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首页 > 期刊论文 > 电路与系统学报是sci吗

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中文核心啦,既不是SCI 也不是EI天大主办的,对了谁知道《电力系统及其自动化学报》版面费多少钱?

328 评论


SCI EI都不收录

233 评论



151 评论


IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Automatica Systems & Control Letters International Journal of Control IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control IET Control Theory and Applications International Journal of System Sciences Journal of Process Control SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization Control Engineering Practice International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing Dynamical Systems: an International Journal Cybernetics and Systems: an International Journal Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control Journal of Mathematical Systems, Estimation, and Control AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics European Journal of Control Asian Journal of Control Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems International Journal of General Systems International Journal of Systems Control and Communications International Journal of Automation and Control International Journal of Modeling Identification and Control Nonlinear Control Abstracts Nonlinear Dynamics Structural Dynamics and Control Circuit, systems and signal processing International Journal of robust and nonlinear Control Nonlinear analysis Expert systems with applications Fuzzy sets and systems IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems IEEE Transactions on Neural network 国内主要期刊:自动化学报控制与决策控制理论与应用信息与控制电子学报计算机学报软件学报计算机研究与发展模式识别与人工智能电机工程学报系统工程学报系统仿真学报机器人系统工程与电子技术 communications in nonlinear science and numerical simulation 自动化学报,控制与决策,控制理论与应用,信息与控制,系统工程与电子技术,电子学报,通信学报,电子与信息学报,数据采集与处理,信号处理,电路与系统学报,控制工程,系统工程,系统仿真学报,仪器仪表学报,应用数学,计算机类

159 评论


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  • 电路与系统学报是sci吗

    中文核心啦,既不是SCI 也不是EI天大主办的,对了谁知道《电力系统及其自动化学报》版面费多少钱?

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  • 情报学报是sci吗

    SCI指的是科学引文索引期刊。 科学引文索引(Science Citation Index、缩写:SCI)是由美国科学资讯研究所(Institute for S

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