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用于分布式在线UPS中的并联逆变器的一种无线控制器A Wireless Controller for Parallel Inverters in Distributed Online UPS SystemsJosep M. Guerrero', Luis Garcia de Vicufia", Jose Matas'*, Jaume Miret", and Miguel Castilla". Departament #Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automatica i Informhtica Industrial. Universitat Polithica de CatalunyaC. Comte d'Urgell, 187.08036 -Barcelona. Spain. Email: .. Departament #Enginyeria Electrbnica. Universitat Polit6cnica de CatalunyaAV. Victor BaLguer s/n. 08800I - Vilanova i la Geltrh. SpainAbsiract - In this paper, a novel controller for parallelconnectedonline-UPS inverters without control wireinterconnections is presented. The wireless control technique isbased on the well-known droop method, which consists inintroducing P-oand Q-V schemes into the inverters, in order toshare properly the power drawn to the loads. The droop methodhas been widely used in applications of load sharing betweendifferent parallel-connected inverters. However, this methodhas several drawbacks that limited its application, such as atrade-off between output-voltage regulation and power sharingaccuracy, slow transient response, and frequency and phasedeviation. This last disadvantage makes impracticable themethod in online-UPS systems, since in this case every modulemust be in phase with the utility ac mains. To overcome theselimitations, we propose a novel control scheme, endowing to theparalleled-UPS system a proper transient response, strictlyfrequency and phase synchronization with the ac mains, andexcellent power sharing. Simulation and experimental resultsare reported confirming the validity of the proposed approach.1. INTRODUCTIONThe parallel operation of distributed Uninterruptible PowerSupplies (UPS) is presented as a suitable solution to supplycritical and sensitive loads, when high reliability and poweravailability are required. In the last years, many controlschemes for parallel-connected inverters has been raised,which are derived from parallel-schemes of dc-dc converters[I], such as the master-slave control [2], or the democraticcontrol [3]. In contrast, novel control schemes have beenappeared recently, such as the chain-structure control [4], orthe distributed control [ 5 ] . However, all these schemes needcontrol interconnections between modules and, hence, thereliability of the system is reduced since they can be a sourceof noise and failures. Moreover, these communication wireslimited the physical situation ofthe modules [6].In this sense, several control techniques has been proposedwithout control interconnections, such as the droop method.In this method, the control loop achieves good power sharingmaking tight adjustments over the output voltage frequencyand amplitude of the inverter, with the objective tocompensate the active and reactive power unbalances [7].This concept is derived from the power system theory, inwhich the frequency of a generator drops when the powerdrawn to the utility line increases [8].0-7803-7906-3/03/$17.00 02003 IEEE. 1637However, this control approach has an inherent trade-offbetween voltage regulation and power sharing. In addition,this method exhibits slow dynamic-response, since it requireslow-pass filters to calculate the average value of the activeand reactive power. Hence, the stability and the dynamics ofthe whole system are hardly influenced by the characteristicsof these filters and by the value of the droop coefficients,which are bounded by the maximum allowed deviations ofthe output voltage amplitude and frequency.Besides, when active power increases, the droopcharacteristic causes a frequency deviation from the nominalvalue and, consequently, it results in a variable phasedifference between the mains and the inverter output voltage.This fact can be a problem when the bypass switch mustconnect the utility line directly to the critical bus in stead ofits phase difference. In [9], two possibilities are presented inorder to achieve phase synchronization for parallel lineinteractiveUPS systems. The first one is to locate a particularmodule near the bypass switch, which must to synchronizethe output voltage to the mains while supporting overloadcondition before switch on. The second possibility is to waitfor the instant when phase matching is produced to connectthe bypass.However, the mentioned two folds cannot be applied to aparallel online-UPS system, since maximum transfer timeought to be less than a % of line period, and all the modulesmust be always synchronized with the mains when it ispresent. Hence, the modules should be prepared to transferdirectly the energy from the mains to the critical bus in caseof overload or failure [lo].In our previous works [11][12], we proposed differentcontrol schemes to overcome several limitations of theconventional droop method. However, these controllers bythemselves are inappropriate to apply to a parallel online-UPS system. In this paper, a novel wireless control scheme isproposed to parallel different online UPS modules with highperformance and restricted requirements. The controllerprovides: 1) proper transient response; 2) power sharingaccuracy; 3) stable frequency operation; and 4) good phasematching between the output-voltage and the utility line.Thus, this new approach is especially suitable for paralleled-UPS systems with true redundancy, high reliability andpower availability. Simulation and experimental results arereported, confirming the validity of this control scheme.Fig. 1. Equivalenl cimuif ofan invener connecled 10 a bust"Fig. 2. P-odraop function.11. REVlEW OF THE CONVENTIONAL DROOP METHODFig. 1 shows the equivalent circuit of an inverter connectedto a common bus through coupled impedance. When thisimpedance is inductive, the active and reactive powers drawnto the load can be expressed asEVcosQ - V2 Q=where Xis the output reactance of an inverter; Q is the phaseangle between the output voltage of the inverter and thevoltage of the common bus; E and V are the amplitude of theoutput voltage of the inverter and the bus voltage,respectively.From the above equations it can be derived that the activepower P is predominately dependent on the power angle Q,while the reactive power Q mostly depends on the outputvoltageamplitude. Consequently, most of wireless-control ofparalleled-inverters uses the conventional droop method,which introduces the following droops in the amplitude Eand the frequency U of the inverter output voltageu = w -mP (3)E = E ' - n Q , (4)being W* and E' the output voltage frequency and amplitudeat no load, respectively; m and n are the droop coefficientsfor the frequency and amplitude, respectively.Furthermore, a coupled inductance is needed between theinverter output and the critical bus that fixes the outputimpedance, in order to ensure a proper power flow. However,it is bulky and increase:; the size and the cost of the UPSmodules. In addition, tho output voltage is highly distortedwhen supplying nonlinezr loads since the output impedanceis a pure inductance.It is well known that if droop coefficients are increased,then good power sharing is achieved at the expense ofdegrading the voltage regulation (see Fig. 2).The inherent trade-off of this scheme restricts thementioned coefficients, which can be a serious limitation interms of transient response, power sharing accuracy, andsystem stability.On the other hand, lo carry out the droop functions,expressed by (3) and (4), it is necessary to calculate theaverage value over one line-cycle of the output active andreactive instantaneous power. This can be implemented bymeans of low pass filters with a smaller bandwidth than thatof the closed-loop inverter. Consequently, the powercalculation filters and droop coefficients determine, to a largeextent, the dynamics and the stability of the paralleledinvertersystem [ 131.In conclusion, the droop method has several intrinsicproblems to be applied 1.0 a wireless paralleled-system ofonline UPS, which can he summed-up as follows:Static trade-off between the output-voltage regulation(frequency and amplitude) and the power-sharingaccuracy (active an4d reactive).2) Limited transient response. The system dynamicsdepends on the power-calculation filter characteristics,the droop coefficients, and the output impedances.Lost of ac mains synchronization. The frequency andphase deviations, due to the frequency droop, makeimpracticable this method to a parallel-connectedonline UPS system, in which every UPS should becontinuously synchronized to the public ac supply.1)3)111. PROPOSED CONTROL FOR PARALLEL ONLINE UPSINVERTERSIn this work, we will try to overcome the above limitationsand to synthesize a novel control strategy withoutcommunication wires that could be appropriate to highperformanceparalleled industrial UPS. The objective is toconnect online UPS inverters in parallel without usingcontrol interconnections. This kind of systems, also namedinverter-preferred, should be continuously synchronized tothe utility line. When an overload or an inverter failureoccurs, a static bypass switch may connect the input line tothe load, bypassing the inve:rter [14][15].Fig. 3 shows the general diagram of a distributed onlineUPS system. This system consists of two buses: the utilitybus, which is connected lo the public ac mains; and thesecure bus, connected to the distributed critical loads. Theinterface between these buses is based on a number of onlineUPS modules connected in parallel, which providescontinuously power to the: loads [16]. The UPS modulesinclude a rectifier, a set of batteries, an inverter, and a staticbypass switch.11638Q ac mainsutility busI I Ij distributed loads !Fig. 3. Online distributed UPS system.syposr /I 4(4Fig. 4. Operation modes of an online UPS.(a) Normal operation. (b) Bypass operation. (c) Mains failureThe main operation modes of a distributed online UPS1) Normal operation: The power flows to the load, fromthe utility through the distributed UPS units.2) Mains failure: When the public ac mains fails, theUPS inverters supply the power to the loads, from thebatteries, without disruption.Bypass operation: When an overload situation occurs,the bypass switch must connect the critical busdirectly to the ac mains, in order to guarantee thecontinuous supply of the loads, avoiding the damageof the UPS modules.For this reason, the output-voltage waveform should besynchronized to the mains, when this last is present.system are listed below (see Fig. 5):3)Nevertheless, as we state before, the conventional droopmethod can not satisfy the need for synchronization with theutility, due to the frequency variation of the inverters, whichprovokes a phase deviation.To obtain the required performance, we present a transientP-w droop without frequency-deviation in steady-state,proposed previously by OUT in [ 111w=o -mP (5)where is the active power signal without the dccomponent,which is done by. -I t -1sP= p ,( s + t - ' ) ( s + o , )being zthe time constant of the transient droop action.The transient droop function ensures a stable frequencyregulation under steady-state conditions, and 'at the sametime, achieves active power balance by adjusting thefrequency of the modules during a load transient. Besides, toadjust the phase of the modules we propose an additionalsynchronizing loop, yieldingo=w'-m%k,A$, (7)where A$ is the phase difference between the inverter and themains; and k, is the proportional constant of the frequencyadjust. The steady-state frequency reference w* can beobtained by measuring the utility line frequency.The second term of the previous equality trends to zero insteady state, leading tow = w' - k4($ -@'), (8)being $and $* the phase angles of the output voltage inverterand the utility mains, respectively.Taking into account that w = d $ / d t , we can obtain thenext differential equation, which is stable fork, positived$ *dt dt- + km$ = - + k,$' . (9)Thus, when phase difference increases, frequency willdecrease slightly and, hence, all :he UPS modules will besynchronized with the utility, while sharing the power drawnto the loads.IV. CONTROLLIEMRP LEMENTATIONFig. 5 depicts the block diagram of the proposedcontroller. The average active power P , without the dccomponent, can be obtained by means of multiplying theoutput voltage by the output current, and filtering the product........................................................................................io",.LSj'nchronirorion loop.......................................................................................Fig. 5. Block diagram of the proposed controller.using a band-pass filter. In a similar way, the averagereactive power is obtained, hut in this case the output-voltagemust be delayed 90 degrees, and using a low-pass filter.In order to adjust the output voltage frequency, equation(7) is implemented, which corresponds to the frequencymains drooped by two transient-terms: the transient activepower signal term; and the phase difference term, whichis added in order to synchronize the output voltage with theac mains, in a phase-locked loop (PLL) fashion. The outputvoltageamplitude is regulated by using the conventionaldroop method (4).Finally, the physical coupled inductance can be avoided byusing a virtual inductor [17]. This concept consists inemulated an inductance behavior, by drooping the outputvoltage proportionally to the time derivative of the outputcurrent. However, when supplying nonlinear loads, the highordercurrent-harmonics can increase too much the outputvoltageTHD. This can be easily solved by using a high-passfilter instead of a pure-derivative term of the output current,which is useful to share linear and nonlinear loads [I 1][12].Furthermore, the proper design of this output inductance canreduce, to a large extent, the unbalance line-impedanceimpact over the power sharing accuracy.v. SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENTARELS ULTSThe proposed control scheme, (4) and (7), was simulatedwith the parameters listed in Table 1 and the scheme shownin Fig. 6, for a two paralleled inverters system. Thecoefficients m, n, T, and kv were chosen to ensure stability,proper transient response and good phase matching. Fig. 7shows the waveforms of the frequency, circulating currents,phase difference between the modules and the utility line,and the evolution of the active and reactive powers. Note theexcellent synchronization between the modules and theACmiiinr 4 j. ...L...I.P...S...1... ..........................B...u...n...r.r..r..e..s... ................................... iFig. 6. Parallel operation oftwa online UPS modules,mains, and, at the same time, the good power sharingobtained. This characteristik let us to apply the controller tothe online UPS paralleled systems.Two I-kVA UPS modules were built and tested in order toshow the validity of the proposed approach. Each UPSinverter consisted of a single-phase IGBT full-bridge with aswitching frequency of 20 kHz and an LC output filter, withthe following parameters: 1. = 1 mH, C = 20 WF, Vi" = 400V,v, = 220 V, I50 Hz. The controllers of these inverters werebased on three loops: an inner current-loop, an outer PIcontroller that ensures voltage regulation, and the loadsharingcontroller, based on (4) and (7). The last controllerwas implemented by means of a TMS320LF2407A, fixedpoint40 MHz digital sigrial processor (DSP) from TexasInstruments (see Fig. 8), using the parameters listed in TableI. The DSP-controller also includes a PLL block in order tosynchronize the inverter with the common bus. When thisoccurs, the static bypass switch is tumed on, and the droopbasedcontrol is initiated.1640big 7 Wa\cfc)rms for twu.invencr, ;mnectcd in parallel. rpchrontred io Ihc ac mdnl.(a) Frequencics ufhoth UPS (b) Clrculattng currcni among modulcs. (CJ Phmc d!Nercn;: betucen ihc UPS a#>dth e ai mum(d) Ikiril uf the phze diNmncc (e) md (0 Activc and rcactlw pouerr "I ooih UPSNote that the iimc-acs arc deliheratcly JiNercni due in thc disiinct timuion*uni) ofthe \ inrblrr1641TABLEI.PARAMETEROSF THE PARALLELESDYS TEM.Filter Order I IFilter Cut-off Frequency I 0, I 10 I ragsFig. 8 shows the output-current transient response of theUPS inverters. First, the two UPS are operating in parallelwithout load. Notice that a small reactive current is circlingbetween the modules, due to the measurement mismatches.Then, a nonlinear load, with a crest factor of 3, is connectedsuddenly. This result shows the good dynamics and loadsharingof the paralleled system when sharing a nonlinearload.Fig. 8. Output current for the two paralleled UPS, during the connection of Bcommon nonlinear load with a crest factor of 3. (Axis-x: 20 mddiv. Axis-y:5 Mdiv.).VI. CONCLUSIONSIn this paper, a novel load-sharing controller for parallelconnectedonline UPS systems, was proposed. The controlleris based on the droop method, which avoids the use ofcontrol interconnections. In a sharp contrast with theconventional droop method, the controller presented is ableto keep the output-voltage frequency and phase strictlysynchronized with the utility ac mains, while maintaininggood load sharing for linear and nonlinear loads. This fact letus to extend the droop method to paralleled online UPS.On the other hand, the proposed controller emulates aspecial kind of impedance, avoiding the use of a physicalcoupled inductance. Th.e results reported here show theeffectiveness of the proposed approach.

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借花献佛,最近也在准备,希望对你有帮助。毕业论文答辩中PPT制作也是一个很主要的进程,答辩即将到来,你筹备好了么?以下为收拾的一些毕业论文PPT制造的要点、构造和一些样本。 大家需要对自己的论文选题、办法、结论、相关文献非常熟悉。 答辩每个人最多10分钟,最好限制在8分钟之内,讲明白后面幻灯片上的内容。 答复老师问题有理有据,由于是自己完成的,你理所当然最威望,但不能诡辩。 演示文稿尽量做得简洁、美丽、得体。答辩自负、表达流畅、有理有据。 研究概述(1:一张幻灯片) 简明简要(一两句话)阐明: 研究背景 研究意义 研究目的 研究问题 研讨框架(1) 研究的展开思路 和论文构造相关概念(1) 若有特殊专业或者要特殊解释的概念,可以说明。一般无须。 研究综述(1) 扼要阐明国内外相干研究成果,谁、什么时光、什么结果。 最后很扼要述评,引出自己的研究。 研究方法与过程(1-2) 采取了什么方法?在哪里展开?如何实行? 主要结论(3-5) 自己研究的结果,条理清楚,简明简要。 多用图表、数据来阐明和论证你的结果。 体系演示 若是体系开发者,则需要提前做好安装好演示筹备,在答辩时对主要模块作一演示1-2分钟。 问题讨论(1) 有待进一步讨论和研讨的课题。 致谢(1) PPT的制作上面的那位已经说了,我就说说陈述吧。这是我找到的论文陈述,你参考参考。各位老师,下午好! 我叫xxxx,是xxxx班的学生,我的论文题目是《xxxx》,论文是在xxxx导师的悉心指点下完成的,在这里我向我的导师表示深深的谢意,向各位老师不辞辛苦参加我的论文答辩表示衷心的感谢,并对三年来我有机会聆听教诲的各位老师表示由衷的敬意。下面我将本论文设计的目的和主要内容向各位老师作一汇报,恳请各位老师批评指导。 首先,我想谈谈这个毕业论文设计的目的及意义。 作为计算机应用的一部分,图书销售管理系统对图书销售进行管理,具有着手工管理所无法比拟的优点,极大地提高图书销售管理效率及在同行业中的竞争力.因此,图书销售管理系统有着广泛的市场前景和实际的应用价值. 其次,我想谈谈这篇论文的结构和主要内容。 本文分成五个部分. 第一部分是综述.这部分主要论述本系统开发的目的和意义,与业务相关的管理原理,以及与系统相关MIS系统开发原理与方法。 第二部分是系统分析.这部分分析用户需求,进行调查研究和分析,目的是根据用户的需求和资源条件,以现状为基础,确定新系统的逻辑模型,即从抽象的信息管理角度出发,为使用户满意,系统应对哪些信息做怎样一些存储、变换与传递,具备哪些功能,从而明确系统应该做些什么。 第三部分是系统设计.通过系统总体设计及详细设计对系统分析的结果进行整合,目的是要得到一个令用户满意的良好的实现方案。 第四部分是系统实现.根据系统设计的内容,讨论了该系统对人员与平台的要求,以及数据库表结构的建立与数据输入,并进行应用程序设计与测试. 第五部分是系统运行.这部分描述了系统操作使用的方法,进行一些系统测试,并评价了该系统. 最后,我想谈谈这篇论文和系统存在的不足。 这篇论文的写作以及系统开发的过程,也是我越来越认识到自己知识与经验缺乏的过程。虽然,我尽可能地收集材料,竭尽所能运用自己所学的知识进行论文写作和系统开发,但论文还是存在许多不足之处,系统功能并不完备,有待改进.请各位评委老师多批评指正,让我在今后的学习中学到更多。 谢谢!


写论文的时候内容提要应把论文的主要观点提示出来,便于读者一看就能了解论文内容的要点。论文提要要求写得简明而又全面,不要罗哩罗嗦抓不住要点或者只是干巴巴的几条筋,缺乏说明观点的材料。 内容提要可分为报道性提要和指示性提要。报道性提要,主要介绍研究的主要方法与成果以及成果分析等,对文章内容的提示较全面


铝合金:一。用途铝合金是纯铝加入一些合金元素制成的,如铝—锰合金、铝—铜合金、铝—铜—镁系硬铝合金、铝—锌—镁—铜系超硬铝合金。铝合金比纯铝具有更好的物理力学性能:易加工、耐久性高、适用范围广、装饰效果好、花色丰富。铝合金分为防锈铝、硬铝、超硬铝等种类,各种类均有各自的使用范围,并有各自的代号,以供使用者选用。 铝合金仍然保持了质轻的特点,但机械性能明显提高。铝合金材料的应用有以下三个方面:一是作为受力构件;二是作为门、窗、管、盖、壳等材料;三是作为装饰和绝热材料。利用铝合金阳极氧化处理后可以进行着色的特点,制成各种装饰品。铝合金板材、型材表面可以进行防腐、轧花、涂装、印刷等二次加工,制成各种装饰板材、型材,作为装饰材料。 铝合金是应用最广的一种防锈铝,它的强度不高,不能热处理强化,在退火状态下有高的塑性,而蚀性好,焊接性好,切削加工性不良。用於制造要求高可塑性和良好焊接性、在液体或气体介质中工作的低载荷零件如油箱、油管、液体容器等;线材可制作铆钉。 二。铝合金概述(资料)以铝为基的合金总称。主要合金元素有铜、硅、镁、锌、锰,次要合金元素有镍、铁、钛、铬、锂等。 铝合金密度低,但强度比较高,接近或超过优质钢,塑性好,可加工成各种型材,具有优良的导电性、导热性和抗蚀性,工业上广泛使用,使用量仅次于钢。 铝合金分两大类:铸造铝合金,在铸态下使用;变形铝合金,能承受压力加工,力学性能高于铸态。可加工成各种形态、规格的铝合金材。主要用于制造航空器材、日常生活用品、建筑用门窗等。 铝合金按加工方法可以分为变形铝合金和铸造铝合金。变形铝合金又分为不可热处理强化型铝合金和可热处理强化型铝合金。不可热处理强化型不能通过热处理来提高机械性能,只能通过冷加工变形来实现强化,它主要包括高纯铝、工业高纯铝、工业纯铝以及防锈铝等。可热处理强化型铝合金可以通过淬火和时效等热处理手段来提高机械性能,它可分为硬铝、锻铝、超硬铝和特殊铝合金等。 铝合金可以采用热处理获得良好的机械性能,物理性能和抗腐蚀性能。 铸造铝合金按化学成分可分为铝硅合金,铝铜合金,铝镁合金和铝锌合金。[编辑本段]【纯铝产品】 纯铝分冶炼品和压力加工品两类,前者以化学成份Al表示,后者用汉语拼音LG(铝、工业用的)表示。[编辑本段]【压力加工铝合金】 铝合金压力加工产品分为防锈(LF)、硬质(LY)、锻造(LD)、超硬(LC)、包覆(LB)、特殊(LT)及钎焊(LQ)等七类。常用铝合金材料的状态为退火(M焖火)、硬化(Y)、热轧(R)等三种。[编辑本段]【铝材】 铝和铝合金经加工成一定形状的材料统称铝材,包括板材、带材、箔材、管材、棒材、线材、型材等。[编辑本段]【铸造铝合金】 铸造铝合金(ZL)按成分中铝以外的主要元素硅、铜、镁、锌分为四类,代号编码分别为100、200、300、400。[编辑本段]【高强度铝合金】 高强度铝合金指其抗拉强度大于480兆帕的铝合金,主要是压力加工铝合金中硬铝合金类、超硬铝合金类和铸造合金类。[编辑本段]【铝合金缺陷修复】 铝合金在生产过程中,容易出现缩孔、砂眼、气孔和夹渣等铸造缺陷。如何修复铝合金铸件气孔等缺陷呢?如果用电焊、氩焊等设备来修补,由于放热量大,容易产生热变形等副作用,无法满足补焊要求。 冷焊修复机是利用高频电火花瞬间放电、无热堆焊原理来修复铸件缺陷。由于冷焊热影响区域小,不会造成基材退火变形,不产生裂纹、没有硬点、硬化现象。而且熔接强度高,补材与基体同时熔化后的再凝固,结合牢固,可进行磨、铣、锉等加工,致密不脱落。冷焊修复机是修补铝合金气孔、砂眼等细小缺陷的理想方法。[编辑本段]【不同牌号铝合金的典型用途】 合 金 典 型 用 途 1050 食品、化学和酿造工业用挤压盘管,各种软管,烟花粉 1060 要求抗蚀性与成形性均高的场合,但对强度要求不高,化工设备是其典型用途 1100 用于加工需要有良好的成形性和高的抗蚀性但不要求有高强度的零件部件,例如化工产品、食品工业装置与贮存容器、薄板加工件、深拉或旋压凹形器皿、焊接零部件、热交换器、印刷板、铭牌、反光器具 1145 包装及绝热铝箔,热交换器 1199 电解电容器箔,光学反光沉积膜 1350 电线、导电绞线、汇流排、变压器带材 2011 螺钉及要求有良好切削性能的机械加工产品 2014 应用于要求高强度与硬度(包括高温)的场合。飞机重型、锻件、厚板和挤压材料,车轮与结构元件,多级火箭第一级燃料槽与航天器零件,卡车构架与悬挂系统零件 2017 是第一个获得工业应用的2XXX系合金,目前的应用范围较窄,主要为铆钉、通用机械零件、结构与运输工具结构件,螺旋桨与配件 2024 飞机结构、铆钉、导弹构件、卡车轮毂、螺旋桨元件及其他种种结构件 2036 汽车车身钣金件 2048 航空航天器结构件与兵器结构零件 2124 航空航天器结构件 2218 飞机发动机和柴油发动机活塞,飞机发动机汽缸头,喷气发动机叶轮和压缩机环 2219 航天火箭焊接氧化剂槽,超音速飞机蒙皮与结构零件,工作温度为-270~300摄氏度。焊接性好,断裂韧性高,T8状态有很高的抗应力腐蚀开裂能力 2319 焊拉2219合金的焊条和填充焊料 2618 模锻件与自由锻件。活塞和航空发动机零件 2A01 工作温度小于等于100摄氏度的结构铆钉 2A02 工作温度200~300摄氏度的涡轮喷气发动机的轴向压气机叶片 2A06 工作温度150~250摄氏度的飞机结构及工作温度125~250摄氏度的航空器结构铆钉 2A10 强度比2A01合金的高,用于制造工作温度小于等于100摄氏度的航空器结构铆钉 2A11 飞机的中等强度的结构件、螺旋桨叶片、交通运输工具与建筑结构件。航空器的中等强度的螺栓与铆钉 2A12 航空器蒙皮、隔框、翼肋、翼梁、铆钉等,建筑与交通运输工具结构件 2A14 形状复杂的自由锻件与模锻件 2A16 工作温度250~300摄氏度的航天航空器零件,在室温及高温下工作的焊接容器与气密座舱 2A17 工作温度225~250摄氏底的航空器零件 2A50 形状复杂的中等强度零件 2A60 航空器发动机压气机轮、导风轮、风扇、叶轮等 2A70 飞机蒙皮,航空器发动机活塞、导风轮、轮盘等 2A80 航空发动机压气机叶片、叶轮、活塞、涨圈及其他工作温度高的零件 2A90 航空发动机活塞 3003 用于加工需要有良好的成形性能、高的抗蚀性可焊性好的零件部件,或既要求有这些性能又需要有比1XXX系合金强度高的工作,如厨具、食物和化工产品处理与贮存装置,运输液体产品的槽、罐,以薄板加工的各种压力容器与管道 3004 全铝易拉罐罐身,要求有比3003合金更高强度的零部件,化工产品生产与贮存装置,薄板加工件,建筑加工件,建筑工具,各种灯具零部件 3105 房间隔断、档板、活动房板、檐槽和落水管,薄板成形加工件,瓶盖、瓶塞等 3A21 飞机油箱、油路导管、铆钉线材等;建筑材料与食品等工业装备等 5005 与3003合金相似,具有中等强度与良好的抗蚀性。用作导体、炊具、仪表板、壳与建筑装饰件。阳极氧化膜比3003合金上的氧化膜更加明亮,并与6063合金的色调协调一致 5050 薄板可作为致冷机与冰箱的内衬板,汽车气管、油管与农业灌溉管;也可加工厚板、管材、棒材、异形材和线材等 5052 此合金有良好的成形加工性能、抗蚀性、可烛性、疲劳强度与中等的静态强度,用于制造飞机油箱、油管,以及交通车辆、船舶的钣金件,仪表、街灯支架与铆钉、五金制品等 5056 镁合金与电缆护套铆钉、拉链、钉子等;包铝的线材广泛用于加工农业捕虫器罩,以及需要有高抗蚀性的其他场合 5083 用于需要有高的抗蚀性、良好的可焊性和中等强度的场合,诸如舰艇、汽车和飞机板焊接件;需严格防火的压力容器、致冷装置、电视塔、钻探设备、交通运输设备、导弹元件、装甲等 5086 用于需要有高的抗蚀性、良好的可焊性和中等强度的场合,例如舰艇、汽车、飞机、低温设备、电视塔、钻井装置、运输设备、导弹零部件与甲板等 5154 焊接结构、贮槽、压力容器、船舶结构与海上设施、运输槽罐 5182 薄板用于加工易拉罐盖,汽车车身板、操纵盘、加强件、托架等零部件 5252 用于制造有较高强度的装饰件,如汽车等的装饰性零部件。在阳极氧化后具有光亮透明的氧化膜 5254 过氧化氢及其他化工产品容器 5356 焊接镁含量大于3%的铝-镁合金焊条及焊丝 5454 焊接结构,压力容器,海洋设施管道 5456 装甲板、高强度焊接结构、贮槽、压力容器、船舶材料 5457 经抛光与阳极氧化处理的汽车及其他装备的装饰件 5652 过氧化氢及其他化工产品贮存容器 5657 经抛光与阳极氧化处理的汽车及其他装备的装饰件,但在任何情况下必须确保材料具有细的晶粒组织 5A02 飞机油箱与导管,焊丝,铆钉,船舶结构件 5A03 中等强度焊接结构,冷冲压零件,焊接容器,焊丝,可用来代替5A02合金 5A05 焊接结构件,飞机蒙皮骨架 5A06 焊接结构,冷模锻零件,焊拉容器受力零件,飞机蒙皮骨部件 5A12 焊接结构件,防弹甲板 6005 挤压型材与管材,用于要求强高大于6063合金的结构件,如梯子、电视天线等 6009 汽车车身板 6010 薄板:汽车车身 6061 要求有一定强度、可焊性与抗蚀性高的各种工业结构性,如制造卡车、塔式建筑、船舶、电车、家具、机械零件、精密加工等用的管、棒、形材、板材 6063 建筑型材,灌溉管材以及供车辆、台架、家具、栏栅等用的挤压材料 6066 锻件及焊接结构挤压材料 6070 重载焊接结构与汽车工业用的挤压材料与管材 6101 公共汽车用高强度棒材、电导体与散热器材等 6151 用于模锻曲轴零件、机器零件与生产轧制环,供既要求有良好的可锻性能、高的强度,又要有良好抗蚀性之用 6201 高强度导电棒材与线材 6205 厚板、踏板与耐高冲击的挤压件 6262 要求抗蚀性优于2011和2017合金的有螺纹的高应力零件 6351 车辆的挤压结构件,水、石油等的输送管道 6463 建筑与各种器具型材,以及经阳极氧化处理后有明亮表面的汽车装饰件 6A02 飞机发动机零件,形状复杂的锻件与模锻件 7005 挤压材料,用于制造既要有高的强度又要有高的断裂韧性的焊接结构,如交通运输车辆的桁架、杆件、容器;大型热交换器,以及焊接后不能进行固熔处理的部件;还可用于制造体育器材如网球拍与垒球棒 7039 冷冻容器、低温器械与贮存箱,消防压力器材,军用器材、装甲板、导弹装置 7049 用于锻造静态强度与7079-T6合金的相同而又要求有高的抗应力腐蚀开裂勇力的零件,如飞机与导弹零件——起落架液压缸和挤压件。零件的疲劳性能大致与7075-T6合金的相等,而韧性稍高 7050 飞机结构件用中厚板、挤压件、自由锻件与模锻件。制造这类零件对合金的要求是:抗剥落腐蚀、应力腐蚀开裂能力、断裂韧性与抗疲劳性能都高 7072 空调器铝箔与特薄带材;2219、3003、3004、5050、5052、5154、6061、7075、7475、7178合金板材与管材的包覆层 7075 用于制造飞机结构及期货 他要求强度高、抗腐蚀性能强的高应力结构件、模具制造 7175 用于锻造航空器用的高强度结构性。T736材料有良好的综合性能,即强度、抗剥落腐蚀与抗应力腐蚀开裂性能、断裂韧性、疲劳强度都高 7178 供制造航空航天器的要求抗压屈服强度高的零部件 7475 机身用的包铝的与未包铝的板材,机翼骨架、桁条等。其他既要有高的强度又要有高的断裂韧性的零部件 7A04 飞机蒙皮、螺钉、以及受力构件如大梁桁条、隔框、翼肋、起落架等[编辑本段]【变形铝及铝合金状态、代号】 1.范围 本标准规定了变形铝合金的状态代号。 本标准适用于铝及铝加工产品。 2.基本原则 2.1基础状态代号用一个英文大写字母表示。 2.2细分状态代号采用基础状态代号后跟一位或多位阿拉伯数字表示。 2.3基本状态代号 基本状态分为5种 代号 名称 说明与应用 F 自由加工状态 适用于在成型过程中,对于加工硬化和热处理条件特殊要求的产品,该状态产品的力学性能不作规定。 O 退火状态 适用于经完全退火获得最低强度的加工产品。 H 加工硬化状态 适用于通过加工硬化提高强度的产品,产品在加工硬化后可经过(也可不经过)使强度有所降低的附加热处理。 W 固熔热处理状态 处理状态 一种不稳定状态,仅适用于经固溶热处理后,室温下自然时效的合金,该状态代号仅表示产品处于自然时效阶段。 T 热处理状态(不同于F、O、H状态) 适用于热处理后,经过(或不经过)加工硬化达到稳定的产品。T代号后面必须跟有一位或多位阿拉伯数字

合金是由金属与其它一种以上的金属或非金属所组成的具有金属通性的物质。我国是世界上最早研究和生产合金的国家之一,在商朝(距今3000多年前)青铜(铜锡合金)工艺就已非常发达;公元前6世纪左右(春秋晚期)已锻打(还进行过热处理)出锋利的剑(钢制品)。铝是分布较广的元素,在地壳中含量仅次于氧和硅,是金属中含量最高的。纯铝密度较低,为2.7 g/cm3,有良好的导热、导电性(仅次于Au、Ag、Cu),延展性好、塑性高,可进行各种机械加工。铝的化学性质活泼,在空气中迅速氧化形成一层致密、牢固的氧化膜,因而具有良好的耐蚀性。但纯铝的强度低,只有通过合金化才能得到可作结构材料使用者选用根据铝合金的成分和生产工艺特点,通常分为形变与铸造铝合金两大类.工业上应用的主要有铝-锰,铝-镁,铝-镁-铜,铝-镁-硅-铜,铝-锌-镁-铜等合金.变形铝合金也叫熟铝合金,据其成分和性能特点又分为防锈铝,硬铝,超硬铝,锻铝和特殊铝等五种.。铝合金的突出特点是密度小、强度高。铝中加入Mn、Mg形成的Al-Mn、Al-Mg合金具有很好的耐蚀性,良好的塑性和较高的强度,称为防锈铝合金,用于制造油箱、容器、管道、铆钉等。硬铝合金的强度较防锈铝合金高,但防蚀性能有所下降,这类合金有Al-Cu-Mg系和Al-Cu-Mg-Zn系。新近开发的高强度硬铝,强度进一步提高,而密度比普通硬铝减小15%,且能挤压成型,可用作摩托车骨架和轮圈等构件。Al-Li合金可制作飞机零件和承受载重的高级运动器材。 各种飞机都以铝合金作为主要结构材料。飞机上的蒙皮、梁、肋、桁条、隔框和起落架都可以用铝合金制造。飞机依用途的不同,铝的用量也不一样。着重于经济效益的民用机因铝合金价格便宜而大量采用,如波音767客机采用的铝合金约占机体结构重量 81%。军用飞机因要求有良好的作战性能而相对地减少铝的用量,如最大飞行速度为马赫数 2.5的F-15高性能战斗机仅使用35.5%铝合金有些铝合金有良好的低温性能,在-183~-253[2oc]下不冷脆,可在液氢和液氧环境下工作,它与浓硝酸和偏二甲肼不起化学反应,具有良好的焊接性能,因而是制造液体火箭的好材料。发射“阿波罗”号飞船的“土星” 5号运载火箭各级的燃料箱、氧化剂箱、箱间段、级间段、尾段和仪器舱都用铝合金制造。 航天飞机的乘员舱、前机身、中机身、后机身、垂尾、襟翼、升降副翼和水平尾翼都是用铝合金制做的。各种人造地球卫星和空间探测器的主要结构材料也都是铝合















As an important part of Chinese academic journals, sci-tech periodicalshave great significance to the spread of knowledge of science and to thedevelopment of technology. The level of internationalization of a sci-tec journalrepresents its recognition degree in the field of international publishing,besides, it is also a key criteria of the success for launching the journals. Thereare the largest number of sci-tech periodicals launched in Beijing, which leadsto a central role that taken by this area. Therefore, result from the researchwhich focus in Beijing can, to a certain extent, reflect the international level ofChinese sci-tech periodicals.

This paper is divided into six chapters: Chapter one is a brief review of theacademic theories and description about the practice status and the currentsystem of Chinese sci-tech periodicals. Also, it summarizes the stages andcharacteristics of the development of sci-tech periodicals in Beijing. In chaptertwo, it provides the historical foundation, system condition and thedevelopment of digital technology for the following analysis. Chapter three, tofive respectively elaborates the current situation of the development of sci-techperiodicals in Beijing area by 3 aspects: content innovation, business strategyand media. In chapter six, it concluded the problems that China's sci-techperiodicals are facing during the globalization and then provides possiblecountermeasures based on the analysis in previous chapters.

Key Words: Beijing; sci-tech periodicals; internationalization; impact factor


Within the framework of feminism and archetypal criticism, this thesis, by taking ThePassion of New Eve as its discourse, analyzes and discusses Angela Carter's application ofdemythologizing as a feminist strategy. By rewriting and subverting those female archetypes,Carter aims to break the fetters and shackles of patriarchy, exploring the way to women'sliberation as well as the reconciliation between two genders.

Believing that human society has been established on patriarchy, feminists endeavor tochange women's subordinate status and achieve gender equality. Archetypal criticism, as oneof the most influential branches in literary criticism,regards myth as the origin of literature.

Myths,especially the Bible,cover all the forms and motifs known as archetypes in literature.

As a devoted pioneer and advocator of feminism, Carter realizes that those female archetypesare usually stereotyped and dogmatic, which is actually invented by patriarchy for theoppression and exploitation of women.

Based on intensive reading and exhaustive textual analysis, this thesis illustrates Carter'sdemythologizing of three female archetypes in The Passion of New Eve, which are“Temptress,,,”Mother Goddesses“ and ”Eve“ respectively. Firstly, the sufferings that Leilahencounter in the novel reveal that ”Temptresses“ are in fact victims of patriarchy instead oforigins of disloyalty and disasters. While seen by men as objects of their sexual desires, theyalso risk self-objectification, which results in the deprivation of subjectivity as independenthuman beings. Secondly, ”Mother“ in Beulah is just an artificial myth,汪 consolatory toolfabricated by patriarchy, behind the glorification of which are patriarchal values and codes.

Thirdly, the transformative journey Eve experienced from a chauvinist to a real womandemonstrates that femininity, rather than an inherent quality, is the result of social influenceand persistent imitations.

Through the demythologizing of those female archetypes, Carter overthrows thepatriarchal hegemony as well as Utopian matriarchal dreams,offering androgyny as a potentialsolution to the current sexual conflicts. In her opinion, the real reconciliation between twogenders should be based on mutual respect and understanding, which is confirmed by theunion between the new Eve and Tristessa in The Passion of New Eve.

Keywords: female archetype; demythologizing; Angela Carter; The Passion of New Eve


In recent years, with the development of the financial sector, more and morepeople pay attention to the financial information search. However, the traditionalkeyword search method could hardly meet the needs of financial users. Therefore,semantic search products have gained more popularity. However, the semanticparsing process is complex and diverse. During the process of the analysis oflarge-scale real text, the sentence analysis which based on word granularity is verydifficult, but after chunk analysis, the accuracy can be significantly improved andthe complexity can be clearly reduced. At present, the user input method is almostthe Pinyin input method, thus it could probably happen that the input phonetic lettersare correct, while the Chinese character is wrong. In order to achieve the purpose ofimproving the user experience, the Pinyin text proofreading appears.

The content of this paper is a pretreatment subsystem of the finance Q & Asystem, and it contains two functions, Pinyin text proofreading and chunk partition.

Text proofreading is based on Pinyin, in the first place, putting the query sequenceinto phonetic sequence. Then it uses the multiple grammars, three grammars and twogrammars to fill the Chinese characters sequence. And if there is no ambiguity whenfilling, then it uses the text proofreading, otherwise, ignores the text proofreading.

For the chunk partition, this paper uses three different methods: the method ofthe shortest path chunk partition, the method of CRF chunk partition and the methodof neural network chunk partition. The subsystem designed and implemented thethree methods. The shortest path chunk partition is similar to the dictionary wordsegmentation method. CRF chunk partition divided the problem into the annotationproblem, through getting the optimal sequence labels, to reach the purpose of chunkpartition. Chunk neural network chunk partition is based on word segmentation,changing the query sequence into a sequence of nodes. If the sequence of possibilityimproved after adding chunk tag on each node sequence, the tag position is a chunkposition.

In practical test, the shortest path chunk partition based on the dictionary,cannot process the query which is not in the dictionary of chunk. CRF chunkpartition can solve the unknown chunk query, but the mark information is too simplewhen the training corpus increased,and the error percentage of results increasedsignificantly. When using neural networks in chunk partition, the predicted timeincreases significantly, however, the query generalization is a good idea. Throughthe above research, a reasonable way to chunk partition is the CRF method, whichproperly uses the query generalization.

Finally after testing, the pretreatment subsystem has not only met the needs ofthe finance Q & A system, largely improving the financial Q & A system userexperience, but also reduces the analytical complexity, significantly improved thecorrectness and performance.

Keywords: Pretreatment system question analysis, chunk, text proofreading, CRF,neural network

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