The portrayal of women’s images in magazine advertisements: Goffman’s gender analysis revisited期刊 Sex Roles出版社 Springer NetherlandsISSN 0360-0025 (Print) 1573-2762 (Online)期 Volume 37, Numbers 11-12 / 1997年12月DOI 页 979-996学科分类 行为科学SpringerLink Date 2008年10月9日Mee-Eun Kang1(1) University of Michigan, Department of Communication, 2020 Frieze Building, University of Michigan, 48105 Ann Arbor, MIAbstract The research objective of this paper was to study the specific behaviors mentioned above and determine what gender behavior patterns have been most prevalent in magazine advertisements in 1979 and 1991. In this research, comparisons were made regarding gender displays between the years of 1979 and 1991 with random samples of print advertisements. The basic and essential starting question of this research project is: What messages about women have been given to society through magazine advertisements? This study was intended to be a conceptual replication of Erving Gofian’s study of Gender Advertisements to see how gender images in print advertisements have changed since Goffman’s study. For this research, advertisements were analyzed the gender behavior portrayed, utilizing Goffman’s categories of decoding behavior: relative size, feminine touch, function ranking, ritualization of subordination, and licensed withdrawal. Body display and IndependencelSelf-assertiveness categories were added. Advertisements that featured human subjects were collected from 1979 and 1991 women’s popular magazines. The random sampling procedure resulted in 252 samples in 1979 magazine advertisements and 252 samples in 1991 counterparts. This research showed that few changes have been made in the images of women in magazine advertisements since Goffman’s 1979 study. The findings indicate that the images of women in 1991 advertisements did not significantly change from the images found in 1979 advertisements. However; distribution or dispersion of stereotypical portrayal of women did change. In the categories of licensed withdrawal and body display, the magazine advertisements from 1991 showed more stereotyping of women than those from 1979. Two of Goffman’s categories-Relative Size and Function Ranking-were not prevalent depictions in magazine 's Magazine Fiction: A Content Analysis of the Roles, Attributes, and Occupations of Main Characters期刊 Sex Roles出版社 Springer NetherlandsISSN 0360-0025 (Print) 1573-2762 (Online)期 Volume 37, Numbers 7-8 / 1997年10月DOI 页 581-593学科分类 行为科学SpringerLink Date 2004年11月3日UniSA FindIt添加入标记条目中添加入收藏条目中Permissions & Reprints推荐此文章PDF ( KB)Women's Magazine Fiction: A Content Analysis of the Roles, Attributes, and Occupations of Main CharactersKate Peirce1(1) Department of Mass Communication, Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, TX, 78666Abstract A content analysis of the fiction stories in seven national women's magazines revealed that the primary problem for most of the main characters is romantic. Most of the characters are atractive, single, white Americans younger than 45. They live in the city, have zero to two children, are middle class, and college educated, and they have careers or jobs. Less than half of them are able to solve their own problems, and occupations are assigned sterotypically by gender. The conclusion drawn is that the fiction in these magazines is, in many ways, as traditional as has been found in the past.还有些别的给我邮箱吧 我发给你
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