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Abstract Objective: English is an important part of academic papers, but also one of the universities graduation thesis evaluation content. In the past thirty years, domestic and foreign scholars have conducted the research on the abstract from different angles, but on the whole are scattered, the lack of systematic research, especially not found on the translation of sports English Abstract dissertations. Based on our English Abstract Department of physical education of our college master's thesis random survey, the quality is the English Abstract : 1 using the method of literature, summary and analysis of existing domestic and international academic paper abstract the research status and problems in translation, combing the relevant research results English Abstract translation. 2 random survey method, randomly selected from our hospital PE master thesis English 50 abstracts, the English abstract quality analysis in writing standard, structure and characteristics of the three elements of professional sports, and to classify the problems in translation. Then, "the standard based on" (the international standard ISO214-1967 (E), the national standard GB6447-86), comparative analysis of sports professional master degree thesis English abstract, for non English Majors in the translation of "qualified" English provided valuable : in our hospital English sports professional master degree thesis translation problems, based on the international standard and national standard "rules" of the analysis, summarized the basic specification, English abstract structure in the four elements of the templates and the English sports academic thesis translation : (1) the cause of the unqualified English specification, is writing on English Abstract insufficient attention, don't even know the basic norms of the two "GB". Common problems are mainly directly by Chinese abstract into English abstract, Machine Translation, incomplete elements, and the content is not consistent, the size of English keywords abstract grammar, writing error is not accurate, punctuation is not properly used, the length is too short and long period of writing.(2) based on the previous research, English English abstract abstract translation theories, found English abstract model with obvious features, such as elements and the conventional structured abstract, abstract format, which can be summarized as template or module, it can be more practical for the non English Majors English translation.(3) the process and mode of English abstract translation is one of the reasons causing the English unqualified specifications. It should guide the students to summarize, summed up in English academic discourse of the stylized language of expression in English Teaching in our college.(4) to improve the quality of physical English the master degree in the translation of our hospital, but also pay attention to the characteristics of professional sports, including terminology, habits, culture, characteristics of the project etc.望采纳~~~~~~

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