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,Lovastatin In fact , IP surveillance technology is not advanced as we imagine complex, which belongs to See . In this sense, this new technology and their impact on the environment will inevitably lead to fear of new applications and to stimulate support for the status quo . IP surveillance appeared to form a situation of direct competition with the DVR , this situation has brought a series of arguments , one of which is an industry- accepted view that it posed a severe challenge to the view that the combination of analog cameras DVR technology Video surveillance system is the ultimate solution , it is the best video surveillance technologies. Analysis is not difficult to find one of the non : first , the current security prevention and control of the industry from manufacturers to the project , system integrators, and then to end users and their institutions, have been familiar with DVR and analog camera technology , and Invested a lot of their money, they certainly pleased to see the leading DVR products on the market to consolidate its gains. On the other hand , the traditional close of the inherent security industry , and private technology, the prevalence of a single brand solution further the IP surveillance market is not conducive to the In stark contrast , IP video surveillance solution integrates a variety of different suppliers from the best products and services , it is the ultimate consequence of the maximization of the interests of users , and this result is with the current market Very different environment and market expectations . Site Support: Monitor manufacturers

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