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01. Allegory(寓言)

Allegory is a story told to explain or teach something. Especially a long and complicated story with an underlying meaning different from the surface meaning of the story >allegorical novels use extended metaphors to convey moral meanings or attack certain social evils. characters in these novels often stand for different values such as virtue and >Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Melville’s Moby Dick are such examples.

02. Alliteration(头韵)

Alliteration means a repetition of the initial sounds of several words in a line or group.

2>alliteration is a traditional poetic device in English literature.

3>Robert Frost’s Acquainted with the Night is a case in point:” I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet”

03. Ballad(民谣)

Ballad is a story in poetic from to be sung or recited. in more exact literary terminology, a ballad is a narrative poem consisting of quatrains of iambic tetrameter alternating with iambic trimester.(抑扬格四音步与抑扬格三音步诗行交替出现的四行叙事诗)

2>.ballads were passed down from generation to generation. 3>Coleridge’s The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is a 19th century English ballad.

04. epic(史诗)

Epic, in poetry, refers to a long work dealing with the actions of goods and heroes.

2>Epic poems are not merely entertaining stories of legendary or historical heroes; they summarize and express the nature or ideals of an entire nation at a significant or crucial period of its history.

3>Beowulf is the greatest national Epic of the Anglo-Saxons.

05. Lay(短叙事诗)

It is a short poem, usually a romantic narrative, intended to be sung or recited by a minstrel.

06. Romance(传奇)

Romance is a popular literary form in the medic England.

2>it sings knightly adventures or other heroic deeds.

3>chivalry is the spirit of the romance.

07. Alexandrine(亚历山大诗行)

The name is derived from the fact that certain 12th and 13th century French poems on Alexander the Great were written in this meter.

2>it is an iambic line of six feet, which is the French heroic verse.

08. Blank Verse(无韵诗或素体广义地说)

Blank verse is unrhymed poetry. Typically in iambic pentameter, and as such, the dominant verse forms of English dramatic and narrative poetry since the mid-16th century.

09. Comedy(喜剧)

Comedy is a light form of drama that aims primarily to amuse and that ends happily. Since it strives to provoke smile and laughter, both wit and humor are utilized. In general, the comic effect arises from recognition of some incongruity of speech, action, or character revelation, with intricate plot.

10. Essay( 随笔 )

The term refers to literary composition devoted to the presentation of the writer’s own ideas on a topic and generally addressing a particular aspect of the subject. Often brief in scope and informal in style, the essay differs from such fomal forms as the thesis, dissertation or treatise.

11. Euphuistic style(绮丽体)

Its principle characteristics are the excessive use of antithesis, which is pursued regardless of sense, and emphasized by alliteration and other devices; and of allusions to historical and mythological personages and to natural history drawn from such writers as Plutarch(普卢塔克), Pliny(普林尼), and Erasmus(伊拉兹马斯).2>it is the peculiar style of Euphues(优浮绮斯)

12. History Plays(历史剧)

History plays aim to present some historical age or character, and may be either a comedy or a tragedy. They almost tell stories about the nobles, the true people in history, but not ordinary people. the principle idea of Shakespeare’s history plays is the necessity for national unity under a mighty and just sovereign.

13. Masques or Masks(假面剧)

Masques (or Masks) refer to the dramatic entertainments involving dances and disguises, in which the spectacular and musical elements predominated over plot and character. As they were usually performed at court, often at very great expense, many have political overtones.

14. Morality plays(道德剧)

A kind of medic and early Renaissance drama that presents the conflict between the good and evil through allegorical characters. The characters tend to be personified abstractions of vices and virtues, which can be named as Mercy. Conscience, etc. unlike a mystery or a miracle play, morality play does not necessarily use Biblical or strictly religious material because it takes place internally and psychologically in every human being.


It is a lyric poem of 14 lines with a formal or recited and characterized by its presentation of a dramatic or exciting episode in simple narrative form.

2>it is one of the most conventional and influential forms of poetry in Europe.

3>Shakespeare’s sonnets are well-known.

16. Spenserian Stanza(斯宾塞诗节)

Spenserian Stanza is the creation of Edmund >it refers to a stanza of nine lines, with the first eight lines in iambic pentameter(五音步抑扬格) and the last line in iambic hexameter(六音步抑扬格),rhyming ababbcbcc. 3>Spenser’s the Faerie Queen was written in this kind of stanza.

17. Stanza(诗节)

Stanza is a group of lines of poetry, usually four or more, arranged according to a fixed >the stanza is the unit of structure in a poem and poets do not vary the unit within a poem.

18. Three Unities(三一原则)

Three rules of 16th and 17th century Italian and French drama, broadly adapted from Aristotle’s Poetics<诗学>:

2>the unity of time, which limits a play to a single day; the unity of place, which limits a play’s setting in a single location; and the unity of action, which limits a play to a single story line.

19. Tragedy(悲剧)

In general, a literary work in which the protagonist meets an unhappy or disastrous end. Unlike comedy, tragedy depicts the actions of a central character who is usually dignified or heroic.


Conceit is a far-fetched simile or metaphor, a literary conceit occurs when the speaker compares two highly dissimilar >conceit is extensively employed in John Donne’s poetry.


The word”meter” is derived from the Greek word”metron” meaning”measure”.

2>in English when applied to poetry, it refers to the regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables.

3>the analysis of the meter is called scansion(格律分析)

22. University Wits(大学才子)

University Wits refer to a group of scholars during the Elizabethan Age who graduated from either oxford or Cambridge. They came to London with the ambition to become professional writers. Some of them later became famous poets and playwrights. They were called” University Wits”


Foreshadowing, the use of hints or clues in a novel or drama to suggest what will happen next. Writers use Foreshadowing to create interest and to build suspense.

method used to build suspense by providing hints of what is to come.

24. Soliloquy(独白)

Soliloquy, in drama, means a moment when a character is alone and speaks his or her thoughts aloud..2>the line“to be, or not to be, that is the question”, which begins the famous soliloquy from Shakespeare’s Hamlet.


Narrative Poem refers to a poem that tells a story in verse,

2>three traditional types of narrative poems include ballads, epics, metrical romances.

3>it may consist of a series of incidents, as John Milton’s paradise lost.


Robin hood is a legendary hero of a series of English ballads, some of which date from at least the 14th century.

2>the character of Robin Hood is many-sided. Strong, brave and intelligent, he is at the same time tender-hearted and affectionate.

3>the dominant key in his character is his hatred for the cruel oppression and his love for the poor and >another feature of Robin’s view is his reverence for the king, Robin Hood was a people’s hero.

27. Beowulf(贝奥武甫)

Beowulf, a typical example of old English poetry, is regarded as the greatest national epic of t he Anglo-Saxons. 2>the epic describes the exploits of a Scandinavian hero, Beowulf, in fighting against the monster Grendel, his revengeful nother, and a fire-breathing dragon in his declining years. While fight against the dragon, Beowulf was mortally wounded, however, he killed the dragon at the cost of his life, Beowulf is shown not only as a glorious hero but also as a protector of the people.

28. Baroque(巴罗克式风格)

This is originally a term of abuse applied to 17th century Italian art and that of other countries. It is characterized by the unclassical use of classical forms, in a literary context; it is loosely used to describe highly ornamented verse or prose, abounding in extravagant conceits.

这原本是用来指17世纪的意大利艺术和其他国家艺术滥用的一个术语.这种风格主要是指对古典形式的非古典运用.在文学领域,这种风格松散地用来指十分雕饰的,大量运用奇思妙想的诗歌或 散文 .

29. Cavalier poets(骑士派诗人)

A name given to supporters of Charles I in the civil war. These poets were not a formal group, but all influenced by Ben Jonson and like him paid little attention to the sonnet. Their lyrics are distinguished by short lines, precise but idiomatic diction, and an urbane and graceful wit.

30. Elegy(挽歌)

Elegy has typically been used to refer to reflective poems that lament the loss of something or someone, and characterized by their metrical form.

31. Restoration Comedy(复辟时期喜剧)

Restoration Comedy, also the comedy of manners, developed upon the reopening of the theatres after the re-establishment of monarchy with the return of Charles II.. Its predominant tone was witty, bawdy, cynical, and amoral. Standard characters include fops, bawds, scheming valets, country squires, and sexually voracious young widows and older women. The principle theme is sexual intrigue, either for its own sake or for money.


相关 文章 :

1. 英美文学术语大全

2. 常用英美文学术语

3. 英美文学论文




一般来说,在个人陈述的时候介绍一下,why did you choose this topic?然后整个论文的结构,分为几个部分,每个部分的大致内容~~个人陈述的模版网上有,不过还是自己写的好,因为怕其他人也是在网上下的那个模版一般来说,上台介绍自己的姓名,然后指明自己的supervisor是谁,"with his/her constant encouragement,I finished my paper..."等等关于会问到什么问题,就要看你的答辩老师咯~有的老师估计会针对你论文中的某个商标翻译而考你噢,所以要熟悉你论文中作为例子的翻译~~嘿嘿,同是英语专业的我祝你好运啦~~加油~

Well, you will have many questions to answer concerning about your tend to give you questions of the main idea of the ask you to explain some of terms and tectics used in the cases you write. They will also question whether your dissertation can be used in reality . As a matter of fack,teachers will have questions for you in line with the policy of your school. So ,I suggest that you get familiar with your essay .They will probably ask any parts of your dissertation. Well,I'd like to exmplify the regulations of dissertation defence in SHJT Continued Education college .First phase:Brief self - introduction and say hello to phase:narrate what you write in 3 minutes without scripts . Third phase: Teachers ask you questions by turn. The most important stage is don't carry a script and read it because you will never be allowed to read a script. If don't keep the regulations of the school ,you will totally be a loser. Good luck to you. Put more on steam.



国产自然科学的综合期刊表现比较好,王牌期刊National Science Review(简称NSR,中文名《国家科学评论》)由大涨至, 这本期刊似乎很少有人知道。

2、Science Bulletin

这是一本表现不凡的国产期刊,影响因子由去年的一跃跳到。Science Bulletin前身是Chinese Science Bulletin,2015年改为现名和半月刊,编辑部自己的定位是中国的PNAS,目前看IF已经超过PNAS。

随着国家越来越重视国产期刊,相信Science Bulletin在国际上的影响力及认可度将会越来越高。




创刊于 1880年,创办人是电灯的发明人、鼎鼎大名的科学家 — 托马斯·爱迪生 (Thomas Alva Edison)。Science 周刊每星期都以高超的编辑手段,向世界各地的订户提供两种不同的科学信息:该星期有关科学和科学政策的最重要的新闻报道以及报告全球科学研究最显著突破的精选论文。它的科学新闻报道、综述、分析、书评等部分,都是权威的科普资料,该杂志也适合一般读者阅读。

2, Nature

创刊于1869年, 一共有十一种刊物在Nature 这个大家族里:周刊Nature;月刊Nature Genetics(1992创刊);Nature Structural Biology (1994创刊);Nature Medicine (1995创刊); Nature Biotechnology(1996创刊);Nature Neuroscience (1998创刊);Nature Cell Biology (1999创刊);Nature Immunology (2000创刊);及另外三份综述性期刊Nature Reviews Genetics, Nature ReviewsMolecular Cell Biology and Nature Reviews Neuroscience (2000创刊)。nature宗旨在于将科学发现的重要结果介绍给公众,让公众尽早知道全世界自然知识的每一分支中。nature主要报道科学世界中的重大发现、重要突破为使命,要求科研成果新颖。

3, Chemical Reviews


4, The Journal of the American Chemical Society

. 创刊于1879年,是the American Chemical Society的旗舰刊物,在业界有极高的声誉。 .创刊的宗旨是想通过发表全世界化学领域最好的论文,来追踪化学领域的最新前沿,其中包括对一些重要问题的应用性方法论,新的合成方法,新奇的理论发展和有关重要结构和反应的新进展。主要发表科学论文,通讯,新书综述,及电脑软件综述。

4, Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English

创刊于1962年,该刊收录有简讯类文章(有时有小型综述), 主要分布在有机化学、生命有机化学、材料学、高分子化学这几块。

5,Chemical Society Reviews

创刊于1972年,化学综述类期刊。主要是约稿文章。相对来说Chemical Reviews往往可看作一部专著了,而chemicalsociety reviews更小巧精干,可读性强一些。

6, 化学学报

创刊于1933年,是我国创刊最早的化学学术期刊,1952年更名为《化学学报》,并从外文版改成中文版。刊载化学各学科领域基础研究和应用基础研究的原始性、首创性成果,涉及物理化学、无机化学、有机化学、分析化学和高分子化学等。本期刊为 SCI 收录成为国际核心期刊.

7, 化学进展

创刊于1989年,双月刊, 以刊登化学领域综述与评论性文章为主的学术性期刊。读者可从中了解化学专业领域国内外研究动向、最新研究成果及发展趋势。

8, Chinese Journal of Chemistry (中国化学)

1983 年创刊,1990 年改成目前名称,.刊载物理化学、无机化学、有机化学和分析化学等各学科领域基础研究和应用基础研究的原始性研究成果。以英文书写, 报导综合化学, 为 SCI 收录。

9,高等学校化学学报 (Chemical Journal of Chinese University)

1980 年创刊, 月刊.本学报是综合性学术刊物。以研究论文、研究快报、研究简报和综合评述等栏目集中报道我国化学学科及其交叉学科、新兴演算产边缘学科等领域中新开展的基础研究、应用研究和开发研究中取得的最新研究成果。 本期刊为 SCI 收录。

10, 大学化学 (University Chemistry)





































“解释学”一词的词根 hermes就来自古希腊语,其意为 "神之消息"。当时,人们已把如何使隐晦的神意转换为可理解的语言的研究看作一门学问。中世纪的A.奥古斯丁、卡西昂等哲学家在对宗教教义进行新的解释时,逐步把以往对解释问题的零散研究系统化。












交际理论交际理论概述交际是语言的本质,这是交际理论的基本思想;应该为语言交际而研究语言,这是交际理论的研究目标。交际理论是应用语言学理论的总纲。在交际理论基础上,中国应用语言学界还提出了层次理论、动态理论、中介理论、人文性理论以及潜显理论等。交际理论的内容1,交际能力是最基本的语言能力。2,在多样的语言交际中实践语言交际能力。3,应该以交际值作为衡量语言规范的标准。4,语言交际能力的实践不是一次性完成的。5,要重视创新。动态理论动态理论概述科学理论告诉我们,运动是绝对的。交际是一种运动,语言存在于语言交际活动之中。因此,语言也是活动的,不断发展变化的。事实上,为了沟通的方便,人类的交际形势必然发生变化,这是语言发展变化的动力。动态理论的内容1,对语言动态性的认识2,对语言认识的动态性3,语言研究要动稳结合动态理论的意义事实上,动态理论渗透在许多方面。归纳起来:1)语言是变化的,使用者不进则退,学习语言不能一次性完成;2)语言是变化的,语言不发展是最大的不规范;3)语言交际能力是语言运用的能力,语言交际能力的测试应该在语言实际交际中进行;4)语言使用不使用,评价语言使用是否规范,不是看过去有或者没有这样用的;5)语言的中介现象是运动的;6)语言是个巨系统,语言的运动具有惯性,语言工作、语言研究、语言教学都要适度超前,不能追求立竿见影,要重视后效应;7)语言运动的方式和层次是语言的个性;8)语言发展的外部动力是社会的发展,语言的发展还是社会发展的组成部分。第三节 中介理论中介理论与语言研究中介理论认为,语言和其他现象一样,存在着中间状态,语言研究对此不应该回避,更不应该忽视。中介理论与语言规划语言规划是社会对语言的有意识的干预。在制订语言规划的过程中,必须考虑语言政策的制订。因为语言政策的正确与否直接影响到规划是否能够实现。而实际证明,中介理论的提出对语言政策的制订是有影响的。



英语语言文学的论文答辩主要分为两部分:自我陈述和回答答辩老师问题,下面对这两部分进行详细讲解。一、自述(用英语完成):1、先问好,再开始自述,自述时间为5-10分钟,要简明扼要,必须将自述内容提纲制作成Powerpoint文件。2、主要陈述内容(即Powerpoint文件主要内容):(1)自己选择这个题目的原因;(2)设计和实施的简单过程(如,商务方向:采用什么方法来搜集信息、资料等);(3)自己论文的主要内容(不要念论文,最好用4、5句话简单介绍论文内容,如,商务方向:做了哪些调查,得出什么结论,计划如何实施项目);(4)仍然存在的问题(如,商务:在实施项目中可能会遇到的风险以及如何解决);3、最好准备相关文字并熟记(答辩时要脱稿陈述,但是可以看PPT文件)。4、语言最好简单清楚,不要直接用论文中内容,应该用解释性的句式,如:When I was designing the lessons, I found that .英语文学论文答辩自我陈述范例:Good morning all the appraiser committee members. I come from *** , majoring in foreign linguistics and applied linguistics. I am *** and my supervisor is prof.***.With her sincere and intellectual guidance, for nearly one whole year's hard work, I have finished my paper. Finally, it is the show time. This evening I will present my efforts to you all and I gratefully welcome any thesis aims at an elucidation of Lessing's chronological shift in her philosophy from rationalism to irrationalism. I choose this as my topic due to the following reasons. Firstly, I am fond of literature works , especially Lessing's works. Secondly, Comparing to the studies abroad, which extends most than 50 years, the Lessing study in China is relatively new. Last but not the least ,as a female , I am keen on the study of feminism. For the above facts, I select the subject of From Rationalism to Irrationalism-on Doris Lessing's Construction of Dreams in Psychological Fictions as the title of my hope by studying this short story we can know more about the different arrangements for the dreams and hallucinations in Lessing's works at different period, the thesis aims at an elucidation of Lessing's chronological shift in her philosophy from rationalism to , I will present it to you. Here is an outline of my presentation. They are literature review, gothic tradition , the gothic style in the story and the causes of the gothic style .The thesis consists of five sections: the introduction, three chapters of argumentation,and the introduction includes a brief introduction to the writer and the writer's works concerned, the literary review of academic research at home and abroad, the main theory applied in this thesis, and an explanation to the thesis's content, structure and three chapters of argument consists of 1) an analysis of the coincidental consistency of Lessing's dream construction with Freudian theory; 2) a comparison between the hallucinations in “To Room Nineteen” and the dream images in The Golden Notebook,and an analysis to the distinction between Lessing's and Freud!s understandings on the mechanism of displacement and condensation, on id and superego, and on trauma; and 3) essing's transcendence over psychoanalytic concerns. The last section is brief conclusion of the whole thesis. It restates Lessing's metamorphosis from rationalism to , that's all. Now you may raise your questions ! I am ready! Thank you !!!二、回答老师问题(老师用英语提问,学生用英语回答):1、大约有6-8个问题,时间将持续10-15分钟。2、首先要听清楚问题,如果没有听清,可以要求老师重复问题(可以说pardon之类的话)。 3、回答时首先要态度好,要切题,而且不要保持沉默,不会时可以表示抱歉。 4、常见问题: (1)关于选题:如Why did you choose this topic for your paper 或Why were you interested in this project(2)关于具体部分:商务方向:SWOT,COSTING,FLOWCHART,RISK,STAKEHOLDER,如Do you think this point a piece of weakness of the shop 或Do you think this a necessary activity for the project(3)关于背景知识及理论知识:如What does SWOT stand for (商务)(4)关于论文存在的问题:如In the last sentence on page there are some grammatical errors.(5)关于项目或论文将来的发展:如:商务方向:If possible, will you carry out the project, and if so, do you think it will make profit5、带一份定稿(要与老师们持有的论文页码一致)。6、最后要向老师们表示感谢。




首先,你应该把你论文中涉及到的概念都弄清楚,它们的定义是什么,应该能用英语做简单的讲解。比如,礼貌准则 , 这就是一个概念,老师可能会问,“什么是礼貌准则?”“礼貌准则起什么作用?”等;在这个基础上,把这些概念相联系的方面也准备一下: 比如,礼貌准则与日常交流、礼貌准则与英语教学等。

老师问的问题也是基于你的论文中探讨的东西,你只要对所讨论的题目清楚明了,把这些变成自己的话用自然流畅的英语表达出来,应该是没有问题的。有时候,老师可能提一些这样的问题,比如,“Where do you find this quotation?”"Do you agree with it? and why?"


I cited this from Dr. Samovar and Porter, from their book "Communication between Cultures", in a chapter in which they discuss the possibilities that cause communication find it supportive to my arguments here.

开场白里面简单地介绍自己的研究和论文的主题,为什么选择这个项目。简单说几句研究过程和方法。这里一定要给出一个Roadmap, 也就是说明你的论文有几部分,每一部分里面都探讨的什么问题。这一点很重要。

对于自己不清楚的问题,可以看看老师的问题和你的研究是不是有focus 上的差异,这样你可以强调一下这种差异,因不是你的研究重点,你没有过多在意。不会就是不会,可以让老师来回答这个问题。



一般来说,在个人陈述的时候介绍一下,why did you choose this topic?然后整个论文的结构,分为几个部分,每个部分的大致内容~~


一般来说,上台介绍自己的姓名,然后指明自己的supervisor是谁,"with his/her constant encouragement,I finished my paper..."等等


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