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213 评论


Based on this account, feminism British charlotte Bronte's Jane eyre by identity, from the writer, the heroine of the words in the text, on the basis of the description of trying to prove is certain, and embodies the rebellious in Victorian some ideas in revolt, reflected in balance, the balance of rebellion, namely again revealed work itself article, from the four aspects: Jane eyre by the objectivity of narration. First is the first person narration in historical context, this has certain estabished and author adopts anonymous way to hide in the neutral kohler bell such symbols, avoid face behind the evaluation, and the "reader" narrative calm objective analysis of the language and also helps to hide the female , to rebel against the epistolary novel with regression. In the historical condition at that time, women writer published works, if want to get the right to social authority and established tradition compromise. When the dominant female writing text, with the epistolary an individual who tells the story of the way maximum weakened "freedom" shake the patriarchal society of energy, Jane eyre by using this kind of style, but no text in the "reader" and the call is very similar to the epistolary novel. In this way the managed to established social authority of compromise and , to a governess types of narrative beyond and balance. The female teacher managed before the family story in view of the narrator were the characters in the novel and the distance of moral character, the narrator by the muzzle admonished, Jane eyre by while the narrator in moral character and no difference. People in some cases of words, but the more radical from the whole novel, also there is silence and gradually, both the calm of the Victorian some , the serious novels and achieve a balance between the popular novels. As a wto is not deep but thought rich women, have individual need expression rebelliousness and instinctive desires, But time limitations and individuals in the era under the influence of the ideological state and can choose economic status, forcing her consciously or unconsciously reflect a certain historical environment and the coordination and balance.

299 评论


Of twists and turns in the journey of life, who give you the most sincere and warm care, greetings to you who is, always give your selfless dedication; who worked tirelessly to teach the truth with your interaction with others; who is for you trivia worry? Yes! Great maternal love. Maternal love is selfless and unceasing. A mother is not no love for their children. Anyway, after all, are the maternal life the most sincere and most difficult to let go of the feelings. Hemerocallis Sheng Tang stage, wandering the line End of the World; mother by a break and not see day lily flowers. Mother hands line, wandering clothing. Departure sew, For fear. Who is the inch of grass, reported in the apartments. These are poems of Meng Jiao, sons and daughters expressed gratitude to the mother, praised the world's greatest mother love, motherly love, what a divine, what a great word, the word includes all the love, it is love byword Maternal, influence everything. When you have to withstand the pressures brought about by the outside world, the mother from the top of your piece of the sky, to resist all the wind and rain; when your heart is no comfort, she enlighten you, educate you, teach you "step backward" in philosophy; When you encounter difficulties and setbacks or in a bad mood while she blew her top when she was still strong enough to endure in silence, but to enlighten; when you're learning because of fatigue, upset, she would send a cup of hot tea, not to be in any language, all feelings were translated into tears fall on your palm, nothing at all, maternal love, but simply want us to feel the warmth and love it. Mother's love is not deep, it in life. She is my favorite person in the world, but also my most trusted friends. Maternal love, sincere and selfless. When you are in danger, she was desperate to help you, even if the loss of life would complain; when you feel the pain of despair, she is more painful than you sad, but it must be strong to comfort you, make you feel at ease; when please you pleasure, she will accompany you to share his joy, but it will not occupy more than a little, let your heart be empty nothing. Friends may be enemies, but the mother does not. Even how much you hurt her heart, she still loves you, as always, but my mother does not need to return, I know, my mother's love, with my life is not yet clear. This love is too strong. Maternal love, asking nothing in return. When your birthday, she seemed much excited, nervous, make arrangements for you all, down from year to year, always remember than you know. And when I arrived at her birthday, but never saw her too much make arrangements, but still maintain the look of the TV drama smile, silently accept you forget her birthday and her indifference, grew up, I know my mother As long as I have been good, the other to pay more, are only secondary. I also learned not to let my mother sad, not let her down. Maternal love, never stops. At home, her love surrounded me like a lot of ideas; accompany the mother of truth and warmth of my time infection, maternal love is really very great, even if you every day with her and always felt her love. Sometimes rebellious, tired just want to express his love to her but no performance, so another way to let her attention. Mother's Love does not need arrangements, as long as the hard feelings, she is in you by my side. Of course, the occasion of the maternal ho knows no boundaries, but also the savior of women themselves. As long as she thought of the children, do children think of an example, think of the children must not live their lives so that she will defeat themselves from the power of rising from the good from the true from the United States. Mother love is permanent, and maternal love is great, and it is selfless, it is immersed in all things, filling in between heaven and earth. No matter where you are, can feel the warmth of her, no matter what your insurance throughout the body, can feel her heartbeat, you're happy, her happiness. You sad, she cried. Only her, never need to treasure, but never forget that this is love. Here, I want to say: Mom, I want you, I love you! When the call is connected the moment, I cried. . . This time of year I gave my mother a bath and enjoy themselves to the heart to the joy of my mother! Mom, I want to do for you?

114 评论



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210 评论


JANE EYRE > is the 19th century British Writer Criticizing realism Scialotti Bronte representative of the. It has succeeded in shaping the shape of the British literature in the first to love, life, social and religious have taken an independent and active attitude and dare to fight and daring to fight for free and equal status of women. This major conform to simplicity love character and dignity of the value = love for analysis.

231 评论


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