。然而弗朗西斯卡却不愿舍弃家庭,两人痛苦地分手了。罗伯特走后,弗朗西斯卡收集了他所有的作品。在1982年3月,她得知了罗伯特的死讯, 并收到了他的项链和手镯以及当年订在桥头的纸条。她把它们放在木盒中,每年生日翻看一次。1989年弗朗西斯卡过世了,她在遗嘱中要求子女们将她的骨灰撒在曼迪逊桥畔。卡洛琳和迈克都被母亲的感情故事和对家庭的责任心所感动。他们同情并理解自己的母亲。同时,他们也开始珍视目前的家庭,放弃了草率离婚的打算。评论资料《廊桥遗梦》是1995年十分引人注目的一部影片。该片以其对婚外恋情的探讨和对中年人心理情感的体现受到了观众和评论界的广泛关注。影片的情节十分简单,但是其中的情绪表现却十分细腻,体现了导演出众的掌握能力和演员的深厚功底。影片并不仅仅是一场婚外恋情的表现,而是通过它揭示出了中年人的伦理价值观与情感平衡问题。女主人公之所以会对男主人公产生感情,其中很重要的一个因素就是她在长年平淡的婚姻生活中被迫放弃了原来的生活理想而埋身于琐碎的家务之中。所以当充满了自由气息的男主人公出现时,她就情不自禁地为他所吸引。但影片尽管有着细致入微的婚外恋情体现,其所表现出了仍然是一种较为正统的维系家庭的主题。因此,观众在影片中可以深切地感受到周围环境对男女主人公的潜在压力和主人公矛盾的心理。影片中的女主人公在再三决择之后还是选择了家庭,其对家庭的责任感占了上风,而影片结尾也以女主人公的两位儿女受到感动重视家庭为结束,这些都是正统的道德观念之体现。《廊桥遗桥》一片以其对中年人家庭和情感问题的细腻刻画获得了许多观众的认同,其传统的道德观也使它易于为人们所接受。这部影片以其出色的艺术表现力引起了众多中年观众的共鸣,也促使他们认真对待自己的感情。因此,《廊桥遗梦》被评为95年最具影响力的十部影片之一。克林特·伊斯特伍德和梅丽尔·斯特里普这两位资深演员在片中的表现也都十分出色,情绪把握十分到位,情感表现极为细腻,为影片增添了无穷的魅力。《廊桥遗梦》的故事不知道感动了多少人,包括中国的观众们。在被拍成影片之前,小说的小册子就在中国广为畅销,并出现了“廊桥热”,为日后影片的热卖也打下了基础。影片在中国上映时,曾引发过一场不大不小的争论,那就是故事中“婚外恋”的表现是冲击传统道德还是支持传统道德。这的确不太好分析的问题,哪怕被拍成了电影,还在中国公开上映,也不能说这对中年人的故事就一定是正确的,弗朗西斯卡的经历也成为不少已过中年的人生中难解的悬念。当我们在这么短的时间里结识的男女主人公就要永远分离的时候,我们就好象回忆与初恋情人的分手一样感动了,我们没有时间去细想这对于弗朗西斯卡的丈夫是否公平,很多看完故事的人甚至认为弗朗西斯卡应该和罗伯特一起远走高飞,如果那样,这个故事就不会象现在这样感动我们。因此,与所有的爱情俗套一样,“分离”依然是整个故事的感动点。在最后,故事很负责任地回归了正统道德,而此时,我们竟发现我们感到了“委屈”,这到底是怎么了?在这个故事里,作者高超的设计又给予了我们很多人,包括已经成家多年的人们再一次深陷“情网”的机会。如果仅仅从影片的感人处着手去说的话,故事里细腻的感情描写是影片成功的重要因素,小说中在这一段中有很精彩的手笔,影片借助画面、音乐和表演的结合基本将这一精华之处表现了出来。影片中的男主人公由好莱坞老牌影星“城市牛仔”克林特·伊斯特伍德饰演,同时他还是影片的导演。克林特·伊斯特伍德是美国影坛最受欢迎的硬汉明星、导演和制片人。1986年他还当选为卡梅尔市市长,成为继里根之后又一位电影明星出身的政客。《廊桥遗梦》已是克林特编导的第十六部影片 ,他事业的颠峰是在1995年,那年,他以《不可饶恕》一片获第65届奥斯卡最佳影片奖、最佳导演奖。影片的女主角由美国首席演技派影后梅丽尔·斯特里普出演,有意思的是,梅丽尔·斯特里普在影片开拍前接受采访时表示她对影片中的弗朗西斯卡这个人物十分厌恶,但表演归表演,她的表演功夫的确让人钦佩,情感和心理活动表现的都极为细腻,使影片推出后人们很自然地接受了她的角色。克林特·伊斯特伍德和梅丽尔·斯特里普两人的形象与与读过小说后人们想象中的十分吻合,再加上一流的表现,可以说,这部影片的成功就是由他们二人构架起来的。

266 评论


One day in 1965, Francis card at home alone. Photographer Robert Kincaid's car parked in front. To her about the whereabouts of Mandi Morrison Bridge. She brought him to the bridge to complete the job he had taken a wild chrysanthemum given to her to express his appreciation. Francesca again the hearts of a particular taste, they invited him to tea. Dark, she bid farewell to him after the attachment, there were a state of mind. So to Bridge, a note will be set at the bridge. The next day, Robert found a piece of paper, and accept the invitation of Francis Card. After dark, two leading Chinese home Francesca supper, accompanied by music, dance duo embracing, and finally walked into the bedroom together. Since then the two together all day. However Francis cards do not want to give up the family, they painfully split up. When she in March 1982 and was informed that after Robert's death, he received a necklace and bracelet and then a piece of paper. Francis stuck in probate requested their children to ashes Mandi Morrison Bridge in Ocean Shores.

155 评论


talks about a romatic love Robert Kincaid wanders into the life of housewife Francesca Johnson, for four days in the path of Francesca Johnson's future seems destined when an unexpected fork in the road causes her to question everything she had come to expect from life. While her husband and children are away at the Iowa state fair in the Summer of 1965, Robert Kincaid happens upon the Johnson farm and asks Francesca for directions to Rosamunde Bridge. He explains that he is on assignment from National Geographic magazine to photograph the bridges of Madison County. She agrees to show him to the bridges and thus begins the bittersweet and all-too-brief romance of her life. Through the pain of separation from her secret love and the stark isolation she feels as the details of her life consume her, she writes down the story of this four-day love affair in a 3-volume diary. The diary is found by her children among her possessions and alongside Robert Kincaid's possessions after Francesca is dead. The message they take from the diaries is one of hope that they will do what is necessary to find happiness in their lives -- whatever is necessary. After learning that Robert Kincaid's cremated remains were scattered off Rosamunde Bridge and that their mother requested a similar disposition for her own ashes, the children must decide whether to honor their mother's final wishes or bury her alongside their father as the family had planned. Adapted from the novel by Robert Waller, this is the story of love that happens just once in a lifetime -- if you're lucky

257 评论


When the soul of a movie is reflected in an actor's eyes then you have a miracle, you have something that's going to last. Meryl Streep in "The Bridges Of Madison County" is such a miracle to me. I never thought for a moment that she, no matter how wonderful an actress she is, could fool me. Meryl Streep could never be Italian. Well, there I was, thinking and pre-judging like people I detest. I was so wrong. Not just because she fooled me, although there is no fooling involved here. She won me over. I forgot she was Meryl Streep, the actress, and I lived Francesca's story to the fullest because, I suppose, that's the mystery of great acting, I was confronted by her sheer undiluted truth. The truth in her eyes in every one of her gestures. The truth on her brow. Her thinking, transparent. Clint Eastwood does the right thing putting the entire film at her service and placing himself as the foil to liberate that powerful latent side of Francesca. I though it was ironic and I'm not sure if was meant to be that a wonderful woman like Francesca will sacrifice, what could arguably be call the love of her life, for those children. The grown children's mediocrity was kind of shocking to me. Will the revelation of their mother's secret, reveal a latent, greater side to their natures. I hope so. Francesca deserved extraordinary children. Try no to miss this little miracle. Was the above comment useful to you?

216 评论


这部平凡的电影之所以能打动那么多人心,最重要不是导演对光线的捕捉,音乐的衬托,气氛的渲染,而是电影故事本来引起观众的共鸣.他们的想法很多想法他们的经历或许都存在在一般人生活中,但有时,有的人或许会因此迷惑,不知所措.佛兰西斯卡这个角色,对家庭的责任感,对孩子的爱与真实的自己矛盾,几乎是每个中年妇女的缩影.而她作的决定也是很伟大的.正如罗杰大师所说,假如她选择的不是分离,而是决定跟他一起远走高飞,那这个故事根本没那么大魅力,而他们的分离也正是这个故事的高潮部分.This extraordinary film is able to move so many people's minds, the most important thing is not a director of the capture of light, as a foil to the music, play up the atmosphere, but the film's story have been caused by the audience idea of many ideas that they may experience both in the life of ordinary people, but sometimes, some people may be confused, therefore, know what to do. Lanxisika the role of the Buddha, the family's sense of responsibility on the child's love and truth Of its own contradictions, almost every middle-aged women in she made the decision is very great. As Roger Masters said, if she was not chosen separated, but decided to leave with him, and that the story is not so much charisma, and their separation is precisely this story Part of the upsurge.

164 评论


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