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1. "Peasant households in non-formal consumer credit behavior factors - Ningbo Yinzhou area based on empirical research"2. Responsible for the use of SPSS statistical analysis of survey data and the use of logistics regression analysis of binary data in quantitative analysis model3. "Factors Affecting Farmers Credit Behavior - Based on empirical research area in Zhuji, Zhejiang Province"4. "Dandelion" business plan competition, the project leader, head of market research 差不多就是这样了

一二楼的翻译句子,很中文试。翻译英文不一定要一个字字的按顺序翻译下去。要翻译到老外一看就懂才是关键。《与国际接轨的全过程工程造价控制》“Entire Process of Project Cost Control in Construction” - In International Standard《浅谈建筑施工企业项目成本管理》A Brief Introduction to Project Cost Management in Construction.

1 "And the international standards of the entire process of project cost control"2 "On the construction enterprise project cost management"

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1 the sustainable energy development at home and abroad present situation and prospect2 our country biofuels chemical industry development where the3 development low carbon technology to promote green economyFour new technology in the application of renewable energy5 the United States actively promote large wind turbines technology improvement6 EGS geothermal resources: meet the long-term energy demand green hopeSeven more and more rich European remote areas of investment charm water and electricity industry

1 the informal consumer credit actions affecting farmers factors analysis based on the empirical study yinzhou district,2. Of investigation data for use of SPSS statistical analysis, logistics and use binary regression analysis model of data measurement analysis3 the farmer credit behavior based on analysis of the factors affecting the region of zhejiang province, zhuji empirical research,4 “ dandelion”venture proposal competition, market research, project leader

1 "And the international standards of the entire process of project cost control"2 "On the construction enterprise project cost management"

1, wisdom, the "eleventh five-year plan" crucial to the energy saving of achievements in their work 2, carries forward the results make all efforts to create "1025" total emission reduction new situation 3, a low carbon economy development in the 21 st century is our biggest challenge 4, a low carbon development to cope with climate change 5, steel gas denitration technology at the choice 6, and promote the healthy development of the wind power industry think



The news media of China's major emergencies

1、Research on Process Reengineering of Corporate Payment Based on Bank-Company Direct Linkage2、Research on Process Reengineering of Corporate Payment Based on Bank-Company Direct Linkage-A Case of Company A

Study on the re-creation of business's payment process based on the derect link between banks and enterprises——take company A as an example


Explore the Chinese animation industry chain ---- A comparative study of the Japanese animation industry chain

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Discussion of meteorological service for decision-making for a dust devil disaster happened in Shamen





推荐Tmxmall推出的qtrans快翻~网页链接 最近刚好导师布置了几篇英文论文文献,没想到qtrans效果还挺惊艳!







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