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Needs analysis System Target Library management information system is a typical management information system (MIS), including the development of the main background of the establishment and maintenance of database and application development front-end aspects. The former requirement for data consistency and integrity to build strong. Good library of data security. For applications which require full-featured and easy to use and so on. System development to achieve the overall task is to systematize all kinds of information, standardization and automation. Requirements definition As a student of library management system requirements are: 1. According to a variety of ways (such as title, number, author) for the situation of the library collection. 2. The ability to easily borrow books, renew books, the return of books. 3. Be able to query their own data, the situation to borrow books. 4. To familiarize themselves with the use of library management system. As librarians, their library management system requirements are: 1. To facilitate the entry of the registration books, write-off old books. 2. To facilitate the registration of new students, or students who have graduated write-off information (basic information, loan information). 3. Can be released at any time such as the extended college students to borrow books, the Museum's collection, the use of information, etc., so that college students can be kept informed of some of our library information. Function Description System analysis is the overall development of the system based on the completion of tasks. The system needs to be done mainly in the function of Part 5: A basic book of the entry, modify, delete and other basic operations. 1. Standard categories of books, types of information input, including the type of number, category name, keyword, Remarks information. 2. Type of information query book, modify, including the type of number, category name, keyword, Remarks information. 3. Importation of books information, including the book number, book title, book type, author name, publishing the name, date of publication, book pages, keyword, date of registration, information, etc. Note. B for a library card module. 1. New Life for a library card. 2. For the loss of library card. C library functions to achieve. 1. Enter the library information, including library information number, study number, the reader name, book number, book name, date library, information, etc. Note. 2. Library information inquiries, changes of information, including library code, the reader ID, the reader name, book number, book name, date library, information, etc. Note. D realization of the book also features. 1. Enter the book information, including information code book, the reader ID, the reader name, book number, book name, date library, Date Book, Note information. 2. Book of the query and modify information, including information on book number, study number, the reader name, book number, book name, date library, Date Book, Note information. E can make it easier to carry out inquiries on the books. The case of extended automatically given message. Performance requirements The accuracy, reliability, efficiency, integrity, easy to use, maintainability, test line, reusability, security, confidentiality, understandable, and portability, connectivity. Operational flow chart (as follows:) Database design 1. Database Needs Analysis A concrete manifestation of the needs of users in a variety of information, storage, update and query, which requires the database structure to fully meet a variety of output and input information. Basic data collection, data structure to deal with the process, the composition of a detailed data dictionary for the specific design of the back to lay the groundwork. Books for the general demand for management information systems, library management through the contents of the working process and data flow analysis, design as shown in the following data items and data structures: ● the type of information the reader, Attributes: the type of number, type the name of the number of library, library period, the expiry date Remarks. Primary key: the type of number ● reader information Attributes: ID readers, and readers the names of the types of readers, readers of gender, work unit, home address, telephone number, e-mail address, date processing, Remarks. Primary key: the reader code ● books categories information Attributes: type of number, category name, keyword, Remarks information. Primary Key: Type Number ● book information, Attributes: number of books, book title, book type, author name, publishing the name, date of publication, book pages, keyword, date of registration, Remarks information. Primary key: number of books ● loan information, Attribute: Lending information ID, the reader ID, the reader name, book number, book name, date library, Date Book, Note information. Primary Key: Loan Information Number First, the system through the investigation and feasibility analysis, data flow diagram to draw the system: Basic information input basic information input D1 D2 Basic information input basic information input D3 D4 D5 Lending Information Entry Information the reader to return information back to books Data Dictionary (Data Dictionary). 1, data flow, for example the DD table is as follows: Data Flow System name: library management code: Entry Name: readers alias information: Source: reader registration place: D3 Data flow structure: Reader registration number + = (readers readers readers name + gender + work + ... ...) A brief description: Amend the record: the preparation of the date of Audit Date 2, data elements, for example the DD table is as follows: Data elements System name: library management code Entry name: reader ID alias Data streams are: Registration of Storage readers Office: D3 readers information table Data element value: Code type: Character Width: 10 The scope and meaning of values: A brief description: Every reader has a unique ID Amend the record: the preparation of the date of Audit Date 3, data storage, for example the DD table is as follows: Data Storage System name: library management code: D4 Entry Name: Books table alias: Storage organizations: the number of records: about 3000 the main keyword: number of books The amount of data: about 500KB Des keywords: Main Index by Number Record consists of: Field Name: ID books books books the author name ... ... Keywords ... Width: 8 ... 14 32 ... 10 ... A brief description: Amend the record: the preparation of: Date: Audit: Date: 4, data processing, for example the DD table is as follows: Data processing System name: library management code: Entry Name: Loan information alias entry: Input: loan number, the reader ID ... Output: borrow the basic attributes of information table Processing logic: dabase loan information is stored in a database table borrowinfo A brief description: enter a reader's borrowing record books Amend the record: the preparation of: Date: Audit: Date: 2. The concept of the structural design of the database This procedure, including the entities are as follows: Type of information entities readers, and readers of information entities, information entities, categories of books, books of information entities, information entities borrow. The relationship between entities E-R diagram 3. Logical structure of the database design ⑴ basic information table books Book: Field Name Data Type Field Description ISBN bookid save text Save the text of the title bookname booktype text book type of preservation Save the text save bookauthor author of the book Save the text of the book bookpub Press bookpubdate date / time to preserve the book's publication date Digital Preservation bookpages book pages text keyword bookkeyword bookindate date / time storage time whether the loan putup text Remarks Remarks bookmemo ⑵ library card information form (the reader information table) reader: Field Name Data Type Field Description Save the text readers readerno No. readername text) to preserve the names of the readers readersex text) to preserve the reader sex Save the text readers readertype categories Save the text readers readerdep department address preservation of the text addresses the reader Phone text readers readertel Save email text to preserve the reader's e-mail address checkdate Date / Time Loan Date Remarks Remarks readermemo ⑶ Lending Information Table borrowinfo: Field Name Data Type Field Description Loan No. borrowno save text text reader readerid Save ID Save the text readername borrow names borrowdate Date / Time Save Loan Date returndate date / time to preserve the date book memo Remarks Remarks Category ⑷ table books booktype: Field Name Data Type Field Description Save the text books booktypeno words Type the name of the text preserved typename texdisk should be used RAID (RAID 01) 4. In order to preveaddress. Second, the server should be equipped with software a) Operating System: Microsoft Windows 2000 server or Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced server b) Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (Simplified Chinese) c) the server must use a specialized firewall and anti-virus software. d) In addition to running the procedure must be equipped with outside the recommendations of the server has nothing to do as much as possible not to install additional procedures, procedures to reduce the confusion or conflict in the accident process. e) each department as far as possible a unified operating system. (Windows 9x series, or Windows 2000 series). Management software to avoid them because of the inconsistent versions of the operating system overhead caused by too much. f) each department must also install the machine anti-virus software and firewalls. To prevent the worm on the network throughout the network within the scope of the spread. g) if you want to print more involved in field reports, should be

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您好,很高兴回答你的问题。你的范围有点逛,我帮你调查了下周围的朋友,找了一篇文献。如果你用的着就拿去吧。一共找了2篇名字是:《Use of IDEF modeling to develop an information management system for drug and alcohol outpatient treatment clinics》 《FDA Automated Drug Information Management System》还有这些文献都需要写reference~(参考)的意思,不然他们会不高兴的。呵呵..希望对你有帮助!Use of IDEF modeling to develop an information management system for drug and alcohol outpatient treatment clinicsHoffman, KennethProc. SPIE Vol. 2499, p. 96-105, Health Care Technology Policy II: The Role of Technology in the Cost of Health Care: Providing the Solutions, Warren S. Grundfest; information systems create a standardized clinical patient record in which there are discrete and concise observations of patient problems and their resolution. Clinical notes usually are narratives which don't support an aggregate and systematic outcome analysis. Many programs collect information on diagnosis and coded procedures but are not focused on patient problems. Integrated definition (IDEF) methodology has been accepted by the Department of Defense as part of the Corporate Information Management Initiative and serves as the foundation that establishes a need for automation. We used IDEF modeling to describe present and idealized patient care activities. A logical IDEF data model was created to support those activities. The modeling process allows for accurate cost estimates based upon performed activities, efficient collection of relevant information, and outputs which allow real- time assessments of process and outcomes. This model forms the foundation for a prototype automated clinical information system (ACIS). 《使用法语国家法律协会建模开发一个信息管理系统的药物和酒精的门诊治疗诊所》霍夫曼,肯尼思过程。 SPIE成交量。 2499年,第96-105 ,卫生保健技术政策二:技术作用的医疗保健费用:提供的解决方案,沃伦南Grundfest ;版。 几个信息系统建立一个标准化的临床病历,其中有离散和简洁的意见病人的问题及其解决办法。临床注意到通常说明不支持系统的信息汇总和分析结果。许多程序收集信息的诊断和编码的程序,但没有集中在病人的问题。综合定义(法语国家法律协会)的方法已接受了美国国防部的一部分,企业信息管理倡议并作为基础,建立了必要的自动化。我们使用了法语国家法律协会模型来描述当前和理想化病人护理活动。一个合乎逻辑的法语国家法律协会的数据模型的成立是为了支持这些活动。在建模过程中可以准确的成本估算为基础进行的活动,有效地收集有关资料,和产出,使实时评估的过程和成果。该模型的基础形式的原型自动临床信息系统( ACIS ) 。第二篇:FDA Automated Drug Information Management SystemThe Automated Drug Information Management System (ADIMS) is being developed as an integrated, fully electronic information management system for the receipt, validation, evaluation, and dissemination of drug safety and effectiveness data. As the core enterprise architecture for FDA's pre-market drug review process, all systems involved in that process will either be replaced or integrated into ADIMS. The system will be seamless, with single sign-on access to information and tools used in daily decision-making. The Document Archiving, Reporting, and Regulatory Tracking System (DARRTS) will be the backbone of the system. Over fifty current large and small systems will be integrated as ADIMS, including the Corporate Oracle Management Information System (COMIS), the Electronic Document Room (EDR), the Division File System (DFS), and systems within the FACTS@FDA program. As the volume of technologically advanced electronic information coming into FDA increases, the need for a robust information management system increases. In addition to facilitating drug review and approval, an integrated data management system to collect and evaluate electronic clinical data facilitates the identification of trends and other critical information (., potential product safety issues). Also, the validation and back-up capabilities of ADIMS will facilitate data verification and correction with increased efficiency. Currently all systems across FDA are being reviewed for potential migration to the MedWatch Plus, FASTAR, EDSR, Product Quality Program investment in FY10. Consolidating current stovepipe and stand-alone drug information systems into a cohesive, easily supportable platform will allow reviewers to be able to access information from one place and will improve accessibility and reduce redundancy. Reducing redundant manual data entry and consolidating access to data will improve data quality and improve performance objectives as well as save time and resources required to keep multiple systems updated. Thus, ADIMS directly supports the goal of e-Government by creating efficient electronic access to the most up-to-date and complete information within the Agency and the HHS strategic goal of Improve health care quality, safety, cost and value by allowing real-time transfer of information. This, plus the system's capabilities of accepting electronic submission, will improve the FDA's responsiveness to consumers, industry, and healthcare providers.《美国FDA药物自动化信息管理系统》自动药品信息管理系统( ADIMS )正在开发的一个综合的,全面的电子信息管理系统,负责接收,验证,评价和传播的药物安全性和有效性的数据。为核心的企业架构,美国FDA的上市前药品审查过程中,所有系统参与这一进程将被取代或整合到ADIMS 。该系统将无缝的,与单一登录获取信息和使用的工具在日常决策。该文件存档,报告和管理跟踪系统( DARRTS )将是该系统的骨干。 50多个大,小电流系统将被整合为ADIMS ,包括甲骨文公司管理信息系统( COMIS ) ,电子文档室(增强数据率) ,该司文件系统( DFS ) ,和系统内的输电@ FDA的计划。随着数量的技术先进的电子信息进入美国FDA的增加,需要有一个强有力的信息管理系统增加。除了促进药物审查和批准,以综合数据管理系统,以收集和评估电子临床数据有助于查明趋势和其他重要信息(即潜在的产品安全问题) 。此外,审定和后备能力ADIMS将有利于数据的验证和校正与提高效率。目前,所有系统在美国FDA目前正在审查潜在的移民到MedWatch另外, FASTAR , EDSR ,产品质量计划投资FY10 。巩固现有的烟囱和独立的药物信息系统纳入一个统一的,容易支持的平台将允许审评能够访问信息从一个地方,并会改善无障碍环境和减少冗余。减少多余的人工数据输入和巩固获得的数据将提高数据质量和提高绩效目标以及节省时间和资源必须保持多个系统更新。因此, ADIMS直接支持的目标,电子政务,建立高效的电子进入最最新的和完整的信息的机构和卫生与公众服务部的战略目标改善保健服务质量,安全,成本和价值,允许实时时间传递信息。这一点,再加上系统的能力,接受以电子方式提交,将改善美国的反应对消费者,工业和医疗保健机构。

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