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看看这个,课程设计-自动排课系统以Visual Basic开发。本文建立了自动排课系统的数学模型,并利用遗传算法对问题进行求解。在演化过程中采用一种新的遗传策略,加速了群体的收敛速度。
面举个详细的例子给你吧! 真看不懂的话XXXXXXXXXX学院20XX届本科生毕业设计(论文)任务书 (此两行黑体一号字 居中)题 目: 中小学学生排课管理子系统 专业学院: 计算机科学技术学院 专 业: 计算机应用技术 学生姓名: XXX 指导教师: XXX 一、 主要研究内容:排课系统正是为了减轻教务人员的工作量,实现教务工作自动化,解决排课这一老大难问题的教务办公软件。对掌握基础最为之重要的中小学学生排课一直都没有很好的解决方法,但是此问题又是每个学校在每个学期都会碰到的必要行政作业。本文在相关理论的指导下,在分析以往一些排课软件的基础上,提出一个简单,实用的中小学排课系统的设计方法,并对一些具体的问题给出相应解决方案。二、 主要任务及目标:以为中小学学生服务为基础,为解决老师繁杂的排课任务为目的,最大限度地免去工作人员繁忙而枯燥的手工排课过程。我的任务是做出一个适用于中小学学生的排课系统.指导教师签字: 年 月 日工作小组组长签字: 年 月 日
随着计算机的发展和教育改革的不断深入,计算机网络技术的不断成熟,综合教学网络已广泛应用于学校教学、管理的各个领域,特别是微机排课系统的应用。它代表着学校教学管理的水平,是现代化管理的手段。多年来人们为实现课表编排的智能排课进行了大量的探索。从50年代末开始,就有人着手研究用计算机来解决课表问题。此后,人们对课表问题的数学模型、课表问题的解及解的存在性等问题进行了深入的探讨,但一直未能得到满意的结果。直到1975年课表问题被证明是NP-完全类以后,人们才将注意力更多地转向课表编排实用算法的探索与研究。目前大多数微机排课系统是采用各教学单位进行教学任务的指派,然后将教学任务单提交教务科,教务人员将数据输入微机,进行排课、打印课程表等工作。这种微机排课系统只是在一定程度上减轻了教务人员排课的负担。如何更有效地利用人力、物力资源,充分发挥微机的辅助作用,减轻教务人员的工作强度,在对需求进行详细的分析后,本文提出了基于教学大纲的微机排课设计思想,并对其算法进行了描述,共同行参考。论文首先介绍了智能排课系统的研究背景和意义、国内外发展状况及其相关技术。接着仔细探讨了智能排课系统的工作流体系结构、工作流子系统的设计与实现;结合我校教务管理事务的实际状况,分析事务工作流程,研究并给出了其工作流模型。然后,介绍了基于回溯法的智能排课系统研究的内涵及特征,研究了回溯法在系统中的作用;结合教务排课管理事务的实际处理情况,通过对各种类型的课程及排课条件的适当处理,提出了一种大学课程表的排法方案,尽量降低排课的复杂度;并突出了教室资源的限制,给出了一个基本通用的模型;提出用优化的回溯算法求解模型并辅助以松弛法。最后实现基于回溯法的智能排课系统的开发。介绍了开发背景和设计原则,然后从总体框架出发,分析了系统的具体目标,在此基础上给出了实施方案。针对教学管理子系统,分析了其基本的数据结构和处理流程,给出了实现程序。最后运行系统并分析显示了运行结果。ABSTRACTWith the development of computer education and in-depth, computer network technology continuously mature, integrated network has been widely used for teaching in schools teaching, management in all areas, particularly computer comes system applications. It represents a school management level, a modern management tool. Over the years it has organized for school timetable wisdom come considerable exploration. From the end of the 1950s, it was to undertake a study on the use of computers to solve school timetable. Since then, the people on school timetable mathematical model, the school timetable and existence of such issues in-depth discussions, but had been unable to obtain satisfactory results. Until 1975, school timetable NP- issues proved to be totally beyond category, people will focus more practical to school timetable scheduling algorithm exploration and current computer system is feeling the teaching units using teaching tasks assigned, and then only to the academic teaching mission Sectional, the academic staff will be data into the computer, a beer, prints curriculum work. This computer system comes only to a certain extent reduce the academic staff feeling the burden. How to make more effective use of manpower, material resources and give full play to computer complement, reduce academic staff strength in the demand for detailed analysis, this made the computer-based curriculum design and feeling, and a description of their algorithm, the common wisdom comes first introduced the background and significance of the research system, and development and related technologies. Then carefully explored wisdom comes to the work flow system architecture, design and realization of workflow subsystem; I school with the actual situation of Academic Management Services, workflow analysis services, research and given its workflow , based on retrospective law introduced systematic study of the wisdom of the content and features of beer, a retrospective study of the role of law in the system; Academic Management Services in conjunction with the actual disposition comes through on all types of courses and conditions appropriate treatment comes, proposed a program of the University curriculum emission law, minimizing the complexity comes; and highlighted classroom resource constraints, given a basic generic models; by optimizing the back with fellow models and algorithms to complement discipline based on retrospective law wisdom comes system development. Introduced the background and the development of design principles, and then starting from the overall framework, the specific objectives of the analysis of the system and on the basis of maintaining the implementation program. Teach management subsystems, and an analysis of its basic structure and data processing procedures, given the realization process. Operating systems and the final analysis demonstrated operational results.
当工作进行到一定阶段或告一段落时,需要我们来对前段时期所做的工作认真地分析研究一下,肯定成绩,找出问题,归纳出 经验 教训,以便于更好的做好下一步工作。下面
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