Why do I want to go to college? No one has ever asked me such a question. But many times I have asked myself. I have come up with a whole variety of reasons. The most important reason is that I want to be a better things make human beings different from or better than or even superior to of the most important things is education. If I fail to receive higher education, my education will not finish. As I want to be a fully developed man, I must get a well-rounded education, which good colleges and universities are supposed to provide. I know one can get educated in many ways, but colleges and universities are among the best places to teach me how to educate myself. Only when I am well-educated, will I be a better human being and be able to better fit into 智网为你解答,希望可以帮助到你!
Whatever going to the college is worth or not. Parents should respect children’s determine. Lingling wants to go to college and want to improve herself, Lingling's parents should support her. It’s my opinion. Leaving aside this matter. I have some views. Going to college sometimes is worth,sometime is not. Different people have different answer. If a men want go to college,he can use this time to enrich himself. Then he will have more chances in seeking jobs. Going to college can suck his parent's wallet dry,but he can make it worth. It's depend on he. If he try his best to study,it will pay back. Maybe college students can not find a good job when they graduate,but I believe they have a broad horizon. Once they find a job they will be promoted more quickly than the person who has not gone to university. If a man do not want to go to college,he just obey his parents' decision. It's just waste time and money. He should do what he want to do. He must learn how to decide his life. He should know what he want to and who he want to be. At that time,he will konw if he will go to college or not. College is Ivory Tower,people will be improved in it. We should Cherish the opportunity to attend school, work hard to learn for their future and lay a solid foundation. Do not waste time, otherwise not go to college would be a good idea, three hundred and sixty very best, choose a job, exercise our professional skills, we also can survive in society.
虽然从“算经济账”的角度看,上大学已经没有以前那么划算了,但是,仍然有不少大学生认为,上大学是非常有用的,因为他们看到了大学可以带来的各种无形的价值。比如,在大学里,你会认识来自五湖四海的同学及朋友,这将开阔你的眼界,为你积累起人脉财富。又比如,在大学里,你不仅会获得知识、加深修养、获得来自大学生身份的满足感,还有可能会收获爱情,并得到一生中美好的回忆。然而,即使按下这些无形价值不表,从长远来看,对于普通人来说,上大学在经济上依然是不会赔本的。一方面,和大学生相比,低学历者就业更难。我们应辩证地看待大学生就业难的问题。数百万大学生在短时间(即毕业的季节)内对劳动力市场的冲击很大,但到了年底时,大学生的就业率就已经比较高了。另外,也不是所有大学生都就业难,名牌学校的好专业的大学毕业生就业率要高得多。真正造成就业难的原因,主要是学校设置的某些专业和课程缺少特色,不符合市场需求,而学生自身的成绩也不够优秀。另一方面,高学历者收入水平要显著高于低学历者。这种现象在世界上绝大多数国家都存在。在美国,根据劳工统计署的资料,以2012年为例,所有文化程度的职业种类合并到一起统计,平均年薪是3万多美元。具体来说,高中文化程度以下员工的平均收入为2万美元,高中毕业的为万美元,而大学本科毕业生的为万美元,博士或专业技术人员的则更高,为万美元。在我国,诸多研究也表明,学历与收入之间有着明显的正比例关系。比如,有研究就曾表明,在我国城镇居民中的小学、初中、高中、大学不同学历劳动者的收入比为1:::,高学历者的收入明显高于低学历者。至于网上炒作的月收入动辄过万的快递员、搬运工等,只是个别现象,并不能代表整个群体的收入水平。这年头, 上大学还值不值得?当然,有人可能会置疑,统计中忽略了上大学所需要付出的时间和金钱成本,但即使考虑到这些,从长远看,读大学在经济收入上也还是值得的。比如,根据美国国家教育统计中心的统计,2011年四年制本科大学的学杂费平均为万美元,读完4年大学大概需要9万美元。而在这4年中,一个高中毕业生如果工作、按年薪万美元计算的话,可以挣得约14万美元的工资。这就是说,一个大学毕业生毕业拿到文凭时,会错过大约23万美元的收益。不过,大学本科生的工资几乎是高中生的一倍,因此,从长远来看的话,读大学在收入上还是值得的。而中国大学的学费远比美国低廉得多,
Went to university is worth or not? Went to university is worth or not?To this point,I want to say:It's worth. Absolutely worth,althought you look at many person go to university,when they out of their school,they look like not earn more just is a will say:you have had a good you can't because of when you got a high certificate,you haven't had a high 't think about too went to university only less will help you got some balance of knowledge. I think that you were go to a university,not just help you have had more salaries,it will help you got more knowledge.进入大学是值得或者不值得的? 进入大学是值得或不值得的?对于这个观点,我想要说:它是值得的。 绝对是值得的,尽管你看见许多人进入大学,当他们从大学的校门出去的时候,他们看上去没有挣更多的钱。但是,这只是一个开始。它将会说:你有一个好的平台。如果你不能够因为你的高学历而得到一个好的收入。不要担心地太多。但是,去大学至少将会帮助你得到更好的知识方面的平衡。 我想,你去就读于一所大学,不只是帮助你得到更多的收入,而是它会帮助你得到更多的知识。
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Why do I want to go to college? No one has ever asked me such a question. But ma