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发表期刊论文80余篇,其中被SCI收录35篇。1. 高强, 郭杏林, 扬海天. 遗传算法求解粘弹性反问题. 大连理工大学学报, 40(6): 664-668, 2000. 2. Yang HaiTian, Gao Qiang, Guo XingLin, Wu ChengWei. A new algorithm of time stepping in the non-linear dynamic analysis. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 17(9): 579-611, 2001. 3. Yang HaiTian, Gao Qiang, Guo XingLin, Wu RuiFeng. A new algorithm of time stepping in dynamic viscoelastic problems. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 22(6): 650-657, 2001. 4. Yang HaiTian, Gao Qiang. A precise time stepping scheme to solve hyperbolic and parabolic heat transfer problems with radiative boundary condition. Heat and Mass Transfer, 39(7): 571-577, 2003. 5. 林家浩, 高强, 钟万勰. 分层岩层介质中平稳随机地震波传播的精细解法. 岩土力学, 24(5): 677-681, 2003. 6. 钟万勰, 林家浩, 高强. 分层介质中非平稳随机波的精细求解. 动力学与控制学报, 1(1): 2-8, 2003. 7. Gao Qiang, Zhong WanXie, Howson W P. A precise method for solving wave propagation problems in layered anisotropic media. Wave Motion, 40(3): 191-207, 2004. 8. Zhong WanXie, Lin JiaHao, Gao Qiang. The precise computation for wave propagation in stratified materials. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 60(1): 11-25, 2004. 9. Zhong WanXie, Wu ZhiGang, Gao Qiang, Leung A Y T, Williams F W. Modal synthesis method for norm computation of H-infinity decentralized control systems I. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 25(2): 123-134, 2004. 10. Zhong WanXie, Wu ZhiGang, Gao Qiang, Leung A Y T, Williams F W. Modal synthesis method for norm computation of H-infinity decentralized control systems II. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 25(2): 135-143, 2004. 11. 薛齐文, 杨海天, 高强. 一种时域精细算法求解二维双曲热传导问题. 应用基础与工程科学, 12(3): 225-232, 2004. 12. 吴志刚, 高强. Hamilton系统特征值问题的摄动方法及其应用. 振动工程学报, 17(1): 7-10, 2004. 13. 吴志刚, 高强. 特征值摄动法估计区间系统的最小H-Infinity范数. 力学学报, 36(6): 1-5, 2004. 14. 钟万勰, 吴志刚, 高强. 广义卡尔曼-布西滤波算法识别系统参数. 动力学与控制学报, 2(1): 1-7, 2004. 15. Gao Qiang, Lin JiaHao. Stationary random waves propagation in 3D viscoelastic stratified solid. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 26(6): 785-796, 2005. 16. Wu ZhiGang, Gao Qiang. Eigenvalues estimation for interval Hamiltonian system in H-infinity robust filtering. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1(1): 84-96, 2005. 17. 吴志刚, 高强. 参数摄动H-Infinity滤波系统的最优性能指标计算. 计算力学学报, 22(2): 165-169, 2005. 18. 钟万勰, 高强. WKBJ近似保辛吗?. 计算力学学报, 22(1): 1-7, 2005. 19. Gao Qiang, Lin JiaHao, Zhong WanXie, Howson W P, Williams F W. A precise numerical method for Rayleigh waves in a stratified half space. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 67(6): 771-786, 2006. 20. Gao Qiang, Lin JiaHao, Zhong WanXie, Howson W P, Williams F W. Random wave propagation in a viscoelastic layered half space. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 43(21): 6453-6471, 2006. 21. Gao Qiang, Howson W P, Watson A, Lin JiaHao. Propagation of non-uniformly modulated evolutionary random waves in stratified viscoelastic solid. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 24(2): 213-225, 2006. 22. Lu Feng, Gao Qiang, Lin JiaHao, Williams F W. Non-stationary random ground vibration due to loads moving along a railway track. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 298(1-2): 30-42, 2006. 23. Gao Qiang, Lin JiaHao, Zhong WanXie, Williams F W. Propagation Non-stationary Random Waves in Viscoelastic Stratified Solids. Computers and Geotechnics, 33(8): 444-453, 2006. 24. Zhang HongWu, Gao Qiang, Zhong WanXie. Variational principle and mechanical computation for energy bands of periodic materials. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 4(1): 3-18, 2006. 25. 钟万勰, 高强. 约束动力系统的分析结构力学积分. 动力学与控制学报, 4(3): 193-200, 2006. 26. 赵潇, 杨海天, 高强. 时域自适应精细算法求解对流热传导问题. 计算物理, 23(4): 451-456, 2006. 27. 钟万勰, 高强. 时间-空间混和有限元. 动力学与控制学报, 5(1): 1-7, 2007. 28. 高强, 钟万勰, 林家浩. 分层介质中Love波的扩展W-W算法. 固体力学学报, 28(2): 132-136, 2007. 29. 隋永枫, 高强, 钟万勰. 线性哈密顿系统的本征摄动法. 应用力学学报, 24(1): 1-5, 2007. 30. Wu ZhiGang, Gao Qiang. Eigenvalue problems of linear Hamiltonian systems arising from H-infinity filtering. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 304(3-5): 450-465, 2007. 31. Gao Qiang, Lin JiaHao, Zhong WanXie, Howson W P, Williams F W. Propagation of partially coherent non-stationary random waves in viscoelastic layered half-space. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 28(4): 305-320, 2008. 32. Gao Qiang, Lin JiaHao, Zhong WanXie, Howson W P, Williams F W. Isotropic layered soil-structure interaction excited by stationary random waves. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 46(3-4): 455-463, 2009. 33. 高强, 钟万勰. Hamilton系统的保辛-守恒积分算法. 动力学与控制学报, 7(3): 193-199, 2009. 34. 高强, 谭述君, 张洪武, 钟万勰. 基于对偶变量变分原理和两端动量独立变量的保辛方法. 动力学与控制学报, 7(2): 97-103, 2009. 35. Peng HaiJun, Gao Qiang(通讯作者), Wu ZhiGang, Zhong WanXie. Symplectic multi-level method for solving nonlinear optimal control problem. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 31(10): 1251-1260, 2010. 36. 高强, 谭述君, 张洪武, 林家浩, 钟万勰. 基于对偶变量变分原理和两端位移独立变量的保辛方法. 计算力学学报, 27(5): 745-751, 2010. 37. 高强, 彭海军, 吴志刚, 钟万勰. 非线性动力学系统最优控制问题的保辛求解方法. 动力学与控制学报, 8(1): 1-7, 2010. 38. 高强, 钟万勰. 有限元、变分原理与辛数学的推广. 动力学与控制学报, 8(4): 289-296, 2010. 39. 谭述君, 高强, 钟万勰. Duhamel项的精细积分方法在非线性微分方程数值求解中的应用. 计算力学学报, 27(5): 752-758, 2010. 40. 彭海军, 高强. 线性非齐次常微分方程两端边值问题精细积分法. 大连理工大学学报, 50(4): 475-480, 2010. 41. 姚伟岸, 杨海天, 高强. 平面粘弹性问题的辛求解方法. 计算力学学报, 27(1): 14-20, 2010. 42. 彭海军, 高强(通讯作者), 吴志刚, 钟万勰. 非线性轨迹优化问题的保辛自适应求解方法. 应用力学学报, 27(4): 732-739, 2010. 43. 彭海军, 高强(通讯作者), 张洪武, 吴志刚, 钟万勰. 输入受限LQ控制的参变量变分原理和算法. 力学学报, 43(3): 488-495, 2011. 44. Peng Hai Jun, Gao Qiang(通讯作者), Wu ZhiGang, Zhong WanXie. Symplectic adaptive algorithm for solving nonlinear two-point boundary value problems in astrodynamics. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 110(4): 319-342, 2011. 45. Zhang HongWu, Zhang Liang, Gao Qiang. An efficient computational method for mechanical analysis of bimodular structures based on parametric variational principle. Computers and Structures, 89(23-24): 2352-2360, 2011. 46. 高强, 张腾, 钟万勰. 一维离散结构能带结构与表面态的辛分析方法. 固体力学学报, 32(4): 372-381, 2011. 47. 高强, 吴锋, 张洪武, 林家浩, 钟万勰. 大规模动力系统改进的快速精细积分方法. 计算力学学报, 28(4): 493-498, 2011. 48. 彭海军, 高强(通讯作者), 吴志刚, 钟万勰. 求解最优控制问题的混合变量变分方法及其航天控制应用. 自动化学报, 37(10): 1248-1255, 2011. 49. 高强, 姚伟岸, 吴锋, 张洪武, 林家浩, 钟万勰. 周期结构动力响应的高效数值方法. 力学学报, 43(6): 1181-1185, 2011. 50. Zhao Xiao, Yang HaiTian, Gao Qiang. A Temporally-Piecewise Adaptive Algorithm to Solve Transient Convection-Diffusion Heat Transfer Problems. Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, 74(2): 139-159, 2011. 51. Gao Qiang, Wu Feng, Zhang HongWu, Zhong WanXie, Howson W P, Williams F W. Exact solutions for dynamic response of a periodic spring and mass structure. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 331(5): 1183-1190, 2012. 52. Gao Qiang, Tan ShuJun, Zhang HongWu, Zhong WanXie. Symplectic algorithms based on the principle of least action and generating functions. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 89(4): 438-508, 2012. 53. Gao Qiang, Wu Feng, Zhang HongWu, Zhong WanXie, Howson W P, Williams F W. A Fast Precise Integration Method for Structural Dynamic Problems. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 43(1): 1-13, 2012. 54. Peng HaiJun, Gao Qiang(通讯作者), Wu ZhiGang, Zhong WanXie. Symplectic Algorithms for Solving Two-Point Boundary Value Problems. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 35(2): 653-659, 2012. 55. Zhang Jian, Gao Qiang(通讯作者), Tan ShuJun, Zhong WanXie. A precise integration method for solving coupled vehicle-track dynamics with nonlinear wheel-rail contact. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 331(21): 4763-4773, 2012. 56. Zhang HongWu, Zhang Liang, Gao Qiang. Numerical method for dynamic analysis of two-dimensional bimodular structures. AIAA Journal, 50(9): 1933-1942, 2012. 57. 张洪武, 张亮, 高强. 拉压模量不同材料的参变量变分原理和有限元方法. 工程力学, 29(8): 22-27, 2012. 58. 高强, 钟万勰. 非完整约束动力系统的离散积分方法. 动力学与控制学报, 10(3): 193-196, 2012. 59. 隋永枫, 高强, 钟万勰. 陀螺系统时间有限元方法. 振动与冲击, 31(13): 95-98, 2012. 60. Gao Qiang, Yao WeiAn, Wu Feng, Zhang HongWu, Lin JiaHao, Zhong WanXie, Howson W P, Williams F W. An Efficient Algorithm for Computing the Dynamic Responses of One-dimensional Periodic Structures and Periodic Structures with Defects. Computational Mechanics, 52(3): 525-534, 2013. 61. Gao Qiang, Tan ShuJun, Zhong WanXie, Zhang HongWu. Improved precise integration method for differential Riccati equation. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 34(1): 1-14, 2013. 62. Peng HaiJun, Gao Qiang(通讯作者), Wu ZhiGang, Zhong WanXie. Efficient Sparse Approach for Solving Receding-Horizon Control Problems. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 36(6): 1864-1872, 2013. 63. Wu Feng, Gao Qiang(通讯作者), Zhong WanXie. A fast precise integration method for hyperbolic heat conduction problems. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 34(1): 1-14, 2013. 64. Peng HaiJun, Gao Qiang, Wu ZhiGang. Optimal Guidance based on Receding Horizon Control for Low-Thrust Transfer to Libration Point Orbits. Advances in Space Research, 51(11): 2093-2111, 2013. 65. Zhang Liang, Gao Qiang, Zhang HongWu. An efficient algorithm for mechanical analysis of bimodular truss and tensegrity structures. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 70(0): 57-68, 2013. 66. 高强, 张洪武, 张亮, 钟万勰. 拉压刚度不同桁架的动力参变量变分原理和保辛算法. 振动与冲击, 32(4): 179-184, 2013. 67. 朱宝, 高强, 钟万勰. 三维时间-空间混和有限元. 计算力学学报, 30(3): 331-335, 2013. 68. 高强, 彭海军, 张洪武, 钟万勰. 基于哈密顿动力系统新变分原理的保辛算法之一:变分原理和算法构造. 计算力学学报, 30(4): 461-467, 2013. 69. 高强, 彭海军, 张洪武, 钟万勰. 基于哈密顿动力系统新变分原理的保辛算法之二:算法保辛性质证明. 计算力学学报, 30(4): 468-472, 2013. 70. 高强, 彭海军, 张洪武, 钟万勰. 基于哈密顿动力系统新变分原理的保辛算法之三:数值算例. 计算力学学报, 30(4): 473-478, 2013. 71. 钟万勰, 高强. 传递辛矩阵群收敛于辛Lie群. 应用数学和力学, 34(6): 547-551, 2013. 72. 吴锋, 高强, 钟万勰. 有限长周期结构的密集特征值. 应用数学和力学, 34(11): 1119-1129, 2013. 73. 吴锋, 徐小明, 高强(通讯作者), 钟万勰. 基于辛理论的铁木辛柯梁波散射分析. 应用数学和力学, 34(12): 1225-1235, 2013. 74. Peng HaiJun, Gao Qiang(通讯作者), Wu ZhiGang, Zhong WanXie. Fast Model Predictive Control Algorithm for Large-Scale Dynamics Systems. Shock and Vibration, 2014(ID 508954): 1-13, 2014. 75. Wu Feng, Gao Qiang(通讯作者), Xu XiaoMing, Zhong WanXie. Expectation-based approach for one-dimensional randomly disordered phononic crystals. Physics Letters A, online. 76. Yu Bo, Yao WeiAn, Gao XiaoWei, Gao Qiang. A combined approach of RIBEM and precise time integration algorithm for solving transient heat conduction problems. Numerical Heat Transfer Part B, 65: 155-173, 2014. 77. Yu Bo, Yao WeiAn, Gao Qiang(通讯作者). A precise integration boundary element method for solving transient heat conduction problems with variable thermal conductivity. Numerical Heat Transfer Part B, 45: 472-493, 2014. 78. 彭海军, 高强, 吴志刚. 最优轨迹规划方法及其平动点航天器编队均衡耗能重构应用. 计算力学学报, 31(1): 18-24, 2014. 79. 毛翎, 姚伟岸, 高强, 钟万勰. 空间各向异性弹性问题的八节点理性单元. 计算力学学报, 31(1): 31-36, 2014. 80. Zhang Liang, Gao Qiang, Zhang HongWu. Large displacement analysis of 2-D bimodular structures based on co-rotational approach and parametric variational principle. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 接受. 81. Peng HaiJun, Gao Qiang(通讯作者), Zhang HongWu, Wu ZhiGang, Zhong WanXie. Parametric Variational Solution of LQ Optimal Control Problems with Control Inequality Constraints. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 接受. 82. 毛翎, 姚伟岸, 高强, 钟万勰. 空间各向异性弹性问题的二十节点理性单元. 应用数学和力学, 接受.

经国家新闻出版署批准,由中国力学学会、湖南大学共同主办的《动力学与控制学报》于2003年创刊,编辑部设在湖南大学. 该刊为季刊,中文版,国际标准16开本,国内刊号:CN 43-1409/03, 国际刊号: ISSN 1672-6553.《动力学与控制学报》是一般力学与控制学科的学术性刊物,它遵循理论与实际并重、理论研究与工程实际紧密结合的方针,主要刊登该学科各个分支及其相关领域具有创造性的能够反映学科水平的理论、实验和应用研究论文,并适量刊登综述性专题论文,以促进科学的发展. 读者对象主要为从事动力学与控制以及相关工作的科研与工程技术人员、高等院校师生等.



目前2011版的北大中文核心期刊目录中没有 《动力学与控制学报》这个期刊。但这个期刊是 中国科技核心期刊。算是普通国家级期刊吧

发表期刊论文80余篇,其中被SCI收录35篇。1. 高强, 郭杏林, 扬海天. 遗传算法求解粘弹性反问题. 大连理工大学学报, 40(6): 664-668, 2000. 2. Yang HaiTian, Gao Qiang, Guo XingLin, Wu ChengWei. A new algorithm of time stepping in the non-linear dynamic analysis. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 17(9): 579-611, 2001. 3. Yang HaiTian, Gao Qiang, Guo XingLin, Wu RuiFeng. A new algorithm of time stepping in dynamic viscoelastic problems. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 22(6): 650-657, 2001. 4. Yang HaiTian, Gao Qiang. A precise time stepping scheme to solve hyperbolic and parabolic heat transfer problems with radiative boundary condition. Heat and Mass Transfer, 39(7): 571-577, 2003. 5. 林家浩, 高强, 钟万勰. 分层岩层介质中平稳随机地震波传播的精细解法. 岩土力学, 24(5): 677-681, 2003. 6. 钟万勰, 林家浩, 高强. 分层介质中非平稳随机波的精细求解. 动力学与控制学报, 1(1): 2-8, 2003. 7. Gao Qiang, Zhong WanXie, Howson W P. A precise method for solving wave propagation problems in layered anisotropic media. Wave Motion, 40(3): 191-207, 2004. 8. Zhong WanXie, Lin JiaHao, Gao Qiang. The precise computation for wave propagation in stratified materials. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 60(1): 11-25, 2004. 9. Zhong WanXie, Wu ZhiGang, Gao Qiang, Leung A Y T, Williams F W. Modal synthesis method for norm computation of H-infinity decentralized control systems I. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 25(2): 123-134, 2004. 10. Zhong WanXie, Wu ZhiGang, Gao Qiang, Leung A Y T, Williams F W. Modal synthesis method for norm computation of H-infinity decentralized control systems II. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 25(2): 135-143, 2004. 11. 薛齐文, 杨海天, 高强. 一种时域精细算法求解二维双曲热传导问题. 应用基础与工程科学, 12(3): 225-232, 2004. 12. 吴志刚, 高强. Hamilton系统特征值问题的摄动方法及其应用. 振动工程学报, 17(1): 7-10, 2004. 13. 吴志刚, 高强. 特征值摄动法估计区间系统的最小H-Infinity范数. 力学学报, 36(6): 1-5, 2004. 14. 钟万勰, 吴志刚, 高强. 广义卡尔曼-布西滤波算法识别系统参数. 动力学与控制学报, 2(1): 1-7, 2004. 15. Gao Qiang, Lin JiaHao. Stationary random waves propagation in 3D viscoelastic stratified solid. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 26(6): 785-796, 2005. 16. Wu ZhiGang, Gao Qiang. Eigenvalues estimation for interval Hamiltonian system in H-infinity robust filtering. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1(1): 84-96, 2005. 17. 吴志刚, 高强. 参数摄动H-Infinity滤波系统的最优性能指标计算. 计算力学学报, 22(2): 165-169, 2005. 18. 钟万勰, 高强. WKBJ近似保辛吗?. 计算力学学报, 22(1): 1-7, 2005. 19. Gao Qiang, Lin JiaHao, Zhong WanXie, Howson W P, Williams F W. A precise numerical method for Rayleigh waves in a stratified half space. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 67(6): 771-786, 2006. 20. Gao Qiang, Lin JiaHao, Zhong WanXie, Howson W P, Williams F W. Random wave propagation in a viscoelastic layered half space. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 43(21): 6453-6471, 2006. 21. Gao Qiang, Howson W P, Watson A, Lin JiaHao. Propagation of non-uniformly modulated evolutionary random waves in stratified viscoelastic solid. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 24(2): 213-225, 2006. 22. Lu Feng, Gao Qiang, Lin JiaHao, Williams F W. Non-stationary random ground vibration due to loads moving along a railway track. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 298(1-2): 30-42, 2006. 23. Gao Qiang, Lin JiaHao, Zhong WanXie, Williams F W. Propagation Non-stationary Random Waves in Viscoelastic Stratified Solids. Computers and Geotechnics, 33(8): 444-453, 2006. 24. Zhang HongWu, Gao Qiang, Zhong WanXie. Variational principle and mechanical computation for energy bands of periodic materials. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 4(1): 3-18, 2006. 25. 钟万勰, 高强. 约束动力系统的分析结构力学积分. 动力学与控制学报, 4(3): 193-200, 2006. 26. 赵潇, 杨海天, 高强. 时域自适应精细算法求解对流热传导问题. 计算物理, 23(4): 451-456, 2006. 27. 钟万勰, 高强. 时间-空间混和有限元. 动力学与控制学报, 5(1): 1-7, 2007. 28. 高强, 钟万勰, 林家浩. 分层介质中Love波的扩展W-W算法. 固体力学学报, 28(2): 132-136, 2007. 29. 隋永枫, 高强, 钟万勰. 线性哈密顿系统的本征摄动法. 应用力学学报, 24(1): 1-5, 2007. 30. Wu ZhiGang, Gao Qiang. Eigenvalue problems of linear Hamiltonian systems arising from H-infinity filtering. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 304(3-5): 450-465, 2007. 31. Gao Qiang, Lin JiaHao, Zhong WanXie, Howson W P, Williams F W. Propagation of partially coherent non-stationary random waves in viscoelastic layered half-space. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 28(4): 305-320, 2008. 32. Gao Qiang, Lin JiaHao, Zhong WanXie, Howson W P, Williams F W. Isotropic layered soil-structure interaction excited by stationary random waves. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 46(3-4): 455-463, 2009. 33. 高强, 钟万勰. Hamilton系统的保辛-守恒积分算法. 动力学与控制学报, 7(3): 193-199, 2009. 34. 高强, 谭述君, 张洪武, 钟万勰. 基于对偶变量变分原理和两端动量独立变量的保辛方法. 动力学与控制学报, 7(2): 97-103, 2009. 35. Peng HaiJun, Gao Qiang(通讯作者), Wu ZhiGang, Zhong WanXie. Symplectic multi-level method for solving nonlinear optimal control problem. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 31(10): 1251-1260, 2010. 36. 高强, 谭述君, 张洪武, 林家浩, 钟万勰. 基于对偶变量变分原理和两端位移独立变量的保辛方法. 计算力学学报, 27(5): 745-751, 2010. 37. 高强, 彭海军, 吴志刚, 钟万勰. 非线性动力学系统最优控制问题的保辛求解方法. 动力学与控制学报, 8(1): 1-7, 2010. 38. 高强, 钟万勰. 有限元、变分原理与辛数学的推广. 动力学与控制学报, 8(4): 289-296, 2010. 39. 谭述君, 高强, 钟万勰. Duhamel项的精细积分方法在非线性微分方程数值求解中的应用. 计算力学学报, 27(5): 752-758, 2010. 40. 彭海军, 高强. 线性非齐次常微分方程两端边值问题精细积分法. 大连理工大学学报, 50(4): 475-480, 2010. 41. 姚伟岸, 杨海天, 高强. 平面粘弹性问题的辛求解方法. 计算力学学报, 27(1): 14-20, 2010. 42. 彭海军, 高强(通讯作者), 吴志刚, 钟万勰. 非线性轨迹优化问题的保辛自适应求解方法. 应用力学学报, 27(4): 732-739, 2010. 43. 彭海军, 高强(通讯作者), 张洪武, 吴志刚, 钟万勰. 输入受限LQ控制的参变量变分原理和算法. 力学学报, 43(3): 488-495, 2011. 44. Peng Hai Jun, Gao Qiang(通讯作者), Wu ZhiGang, Zhong WanXie. Symplectic adaptive algorithm for solving nonlinear two-point boundary value problems in astrodynamics. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 110(4): 319-342, 2011. 45. Zhang HongWu, Zhang Liang, Gao Qiang. An efficient computational method for mechanical analysis of bimodular structures based on parametric variational principle. Computers and Structures, 89(23-24): 2352-2360, 2011. 46. 高强, 张腾, 钟万勰. 一维离散结构能带结构与表面态的辛分析方法. 固体力学学报, 32(4): 372-381, 2011. 47. 高强, 吴锋, 张洪武, 林家浩, 钟万勰. 大规模动力系统改进的快速精细积分方法. 计算力学学报, 28(4): 493-498, 2011. 48. 彭海军, 高强(通讯作者), 吴志刚, 钟万勰. 求解最优控制问题的混合变量变分方法及其航天控制应用. 自动化学报, 37(10): 1248-1255, 2011. 49. 高强, 姚伟岸, 吴锋, 张洪武, 林家浩, 钟万勰. 周期结构动力响应的高效数值方法. 力学学报, 43(6): 1181-1185, 2011. 50. Zhao Xiao, Yang HaiTian, Gao Qiang. A Temporally-Piecewise Adaptive Algorithm to Solve Transient Convection-Diffusion Heat Transfer Problems. Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, 74(2): 139-159, 2011. 51. Gao Qiang, Wu Feng, Zhang HongWu, Zhong WanXie, Howson W P, Williams F W. Exact solutions for dynamic response of a periodic spring and mass structure. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 331(5): 1183-1190, 2012. 52. Gao Qiang, Tan ShuJun, Zhang HongWu, Zhong WanXie. Symplectic algorithms based on the principle of least action and generating functions. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 89(4): 438-508, 2012. 53. Gao Qiang, Wu Feng, Zhang HongWu, Zhong WanXie, Howson W P, Williams F W. A Fast Precise Integration Method for Structural Dynamic Problems. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 43(1): 1-13, 2012. 54. Peng HaiJun, Gao Qiang(通讯作者), Wu ZhiGang, Zhong WanXie. Symplectic Algorithms for Solving Two-Point Boundary Value Problems. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 35(2): 653-659, 2012. 55. Zhang Jian, Gao Qiang(通讯作者), Tan ShuJun, Zhong WanXie. A precise integration method for solving coupled vehicle-track dynamics with nonlinear wheel-rail contact. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 331(21): 4763-4773, 2012. 56. Zhang HongWu, Zhang Liang, Gao Qiang. Numerical method for dynamic analysis of two-dimensional bimodular structures. AIAA Journal, 50(9): 1933-1942, 2012. 57. 张洪武, 张亮, 高强. 拉压模量不同材料的参变量变分原理和有限元方法. 工程力学, 29(8): 22-27, 2012. 58. 高强, 钟万勰. 非完整约束动力系统的离散积分方法. 动力学与控制学报, 10(3): 193-196, 2012. 59. 隋永枫, 高强, 钟万勰. 陀螺系统时间有限元方法. 振动与冲击, 31(13): 95-98, 2012. 60. Gao Qiang, Yao WeiAn, Wu Feng, Zhang HongWu, Lin JiaHao, Zhong WanXie, Howson W P, Williams F W. An Efficient Algorithm for Computing the Dynamic Responses of One-dimensional Periodic Structures and Periodic Structures with Defects. Computational Mechanics, 52(3): 525-534, 2013. 61. Gao Qiang, Tan ShuJun, Zhong WanXie, Zhang HongWu. Improved precise integration method for differential Riccati equation. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 34(1): 1-14, 2013. 62. Peng HaiJun, Gao Qiang(通讯作者), Wu ZhiGang, Zhong WanXie. Efficient Sparse Approach for Solving Receding-Horizon Control Problems. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 36(6): 1864-1872, 2013. 63. Wu Feng, Gao Qiang(通讯作者), Zhong WanXie. A fast precise integration method for hyperbolic heat conduction problems. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 34(1): 1-14, 2013. 64. Peng HaiJun, Gao Qiang, Wu ZhiGang. Optimal Guidance based on Receding Horizon Control for Low-Thrust Transfer to Libration Point Orbits. Advances in Space Research, 51(11): 2093-2111, 2013. 65. Zhang Liang, Gao Qiang, Zhang HongWu. An efficient algorithm for mechanical analysis of bimodular truss and tensegrity structures. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 70(0): 57-68, 2013. 66. 高强, 张洪武, 张亮, 钟万勰. 拉压刚度不同桁架的动力参变量变分原理和保辛算法. 振动与冲击, 32(4): 179-184, 2013. 67. 朱宝, 高强, 钟万勰. 三维时间-空间混和有限元. 计算力学学报, 30(3): 331-335, 2013. 68. 高强, 彭海军, 张洪武, 钟万勰. 基于哈密顿动力系统新变分原理的保辛算法之一:变分原理和算法构造. 计算力学学报, 30(4): 461-467, 2013. 69. 高强, 彭海军, 张洪武, 钟万勰. 基于哈密顿动力系统新变分原理的保辛算法之二:算法保辛性质证明. 计算力学学报, 30(4): 468-472, 2013. 70. 高强, 彭海军, 张洪武, 钟万勰. 基于哈密顿动力系统新变分原理的保辛算法之三:数值算例. 计算力学学报, 30(4): 473-478, 2013. 71. 钟万勰, 高强. 传递辛矩阵群收敛于辛Lie群. 应用数学和力学, 34(6): 547-551, 2013. 72. 吴锋, 高强, 钟万勰. 有限长周期结构的密集特征值. 应用数学和力学, 34(11): 1119-1129, 2013. 73. 吴锋, 徐小明, 高强(通讯作者), 钟万勰. 基于辛理论的铁木辛柯梁波散射分析. 应用数学和力学, 34(12): 1225-1235, 2013. 74. Peng HaiJun, Gao Qiang(通讯作者), Wu ZhiGang, Zhong WanXie. Fast Model Predictive Control Algorithm for Large-Scale Dynamics Systems. Shock and Vibration, 2014(ID 508954): 1-13, 2014. 75. Wu Feng, Gao Qiang(通讯作者), Xu XiaoMing, Zhong WanXie. Expectation-based approach for one-dimensional randomly disordered phononic crystals. Physics Letters A, online. 76. Yu Bo, Yao WeiAn, Gao XiaoWei, Gao Qiang. A combined approach of RIBEM and precise time integration algorithm for solving transient heat conduction problems. Numerical Heat Transfer Part B, 65: 155-173, 2014. 77. Yu Bo, Yao WeiAn, Gao Qiang(通讯作者). A precise integration boundary element method for solving transient heat conduction problems with variable thermal conductivity. Numerical Heat Transfer Part B, 45: 472-493, 2014. 78. 彭海军, 高强, 吴志刚. 最优轨迹规划方法及其平动点航天器编队均衡耗能重构应用. 计算力学学报, 31(1): 18-24, 2014. 79. 毛翎, 姚伟岸, 高强, 钟万勰. 空间各向异性弹性问题的八节点理性单元. 计算力学学报, 31(1): 31-36, 2014. 80. Zhang Liang, Gao Qiang, Zhang HongWu. Large displacement analysis of 2-D bimodular structures based on co-rotational approach and parametric variational principle. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 接受. 81. Peng HaiJun, Gao Qiang(通讯作者), Zhang HongWu, Wu ZhiGang, Zhong WanXie. Parametric Variational Solution of LQ Optimal Control Problems with Control Inequality Constraints. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 接受. 82. 毛翎, 姚伟岸, 高强, 钟万勰. 空间各向异性弹性问题的二十节点理性单元. 应用数学和力学, 接受.


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发表期刊论文80余篇,其中被SCI收录35篇。1. 高强, 郭杏林, 扬海天. 遗传算法求解粘弹性反问题. 大连理工大学学报, 40(6): 664-668, 2000. 2. Yang HaiTian, Gao Qiang, Guo XingLin, Wu ChengWei. A new algorithm of time stepping in the non-linear dynamic analysis. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 17(9): 579-611, 2001. 3. Yang HaiTian, Gao Qiang, Guo XingLin, Wu RuiFeng. A new algorithm of time stepping in dynamic viscoelastic problems. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 22(6): 650-657, 2001. 4. Yang HaiTian, Gao Qiang. A precise time stepping scheme to solve hyperbolic and parabolic heat transfer problems with radiative boundary condition. Heat and Mass Transfer, 39(7): 571-577, 2003. 5. 林家浩, 高强, 钟万勰. 分层岩层介质中平稳随机地震波传播的精细解法. 岩土力学, 24(5): 677-681, 2003. 6. 钟万勰, 林家浩, 高强. 分层介质中非平稳随机波的精细求解. 动力学与控制学报, 1(1): 2-8, 2003. 7. Gao Qiang, Zhong WanXie, Howson W P. A precise method for solving wave propagation problems in layered anisotropic media. Wave Motion, 40(3): 191-207, 2004. 8. Zhong WanXie, Lin JiaHao, Gao Qiang. The precise computation for wave propagation in stratified materials. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 60(1): 11-25, 2004. 9. Zhong WanXie, Wu ZhiGang, Gao Qiang, Leung A Y T, Williams F W. Modal synthesis method for norm computation of H-infinity decentralized control systems I. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 25(2): 123-134, 2004. 10. Zhong WanXie, Wu ZhiGang, Gao Qiang, Leung A Y T, Williams F W. Modal synthesis method for norm computation of H-infinity decentralized control systems II. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 25(2): 135-143, 2004. 11. 薛齐文, 杨海天, 高强. 一种时域精细算法求解二维双曲热传导问题. 应用基础与工程科学, 12(3): 225-232, 2004. 12. 吴志刚, 高强. Hamilton系统特征值问题的摄动方法及其应用. 振动工程学报, 17(1): 7-10, 2004. 13. 吴志刚, 高强. 特征值摄动法估计区间系统的最小H-Infinity范数. 力学学报, 36(6): 1-5, 2004. 14. 钟万勰, 吴志刚, 高强. 广义卡尔曼-布西滤波算法识别系统参数. 动力学与控制学报, 2(1): 1-7, 2004. 15. Gao Qiang, Lin JiaHao. Stationary random waves propagation in 3D viscoelastic stratified solid. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 26(6): 785-796, 2005. 16. Wu ZhiGang, Gao Qiang. Eigenvalues estimation for interval Hamiltonian system in H-infinity robust filtering. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1(1): 84-96, 2005. 17. 吴志刚, 高强. 参数摄动H-Infinity滤波系统的最优性能指标计算. 计算力学学报, 22(2): 165-169, 2005. 18. 钟万勰, 高强. WKBJ近似保辛吗?. 计算力学学报, 22(1): 1-7, 2005. 19. Gao Qiang, Lin JiaHao, Zhong WanXie, Howson W P, Williams F W. A precise numerical method for Rayleigh waves in a stratified half space. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 67(6): 771-786, 2006. 20. Gao Qiang, Lin JiaHao, Zhong WanXie, Howson W P, Williams F W. Random wave propagation in a viscoelastic layered half space. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 43(21): 6453-6471, 2006. 21. Gao Qiang, Howson W P, Watson A, Lin JiaHao. Propagation of non-uniformly modulated evolutionary random waves in stratified viscoelastic solid. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 24(2): 213-225, 2006. 22. Lu Feng, Gao Qiang, Lin JiaHao, Williams F W. Non-stationary random ground vibration due to loads moving along a railway track. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 298(1-2): 30-42, 2006. 23. Gao Qiang, Lin JiaHao, Zhong WanXie, Williams F W. Propagation Non-stationary Random Waves in Viscoelastic Stratified Solids. Computers and Geotechnics, 33(8): 444-453, 2006. 24. Zhang HongWu, Gao Qiang, Zhong WanXie. Variational principle and mechanical computation for energy bands of periodic materials. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 4(1): 3-18, 2006. 25. 钟万勰, 高强. 约束动力系统的分析结构力学积分. 动力学与控制学报, 4(3): 193-200, 2006. 26. 赵潇, 杨海天, 高强. 时域自适应精细算法求解对流热传导问题. 计算物理, 23(4): 451-456, 2006. 27. 钟万勰, 高强. 时间-空间混和有限元. 动力学与控制学报, 5(1): 1-7, 2007. 28. 高强, 钟万勰, 林家浩. 分层介质中Love波的扩展W-W算法. 固体力学学报, 28(2): 132-136, 2007. 29. 隋永枫, 高强, 钟万勰. 线性哈密顿系统的本征摄动法. 应用力学学报, 24(1): 1-5, 2007. 30. Wu ZhiGang, Gao Qiang. Eigenvalue problems of linear Hamiltonian systems arising from H-infinity filtering. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 304(3-5): 450-465, 2007. 31. Gao Qiang, Lin JiaHao, Zhong WanXie, Howson W P, Williams F W. Propagation of partially coherent non-stationary random waves in viscoelastic layered half-space. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 28(4): 305-320, 2008. 32. Gao Qiang, Lin JiaHao, Zhong WanXie, Howson W P, Williams F W. Isotropic layered soil-structure interaction excited by stationary random waves. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 46(3-4): 455-463, 2009. 33. 高强, 钟万勰. Hamilton系统的保辛-守恒积分算法. 动力学与控制学报, 7(3): 193-199, 2009. 34. 高强, 谭述君, 张洪武, 钟万勰. 基于对偶变量变分原理和两端动量独立变量的保辛方法. 动力学与控制学报, 7(2): 97-103, 2009. 35. Peng HaiJun, Gao Qiang(通讯作者), Wu ZhiGang, Zhong WanXie. Symplectic multi-level method for solving nonlinear optimal control problem. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 31(10): 1251-1260, 2010. 36. 高强, 谭述君, 张洪武, 林家浩, 钟万勰. 基于对偶变量变分原理和两端位移独立变量的保辛方法. 计算力学学报, 27(5): 745-751, 2010. 37. 高强, 彭海军, 吴志刚, 钟万勰. 非线性动力学系统最优控制问题的保辛求解方法. 动力学与控制学报, 8(1): 1-7, 2010. 38. 高强, 钟万勰. 有限元、变分原理与辛数学的推广. 动力学与控制学报, 8(4): 289-296, 2010. 39. 谭述君, 高强, 钟万勰. Duhamel项的精细积分方法在非线性微分方程数值求解中的应用. 计算力学学报, 27(5): 752-758, 2010. 40. 彭海军, 高强. 线性非齐次常微分方程两端边值问题精细积分法. 大连理工大学学报, 50(4): 475-480, 2010. 41. 姚伟岸, 杨海天, 高强. 平面粘弹性问题的辛求解方法. 计算力学学报, 27(1): 14-20, 2010. 42. 彭海军, 高强(通讯作者), 吴志刚, 钟万勰. 非线性轨迹优化问题的保辛自适应求解方法. 应用力学学报, 27(4): 732-739, 2010. 43. 彭海军, 高强(通讯作者), 张洪武, 吴志刚, 钟万勰. 输入受限LQ控制的参变量变分原理和算法. 力学学报, 43(3): 488-495, 2011. 44. Peng Hai Jun, Gao Qiang(通讯作者), Wu ZhiGang, Zhong WanXie. Symplectic adaptive algorithm for solving nonlinear two-point boundary value problems in astrodynamics. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 110(4): 319-342, 2011. 45. Zhang HongWu, Zhang Liang, Gao Qiang. An efficient computational method for mechanical analysis of bimodular structures based on parametric variational principle. Computers and Structures, 89(23-24): 2352-2360, 2011. 46. 高强, 张腾, 钟万勰. 一维离散结构能带结构与表面态的辛分析方法. 固体力学学报, 32(4): 372-381, 2011. 47. 高强, 吴锋, 张洪武, 林家浩, 钟万勰. 大规模动力系统改进的快速精细积分方法. 计算力学学报, 28(4): 493-498, 2011. 48. 彭海军, 高强(通讯作者), 吴志刚, 钟万勰. 求解最优控制问题的混合变量变分方法及其航天控制应用. 自动化学报, 37(10): 1248-1255, 2011. 49. 高强, 姚伟岸, 吴锋, 张洪武, 林家浩, 钟万勰. 周期结构动力响应的高效数值方法. 力学学报, 43(6): 1181-1185, 2011. 50. Zhao Xiao, Yang HaiTian, Gao Qiang. A Temporally-Piecewise Adaptive Algorithm to Solve Transient Convection-Diffusion Heat Transfer Problems. Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, 74(2): 139-159, 2011. 51. Gao Qiang, Wu Feng, Zhang HongWu, Zhong WanXie, Howson W P, Williams F W. Exact solutions for dynamic response of a periodic spring and mass structure. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 331(5): 1183-1190, 2012. 52. Gao Qiang, Tan ShuJun, Zhang HongWu, Zhong WanXie. Symplectic algorithms based on the principle of least action and generating functions. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 89(4): 438-508, 2012. 53. Gao Qiang, Wu Feng, Zhang HongWu, Zhong WanXie, Howson W P, Williams F W. A Fast Precise Integration Method for Structural Dynamic Problems. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 43(1): 1-13, 2012. 54. Peng HaiJun, Gao Qiang(通讯作者), Wu ZhiGang, Zhong WanXie. Symplectic Algorithms for Solving Two-Point Boundary Value Problems. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 35(2): 653-659, 2012. 55. Zhang Jian, Gao Qiang(通讯作者), Tan ShuJun, Zhong WanXie. A precise integration method for solving coupled vehicle-track dynamics with nonlinear wheel-rail contact. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 331(21): 4763-4773, 2012. 56. Zhang HongWu, Zhang Liang, Gao Qiang. Numerical method for dynamic analysis of two-dimensional bimodular structures. AIAA Journal, 50(9): 1933-1942, 2012. 57. 张洪武, 张亮, 高强. 拉压模量不同材料的参变量变分原理和有限元方法. 工程力学, 29(8): 22-27, 2012. 58. 高强, 钟万勰. 非完整约束动力系统的离散积分方法. 动力学与控制学报, 10(3): 193-196, 2012. 59. 隋永枫, 高强, 钟万勰. 陀螺系统时间有限元方法. 振动与冲击, 31(13): 95-98, 2012. 60. Gao Qiang, Yao WeiAn, Wu Feng, Zhang HongWu, Lin JiaHao, Zhong WanXie, Howson W P, Williams F W. An Efficient Algorithm for Computing the Dynamic Responses of One-dimensional Periodic Structures and Periodic Structures with Defects. Computational Mechanics, 52(3): 525-534, 2013. 61. Gao Qiang, Tan ShuJun, Zhong WanXie, Zhang HongWu. Improved precise integration method for differential Riccati equation. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 34(1): 1-14, 2013. 62. Peng HaiJun, Gao Qiang(通讯作者), Wu ZhiGang, Zhong WanXie. Efficient Sparse Approach for Solving Receding-Horizon Control Problems. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 36(6): 1864-1872, 2013. 63. Wu Feng, Gao Qiang(通讯作者), Zhong WanXie. A fast precise integration method for hyperbolic heat conduction problems. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 34(1): 1-14, 2013. 64. Peng HaiJun, Gao Qiang, Wu ZhiGang. Optimal Guidance based on Receding Horizon Control for Low-Thrust Transfer to Libration Point Orbits. Advances in Space Research, 51(11): 2093-2111, 2013. 65. Zhang Liang, Gao Qiang, Zhang HongWu. An efficient algorithm for mechanical analysis of bimodular truss and tensegrity structures. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 70(0): 57-68, 2013. 66. 高强, 张洪武, 张亮, 钟万勰. 拉压刚度不同桁架的动力参变量变分原理和保辛算法. 振动与冲击, 32(4): 179-184, 2013. 67. 朱宝, 高强, 钟万勰. 三维时间-空间混和有限元. 计算力学学报, 30(3): 331-335, 2013. 68. 高强, 彭海军, 张洪武, 钟万勰. 基于哈密顿动力系统新变分原理的保辛算法之一:变分原理和算法构造. 计算力学学报, 30(4): 461-467, 2013. 69. 高强, 彭海军, 张洪武, 钟万勰. 基于哈密顿动力系统新变分原理的保辛算法之二:算法保辛性质证明. 计算力学学报, 30(4): 468-472, 2013. 70. 高强, 彭海军, 张洪武, 钟万勰. 基于哈密顿动力系统新变分原理的保辛算法之三:数值算例. 计算力学学报, 30(4): 473-478, 2013. 71. 钟万勰, 高强. 传递辛矩阵群收敛于辛Lie群. 应用数学和力学, 34(6): 547-551, 2013. 72. 吴锋, 高强, 钟万勰. 有限长周期结构的密集特征值. 应用数学和力学, 34(11): 1119-1129, 2013. 73. 吴锋, 徐小明, 高强(通讯作者), 钟万勰. 基于辛理论的铁木辛柯梁波散射分析. 应用数学和力学, 34(12): 1225-1235, 2013. 74. Peng HaiJun, Gao Qiang(通讯作者), Wu ZhiGang, Zhong WanXie. Fast Model Predictive Control Algorithm for Large-Scale Dynamics Systems. Shock and Vibration, 2014(ID 508954): 1-13, 2014. 75. Wu Feng, Gao Qiang(通讯作者), Xu XiaoMing, Zhong WanXie. Expectation-based approach for one-dimensional randomly disordered phononic crystals. Physics Letters A, online. 76. Yu Bo, Yao WeiAn, Gao XiaoWei, Gao Qiang. A combined approach of RIBEM and precise time integration algorithm for solving transient heat conduction problems. Numerical Heat Transfer Part B, 65: 155-173, 2014. 77. Yu Bo, Yao WeiAn, Gao Qiang(通讯作者). A precise integration boundary element method for solving transient heat conduction problems with variable thermal conductivity. Numerical Heat Transfer Part B, 45: 472-493, 2014. 78. 彭海军, 高强, 吴志刚. 最优轨迹规划方法及其平动点航天器编队均衡耗能重构应用. 计算力学学报, 31(1): 18-24, 2014. 79. 毛翎, 姚伟岸, 高强, 钟万勰. 空间各向异性弹性问题的八节点理性单元. 计算力学学报, 31(1): 31-36, 2014. 80. Zhang Liang, Gao Qiang, Zhang HongWu. Large displacement analysis of 2-D bimodular structures based on co-rotational approach and parametric variational principle. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 接受. 81. Peng HaiJun, Gao Qiang(通讯作者), Zhang HongWu, Wu ZhiGang, Zhong WanXie. Parametric Variational Solution of LQ Optimal Control Problems with Control Inequality Constraints. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 接受. 82. 毛翎, 姚伟岸, 高强, 钟万勰. 空间各向异性弹性问题的二十节点理性单元. 应用数学和力学, 接受.



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