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节能机制无线传感器网络Bonuccelli毛主管:论文commettee:保罗·Ferraggina,皮耶罗Maestrini外部裁判Basagni,摩尼Srivastava:斯蒂法诺国家commettee:Bugliesi,Panzieri,Meo2005年12月27日起,文摘本文解决这个问题降低能耗的无线传感器网络。我们提出一套技术和进口策略研究领域,可以应用于设计节能协议传感器网络。他们包括时间序列预测,quorums系统的传感器性能和相互作用的协议设计的。我们运用这些技术能有效时间同步问题,从传感器网络数据收集,并确保较强的数据一致性保证在移动网络。我们表现出[1、2、3、4]时间序列预测技术,特别是AR模型,可适用于传感器网络,以节省能源。我们学习一个简单的类型的时间序列模型的构建与短预测的窗口。我们已经选择了这个模式,它很能干预测的数据得到了真实世界的传感器测量的物理现象,它非常容易加工的在modern-generation传感器网络。我们运用这些模式,解决两个有关问题进行传感器网络:问题能有效地收集传感器的数据在水槽,和时间同步的问题。提出了一种节能框架,叫爱相似-通过适应性强的查询框架[1,2]),为近似查询及检测孤立点价值在传感器网络。这个想法是基于“增大化现实”技术结合当地建立在每个节点模型成为一个全球性的模型存储的根源,网络(库),用来大约回答用户的查询。我们的方法使用显著比以前更少的传输采用基于“增大化现实”技术近似方法模型和组织网络集群基于数据之间的相似节点。数据定义基于相似系数模型的地方基于“增大化现实”技术,在水槽储存在技术,降低了能耗直接比较数据值,让我们可以得到有效的聚类算法大概是最佳的,总分组数所形成的网络。我们的集群建设有几个有趣的特点,使适宜也针对移动网络:首先,他们可以捕捉相似性地理相邻节点;二、聚类成员,不需要额外消耗适应节点;三、集群内不需要跟踪加入其他节点在产业集群。此外,大概正确的误差界爱提供并允许用户动态调整回答质量解答疑问在能源和资源有效地进行。此外,我们运用AR模型来解决时间同步问题的一种新的视角生物系的互补时钟同步问题[3,4]。更确切地说,我们分析的案例传感节点决定跳过一个或多个时钟调整,达到节能效果,或是暂时孤立的,但仍需要一个精确计算时间。提出了一种基于大概正确的时钟返回一个模型,是基于“增大化现实”技术一时间估计在一个常数(可调误差概率约束和问题。该方法是高度适应性强,并允许传感器来决定有多少时钟调整它可以跳过同时保持精度,从而节约能源。此外,我们提出一套确定方法,降低了时间估计误差由至少一个因素2。更确切地说,我们提出大概正确的确定性时钟读数方法,叫做DCR方法,利用相关信息时钟偏差的标志,可应用于减少一半时钟周期的频率调整,同时还保持了同样的错误一定[3,4]。该方法的实践和理论两个方面的兴趣。事实上,它导致了一个明显的节能,并详细地说明了较强的现实时钟模型可以导致精化的最优开往最大偏差时钟的定时同步。此外,我们还提出了一种广义版本的DCR方法,以提高其精度取决于稳定的时钟,一个方法的单调性,保证了生产的时间值。第一次我们分析系统技术背景法定传感器网络:我们改造,并向自己的利益能耗方面[6]。法定人数系统有潜力在节约能源方面传感器网络,因为他们可以减少的数量明显的沟通,提高传感器节点之间的负载平衡,提高系统的可扩充性。然而,以前的法定人数系统和法定人数的度量标准,有线网络提出了,不适合传感器网络,因为他们并没有解决它们的性能特点和局限性。这些观察推动了我们重新设计的法定人数系统及相应的度量标准,考虑到限制和特点的感测器(例如,传输成本,有限的能量源、物理的无线电广播),网络拓扑结构。更确切地说,我们重新定义下列法定度量标准:负载均衡、访问成本和法定人数能力,并设计策略的一些特点的基础上,对传感器网络的沟通量减少的人数系统设计时传感器网络。我们运用这些策略设计一个家庭的人数系统节能高弹性。特别是,我们提出一种法定人数减少建设成本,提出了一个访问数据扩散协议建立在节能上面减少能源消费的传输,缩短了碰撞产生的。此外,我们分析的情况下的人数系统高节点移动性。更确切地说,我们学习困难的问题保证在两个quorums十字路口时不断移动路径沿着未知节点[7]。我们解决这个问题,并定义了一小说,提供流动性模型最低约束集推导出足够强劲的经济数据保证在高机动性的网络。在这种情况下,我们会告诉名校以前的法定人数系统,并提供一个条件是必要的,以保证数据的可用性和原子一致性在高节点移动性。我们还提出了一种新的班法定人数的系统,被叫做移动传播(苦咸水淡化,适合于高度quorums移动网络,提出了一种最优建设法定人数方面,大小(例如,通信传输)[7]。然后,我们运用总经理法定人数体系,实行大概正确的原子读/写共享内存移动、稀疏的网络。书目[1],国立台湾Tulone·d·马登上尉。PAQ:时间序列预测为近似查询回答在传感器网络。在第三Proc.欧洲研讨会,第1 - 11页。无线传感器网络21-37 2006年2月。[2],国立台湾Tulone·d·马登上尉。查询框架了节能检测传感器网络中节点相似之处。提交会议。[3]·d·Tulone。全球的可行性评价隔离条件下的无线传感器网络。出现在Algorithmica。[4]·d·Tulone。节约型时间估计的无线传感器网络。在Proc.的第四届车间的原则下,第1 - 11页。52-59移动计算,2004年10月。Tulone >[5]。如何能有效率及准确地得到参考时间之间的过程吗?国际。Symp.分布式计算,10月2003年。简短的声明。25-32页。[6]D。Demaine Tulone > >。重新设计的法定人数系统的无线传感器网络。提交会议。Tulone >[7]。是否有可能确保强劲的经济数据保证在高机动性的网有关吗?提交会议。

154 评论


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252 评论


英文资料是帮你找到了。但是你自己再找人翻译吧。这个太专业了,我不会翻译啊……Determination of the difference in electrostatic potential between two points. The unit of voltage in the International System of Units (SI) is the volt, defined as the potential difference between two points of a conducting wire carrying a constant current of 1 ampere when the power dissipated between these two points is equal to 1 voltage measurementThe chief types of instruments for measuring direct-current (constant) voltage are potentiometers, resistive voltage dividers, pointer instruments, and electronic most fundamental dc voltage measurements from 0 to a little over 10 V can now be made by direct comparison against Josephson systems. At a slightly lower accuracy level and in the range 0 to 2 V, precision potentiometers are used in conjunction with very low-noise electronic amplifiers or photocoupled galvanometer detectors. Potentiometers are capable of self-calibration, since only linearity is important, and can give accurate measurements down to a few nanovolts. When electronic amplifiers are used, it may often be more convenient to measure small residual unbalance voltages, rather than to seek an exact balance. See also Amplifier; Galvanometer; Josephson measurements of voltages above 2 V are made by using resistive dividers. These are tapped chains of wire-wound resistors, often immersed in oil, which can be self-calibrated for linearity by using a buildup method. Instruments for use up to 1 kV, with tappings typically in a binary or binary-coded decimal series from 1 V, are known as volt ratio boxes, and normally provide uncertainties down to a few parts per million. Another configuration allows the equalization of a string of resistors, all operating at their appropriate power level, by means of an internal bridge. The use of series-parallel arrangements can provide certain easily adjusted voltages can be measured by extending such chains, but as the voltage increases above about 15 kV, increasing attention must be paid to avoid any sharp edges or corners, which could give rise to corona discharges or breakdown. High-voltage dividers for use up to 100 kV with an uncertainty of about 1 in 105, and to 1 MV with an uncertainty of about 1 in 104, have been made. See also Corona discharge; Electrical most of the twentieth century the principal dc indicating voltmeters have been moving-coil milliammeters, usually giving full-scale deflection with a current between 20 microamperes and 1 milliampere and provided with a suitable series resistor. Many of these will certainly continue to be used for many years, giving an uncertainty of about 1% of full-scale digital voltmeter has become the principal means used for voltage measurement at all levels of accuracy, even beyond one part in 107, and at all voltages up to 1 kV. Essentially, digital voltmeters consist of a power supply, which may be fed by either mains or batteries; a voltage reference, usually provided by a Zener diode; an analog-to-digital converter; and a digital display system. This design provides measurement over a basic range from zero to a few volts, or up to 20 V. Additional lower ranges may be provided by amplifiers, and higher ranges by resistive attenuators. The accuracy on the basic range is limited to that of the analog-to-digital converter. See also Analog-to-digital converter; Electronic power modern digital voltmeters use an analog-to-digital converter based on a version of the charge balance principle. In such converters the charge accumulated from the input signal during a fixed time by an integrator is balanced by a reference current of opposite polarity. This current is applied for the time necessary to reach charge balance, which is proportional to the input signal. The time is measured by counting clock pulses, suitably scaled and displayed. Microprocessors are used extensively in these instruments. See also voltage measurementsSince the working standards of voltage are of the direct-current type, all ac measurements have to be referred to dc through transfer devices or conversion systems. A variety of techniques can be used to convert an ac signal into a dc equivalent automatically. All multimeters and most ac meters make use of ac-dc conversion to provide ac ranges. These are usually based on electronic circuits. Rectifiers provide the most simple example. See also a commonly used system, the signal to be measured is applied, through a relay contact, to a thermal converter. In order to improve sensitivity, a modified single-junction thermal converter may be used in which there are two or three elements in a single package, each with its own thermocouple. The output of the thermal converter is measured by a very sensitive, high-resolution analog-to-digital converter, and the digital value memorized. When a measurement is required, the relay is operated, and the thermal converter receives its input, through a different relay contact, from a dc power supply, the amplitude of which is controlled by a digital and analog feedback loop in order to bring the analog-to-digital converter output back to the memorized level. The dc signal is a converted value of the ac input and can be measured. Modern versions of this type of instrument make use of microprocessors to control the conversion process, enhance the speed of operation, and include corrections for some of the errors in the device and range-setting in the dc case, digital voltmeters are now probably the instruments in widest use for ac voltage measurement. The simplest use diode rectification of the ac to provide a dc signal, which is then amplified and displayed as in dc instruments. This provides a signal proportional to the rectified mean. For most purposes an arithmetic adjustment is made, and the root-mean-square value of a sinusoidal voltage that would give the same signal is displayed. Several application-specific analog integrated circuits have been developed for use in instruments that are required to respond to the root-mean-square value of the ac input. More refined circuits, based on the logarithmic properties of transistors or the Gilbert analog multiplier circuit, have been developed for use in precision instruments. The best design, in which changes in the gain of the conversion circuit are automatically compensated, achieves errors less than 10 ppm at low and audio digital voltmeters are also used, in which the applied voltage is switched for a time very short compared with the period of the signal into a sample-and-hold circuit, of which the essential element is a small capacitor. The voltage retained can then be digitized without any need for haste. At low frequencies this approach offers high accuracy and great versatility, since the voltages can be processed or analyzed as desired. At higher frequencies, for example, in the microwave region, it also makes possible the presentation and processing of fast voltage waveforms using conventional circuits. See also measurements at radio frequencies are made by the use of rectifier instruments at frequencies up to a few hundred megahertz, single-junction converters at frequencies up to 500 MHz, or matched bolometers or calorimeters. At these higher frequencies the use of a voltage at a point must be linked to information regarding the transmission system in which it is measured, and most instruments effectively measure the power in a matched transmission line, usually of 50 ohms characteristic impedance, and deduce the voltage from it. See also Bolometer; Microwave measurements; Transmission voltage measurements are made most simply by transferring the pulse waveform to an oscilloscope, the deflection sensitivity of which can be calibrated by using low-frequency sine waves or dc. Digital sampling techniques may also be used. See also Electrical measurements;

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