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编译 | 李言

Nature , 7 April 2022, Volume 604 Issue 7904

《自然》 2022年4月7日,第604卷,7904期

天文学 Astronomy

UV absorption by silicate cloud precursors in ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-178b


作者:Joshua D. Lothringer, David K. Sing, Zafar Rustamkulov, Hannah R. Wakeford, Kevin B. Stevenson, Nikolay Nikolov, Panayotis Lavvas, Jessica J. Spake & Autumn T. Winch



在此,我们报道了木星大小的高温行星WASP-178b(约2450 K)的近紫外透射光谱,它显示了大量的吸收。贝叶斯反演表明存在含硅和镁的气态耐火物质,它们是低温下凝结云的前兆。

据先前研究,一氧化硅此前未曾在系外行星中探测到,但WASP-178b中一氧化硅的含量与理论预期一致,即高温下的主要硅元素来源。这些使我们能重新解释HAT-P-41b和WASP-121b此前没有考虑一氧化硅的观测结果,表明硅酸盐云的形成开始于1950到2450 K之间的平衡温度的系外行星。


Here we report the near-ultraviolet transmission spectrum of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-178b (approximately 2,450 K), which exhibits substantial absorption. Bayesian retrievals indicate the presence of gaseous refractory species containing silicon and magnesium, which are the precursors to condensate clouds at lower temperatures. SiO, in particular, has not previously, to our knowledge, been detected in exoplanets, but the presence of SiO in WASP-178b is consistent with theoretical expectations as the dominant Si-bearing species at high temperatures. These observations allow us to re-interpret previous observations of HAT-P-41b and WASP-121b that did not consider SiO, to suggest that silicate cloud formation begins on exoplanets with equilibrium temperatures between 1,950 and 2,450 K.

物理学 Physics

Search for Majorana neutrinos exploiting millikelvin cryogenics with CUORE


作者:The CUORE Collaboration




结果表明,无中微子双贝塔在90%的可信区间内没有出现衰变现象,且其半衰期下限为 1025年。我们讨论了CUORE在其他领域的潜在应用进展,如直接暗物质、中微子和核物理搜索以及大规模量子计算,这得益于在低放射性、超低温低温环境中持续运行的大规模有效载荷。


Here we show results from the search for 0νββ decay of130Te, using the latest advanced cryogenic calorimeters with the CUORE experiment. CUORE, operating just 10 millikelvin above absolute zero, has pushed the state of the art on three frontiers: the sheer mass held at such ultralow temperatures, operational longevity, and the low levels of ionizing radiation emanating from the cryogenic infrastructure. We find no evidence for 0νββ decay and set a lower bound of the process half-life as 1025years at a 90 per cent credibility interval. We discuss potential applications of the advances made with CUORE to other fields such as direct dark matter, neutrino and nuclear physics searches and large-scale quantum computing, which can benefit from sustained operation of large payloads in a low-radioactivity, ultralow-temperature cryogenic environment.

材料科学 Material Science

Charge-density-wave-driven electronic nematicity in a kagome superconductor


作者:Linpeng Nie, Kuanglv Sun, Wanru Ma, Dianwu Song, Lixuan Zheng et al.



我们通过弹性电阻、核磁共振(NMR)和扫描隧道显微镜/光谱(STM/S)三种技术的结合,发现了笼目超导体CsV3Sb5中存在电子向列相的证据。随温度变化的弹性电阻系数(m11 - m12和核磁共振谱表明,2a0   2a0超级单体由于面外调制而产生 C2 结构畸变,在电荷密度波跃迁(约94开尔文)下方会出现相当大的向列波动,最后在35开尔文以下会出现向列跃迁。

STM实验实现了 C2 -结构固定的长程向列向转变温度以下的向列相,提出了一种由three state Potts模型描述的新型向列相。


Here we report evidence for the existence of electronic nematicity in CsV3Sb5, using a combination of elastoresistance measurements, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and scanning tunnelling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/S). The temperature-dependent elastoresistance coefficient (m11 minus m12) and NMR spectra demonstrate that, besides a C2 structural distortion of the 2a0   2a0 supercell owing to out-of-plane modulation, considerable nematic fluctuations emerge immediately below the CDW transition (approximately 94 kelvin) and finally a nematic transition occurs below about 35 kelvin. The STM experiment directly visualizes the C2 -structure-pinned long-range nematic order below the nematic transition temperature, suggesting a novel nematicity described by a three-state Potts model.

Ultrathin ferroic HfO2–ZrO2 superlattice gate stack for advanced transistors

可用于先进晶体管的超薄铁质HfO2–ZrO2 超晶格栅叠层

作者:Suraj S. Cheema, Nirmaan Shanker, Li-Chen Wang, Cheng-Hsiang Hsu et al.






Here we report HfO2–ZrO2 superlattice heterostructures as a gate stack, stabilized with mixed ferroelectric–antiferroelectric order, directly integrated onto Si transistors, and scaled down to approximately 20 ångströms , the same gate oxide thickness required for high-performance transistors. The overall equivalent oxide thickness in metal–oxide–semiconductor capacitors is equivalent to an effective SiO2 thickness of approximately . Such a low effective oxide thickness and the resulting large capacitance cannot be achieved in conventional HfO2-based high-dielectric-constant gate stacks without scavenging the interfacial SiO2, which has adverse effects on the electron transport and gate leakage current. Accordingly, our gate stacks, which do not require such scavenging, provide substantially lower leakage current and no mobility degradation.

生物学 Biology

A stable hippocampal code in freely flying bats


作者:William A. Liberti III, Tobias A. Schmid, Angelo Forli, Madeleine Snyder & Michael M. Yartsev







Here we used wireless calcium imaging to longitudinally monitor the activity of dorsal CA1 hippocampal neurons in freely flying bats performing highly reproducible flights in a familiar environment. We find that both the participation and the spatial selectivity of most neurons remain stable over days and weeks. We also find that apparent changes in tuning can be largely attributed to variations in the flight behaviour of the bats. Finally, we show that bats navigating in the same environment under different room lighting conditions (lights on versus lights off) exhibit substantial changes in flight behaviour that can give the illusion of neuronal instability. However, when similar flight paths are compared across conditions, the stability of the hippocampal code persists. Taken together, we show that the underlying hippocampal code is highly stable over days and across contexts if behaviour is taken into account.

神经科学 Neurosciences

Entropy of city street networks linked to future spatial navigation ability


作者:A. Coutrot, E. Manley, S. Goodroe, C. Gahnstrom, G. Filomena, D. Yesiltepe, R. C. Dalton, J. M. Wiener, C. Hlscher, M. Hornberger & H. J. Spiers



在此,我们使用一个嵌入在电子 游戏 中的认知任务来测量来自世界38个国家的397162人的非语言空间导航能力。总的来说,我们发现在非城市地区长大的人更擅长导航。更具体地说,人们更善于在与他们成长的地方拓扑相似的环境中导航。

生长在较低的城市街道网络熵(如芝加哥)的人在布局规则的电子 游戏 中有较好表现,而成长在城市以外地区或更高的街道网络熵(如布拉格)的人在熵值较高的视频 游戏 上表现更好。



Here we used a cognitive task embedded in a video game to measure non-verbal spatial navigation ability in 397,162 people from 38 countries across the world. Overall, we found that people who grew up outside cities were better at navigation. More specifically, people were better at navigating in environments that were topologically similar to where they grew up. Growing up in cities with a low street network entropy (for example, Chicago) led to better results at video game levels with a regular layout, whereas growing up outside cities or in cities with a higher street network entropy (for example, Prague) led to better results at more entropic video game levels. This provides evidence of the effect of the environment on human cognition on a global scale, and highlights the importance of urban design in human cognition and brain function

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125 评论



所谓的两性异体(sexual dimorphism),是指同种生物的两性个体在表型性状(phenotypic,生物的物理外观或成分)方面存在的差异。两性异体的最明显特征表现为两性的生殖器差异。当然,这种异体也会表现为其他方面的差异,比如,很多动物的雄性个体比它们雌性配偶的外表更鲜艳。此外,两性异体还会表现在一些更深层更微妙的地方,比如人类的大脑机制。

研究表明,成年男性的大脑比成年女性的大脑体积大14%左右,并且所含的灰白质(white-to-gray matter,存在于人脑与脊髓中,使中枢神经系统的重要成分,分为灰质和白质)比率更高。还有研究显示,男女个体大脑中海马体(hippocampus,大脑中主要负责学习和记忆的区域,与记忆、压力调节和空间导航密切相关)也存在差异,进而影响了男女不同的骨骼结构以及神经细胞(神经元)之间持续增强结构连接(突触)的能力。

美国罗莎琳德富兰克林医科大学(the Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science)的研究人员分析了76篇利用核磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI,一种无创的检测方式,可以在不伤害人体复杂结构的情况下研究人体构造)技术研究男女海马体不同的论文,并对比了这些论文的结论。结果发现,这些论文涉及到6000多名不同年龄阶段的男性和女性的海马体体积(hippocampal volume,HCV),经过比较,这些海马体在体积上的并没有显著差异。


罗莎琳德富兰克林医科大学的神经科学家Lise Elio说:“对于研究人员来说,男性和女性的大脑差异是解释男性和女性差异的重要依据。但基于少量的数据样本,往往会使研究倾向于发现男性和女性之间存在较大差异;只有当研究人员收集到的多样化数据足够多时,研究结果才会显示男性和女性大脑之间的差异其实是微不足道的。”


[1]Dean Burnett. Male and female brains: the REAL differences.

[2] I. P. F. Owens, I. R. Hartley. Sexual dimorphism in birds: why are there so many different forms of dimorphism.

[3]R. Douglas Fields. White Matter Matter.

[4] Xu Liu, Steve Ramirez,Petti T. Pang, Corey B. Puryear, Arvind Govindarajan, Karl Deisseroth & Susumu Tonegawa.

(科学之家,译审/编辑:Y Shen)

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