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投稿北核C扩《河北经贸大学学报》:不收版面费和审稿费,有稿费 2020年1月10日向《河北经贸大学学报》投稿了一篇关于虚拟耕地资源视域下农产品贸 易政策评价的文章,刚开始以为这个期刊是个C刊,结果2月18日,该期刊通过邮件发送了录用通知,稿件说明已通过审稿程序,但刊发时间尚未确定,请勿另投它刊,让回复一下是否收到。 看到此录用通知,心情激动不已,想着终于又录用了一 篇C刊,结果去南大核心收录目录查询的时候 ,发现降为C扩了,但是又查看了该期刊不收版面费和审稿费,还有稿费,想了想发表论文不易,况且也不差,就于2月19日给杂志社回复了作者已收到,并保证专投贵刊。 接下来,可能因为疫情的原因,到4月份一直没有消息,中间打了几个电话 ,也无人接听,想着可能杂志社还未上班。4月13日,再次向贵刊进行电话咨询,这次电话终于打通了,接电话的是一位男老师,沟通了论文题目后,编辑老师说这篇文章已经录用了,刊期待定,让我放心,后期有修改的地方会主动联系我。 总体感觉《河北经贸大学学报》审稿挺快的,一个 月左右会有结果,如果没有的话,可能就没有录用,编辑老师态度也比较好,再说不收版面费,是一个良心期刊,希望此评论对大家有所帮助!




挺好的高校。如果有志于此 当然得努力啦,一分耕耘一份收获,努力才有回报。无论什么专业,也要认真学习,认真领会,业精于勤荒于嬉。




2008年 1. Zhijun Zeng, Meng Fann. Study on a nonautonomous predator-prey system with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response, Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 2008, 48(11-12): 1755-1764 2. Zhijun Liu, Meng Fan, Lansun Chen. Globally asymptotic stability in two periodic delayed competitive systems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2008, 197(1): 271-287. 3. Li Bi, Martin Bohner, Meng Fan. Periodic solutions of functional dynamic equations with infinite delay, Nonlinear Analyis TMA, 2008, 68(5):1226-1245. 2007年 1. Guangyu Sui, Meng Fan, Irakly Loladze, Yang Kuang:The dynamics of a stoichiometric plant-herbivore model and its discrete analog , Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2007, 4: 29-46. 2. Martin Bohner, Meng Fan, Jimin Zhang. Periodicity of scalar dynamic equations and applications to population models, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, 2007, 330: 1-9. 3. Zhijun Zeng, Li Bi, Meng Fan. Existence of multiple positive periodic solutions for functional differential equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2007, 325(2): 1378-1389. 2006年 1. Ke Wang, Meng Fan, Michael Yi Li. A Massera theorem for quasi-linear partial differential equations of first order, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 2006, 36(5): 1715-1727. 2. Ke Wang, Meng Fan. Permanence of predator-prey system of one predator and several preys with infinite delay, The Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 2006, 14(1): 71-105. 3. Jimin Zhang, Meng Fan, Yang Kuang. Rabbits killingbirds revisited, Mathematical Biosciences, 2006, 203(1):100-123. 4. Dan Ye, Meng Fan. Periodicity in mutualism systems with impulse, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 2006, 10(3): 723-737. 5. Martin Bohner, Meng Fan, Jimin Zhang. Existence of periodic solutions in predator-prey and competition dynamic systems, Nonlinear Analysis RWA, 2006, 7: 1193-1204. 2005年 1. 迪申加卜, 范猛, 王克. 具无限时滞中立型泛函微分方程解的稳定性与有界性, 数学物理学报, 2005, 25A(5): 593-603. 2. Meng Fan, Irakli Loladze, Yang Kuang, James J. Elser. Dynamics of a stoichiometric discrete producer-grazer model, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 2005,11(4-5): 347-364. 3. Meng Fan, Dan Ye. Convergence Dynamics and Pseudo Almost Periodicity of A Class of Nonautonomous RFDEs with Applications, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2005, 309: 598-625. 4. Dan Ye, Meng Fan, Haiyan Wang. Periodic solutions for scalar functional differential equations, Nonlinear Analysis TMA,2005, 62: 1157-1181. 5. Meng Fan, Yang Kuang, Zhilan Feng. Cats protecting birds revisited, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 2005, 67:1081-1106. 6. Dan Ye, Meng Fan, Weipeng Zhang. Periodic solutions of density dependent predator-prey systems with Holling type 2 functional response and infinite delays, Z. Angew. Math. Mech. (ZAMM), 2005, 85(3): 213-221. 7. Meng Fan, Ke Wang, Ravi P Agarwal. Periodic solutions of neutral functional differential equations with infinite delay, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, 2005, 12(1): 129--137. 2004年 1. 柏灵,范猛,王克. 具有比率型功能性反应捕食-食饵差分系统周期解的存在性, 大学数学, 2004, 20(6): 31-38. 2. Dan Ye, Meng Fan. Periodicity in impulsive predator-prey system with Holling III functional response, Kodai Mathematical Journal, 2004, 27(3): 189-200. 3. 叶丹,范猛. 具有脉冲的三种群捕食者-食饵链系统正周期解的存在性, 东北师大学报, 2004, 36(4): 1-10. 4. Weipeng Zhang Meng Fan. Periodic solutions for a scalar integro-differential equation, Indian J.Pure Appl. Math., 2004, 35(7): 829-849. 5. 柏灵, 范猛, 王克. 离散时间的互惠系统的正周期解的存在性, 生物数学学报, 2004, 19(3):271-279. 7. Ke Wang, Meng Fan. Necessary and sufficient criteria for the uniqueness of solutions to IVPs of scalar autonomous ODEs, Nonlinear Analysis TMA, 2004, 59: 917-929. 8. Ling Bai, Meng Fan, Ke Wang. Periodic solutions for a discrete time ratio-dependent two predators-one prey system,Ann. of Diff. Eqs., 2004, 20(1): 1-13. 9. Meng Fan, Dan Ye, Wong P J Y, Agarwal R P. Periodicity in a class of nonautomomous scalar equations with deviating arguments and applications to populations models, Dynamical Systems, 2004, 19(3): 279-301. 10. 叶丹,范猛,张伟鹏. 一类捕食者-食饵系统正周期解的存在性,生物数学学报, 2004, 19(2):161-168. 11. 叶丹,范猛,张伟鹏.一类具Holling II型功能性反应的捕食者-食饵系统非平凡周期解的存在性,工程数学学报, 2004, 21(4):504-508. 12. 张伟鹏,范猛,叶丹.一类数学生物模型的周期性, 应用数学学报, 2004, 27(2):345-352. 13. Meng Fan, Dan Ye, Weipeng Zhang. Periodic solutions for a mutualism model governed by difference equation, Dynamic Systems and Applications, 2004, 13(1): 119-128. 14. Meng Fan, Yang Kuang. Dynamics of a nonautonomous predator prey system with the Beddington-DeAngelis functional response, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2004, 295: 15-39. 15. Ke Wang, Meng Fan, Ravi P Agarwal, S Dontha. Basic Theory of Functional Equations with Infinite Delay, Functional Differential Equations, 2004, 11(1-2):203-220. 16. Meng Fan, Xingfu Zou. Global Asymptotic Stability of A Class of Nonautonomous Integro-differential Systems and Applications, Nonlinear Analysis TMA, 2004, 57:111-135. 17. Weipeng Zhang, Meng Fan. Periodicity in a generalized ecological competition system governed by impulsive differential equations with delays, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2004, 39(4-5): 479-493. 18. Meng Fan, Qian Wang. Periodic Solutions of a Class of Nonautonomous Discrete Time Semi-ratio-dependent Predator-Prey Systems, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-B (DCDS-B), 2004, 4(3): 563-574. 2003年 1. Meng Fan, Ke Wang, Wong Patricial J Y, Ravi P Agarwal.Periodicity and stability in periodic n-species Lotka-Volterra competition system with feedback controls and deviating arguments, Acta Mathematica Sinica,2003, 19(4): 801-822. 2. Ling Bai, Meng Fan, Ke Wang. Existence of Positive Periodic Solution for Difference Equations of Three Species Ratio-Dependent Predator-Prey System, Soochow Journal of Mathematics, 2003:29(3):259-274. 3. 范猛,王克. Yoshizawa型周期解定理和Massera型周期解定理研究进展简介, 数学进展, 2003, 32(3): 295-302. 4. 王克,范猛.国民经济中的最优积累率,数学实践与认识,2003, 33(4): 26-30. 5. 谢丛波,范猛. 种群服从Gompertz增长的数学生物经济模型的定性分析, 东北师大学报, 2003,35(1):10-17. 6. Meng Fan, Qian Wang, Xingfu Zou. Dynamics of a nonautonomous ratio-dependent predator-prey system, Proceeding of Royal Society of Edinburgh A, 2003,133:97-118. 7. Qian Wang, Meng Fan, Ke Wang. Dynamics of a class of nonautonomous semi-ratio-dependent predator-prey systems with functional responses, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2003, 278(2): 443-471. 2002年 1. Meng Fan, Jiabu Disen, Qian Wang, Ke Wang. Stability and boundedness of solutions of neutral functional differential equations, Journal of Mathematics Analysis and Applications, 2002, 276(2):545-560. 2. Meng Fan, Sheba Agarwal. Periodic solutions of nonautonomous discrete time predator-prey system of Lotka-Volterra type, Applicable Analysis,2002,81(4):801-812. 3. Xiaoying Zhang,Ling Bai, Meng Fan, Ke Wang. Existence of positive periodic solutions for predator-prey difference systems with Holling III functional responses, Mathematica Applicata, 2002, 15(3):25-31. 4. 李晓月,柏灵,杨帆,范猛,王克. 离散的互惠生态系统的最优捕获策略,生物数学学报,2002,17(3):334-340. 5. Meng Fan, Sheba Agarwal. Periodic solutions for a class of discrete time competition systems, Nonlinear Studies, 2002,9(3):249-261. 6. 王克,范猛,帅智圣.一类经济网络中商品生产调运和定价问题,经济数学,2002,19(2):57-63. 7. Meng Fan,Ke Wang. Periodic solutions of a discrete time nonautonomous ratio-dependent predator-prey system, Mathematical and Computers Modelling,2002,35:951-961. 8. Meng Fan, Ke Wang. Periodicity in a food-limited population model with toxicants and time delays, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series,2002,18(2):309-314. 9. 李晓月,范猛,王克.具反馈控制和无穷时滞单种群模型周期正解, 高校应用数学学报,2002,17(1):13-21. 2001年 1. 李晓波,王克,范猛,李宪高. 最小存活种群的确定与生物多样性保护, 东北师范大学学报,2001,33(3): 86-90. 2. Meng Fan, Michael Yi Li, Ke Wang. Global stability of an SEIS epidemic model with recruitment and a varying total population size, Mathematical Biosciences, 2001, 170(2):199-208. 3. Meng Fan, Ke Wang. Study on harvested population with diffusional migration, Journal of System Sciences and Complexity, 2001,14(2):139-148. 4. Daqing Jiang, Meng Fan, Aying Wan. A monotone method for constructing extremal solutions to second order periodic boundary value problems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2001, 136:189-197. 5. Meng Fan,Ke Wang. Global existence of positive periodic solutions of periodic predator-prey system with infinite delays, Journal of Mathematics Analysis and Applications, 2001, 262(1):1-11. 6. Meng Fan,Ke Wang. Periodicity in a delayed ratio-dependent predator prey systems, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2001,262(1): 179-190. 7. 范猛,王克.一类具有Holling II型功能性反应的捕食者-食饵系统全局周期解的存在性, 数学物理学报, 2001,21A(4):492-497. 8. 范猛,王克.价格随供求变化的捕获问题,生物数学学报, 2001, 16(4):411-415. 9. Meng Fan, Ke Wang. Positive periodic solution of a periodic integro-differential competition systems with infinite delays, ZAMM Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 2001,81:197-203. 10. 范猛,王克.一类积分微分方程系统正周期解的存在性, 数学学报,2001,44(3):437-444. 2000年 1. 范猛,王克.多物种生态竞争系统周期正解的存在性和全局吸引性, 数学学报,2000,43(1):77-82. 2. 范猛,王克.具无限时滞线性中立型泛函微分方程周期解, 数学学报,2000,43(4):695-702. 3. Ke Wang, Meng Fan. Positive periodic solutions of predator-prey systems with infinite delay, Chinese Annal of Mathematics, 000, 21B(1): 43-54. 4. Meng Fan, Ke Wang. Periodic solutions of convex neutral functional differential equations, Tohoku Mathematical Journal, 2000, 52:47-59. 5. Meng Fan, Ke Wang. Global periodic solutions of a generalized n species Gilpin Ayala competition model, Computers and Mathematics with Applications,2000,40(10-11):1141-1151. 6. 范猛,王克.具有偏差变元的捕食者-食饵系统的全局周期解的存在性, 应用数学学报,2000,23(4):557-561. 7. 范猛,王克.具有遗传效应单种群模型的正周期解,应用数学,2000,13(2):58-61. 8. 李清,王克,范猛.广义Logistic模型的捕获优化问题,生物数学学报,2000,15(4):408-412. 9. 范猛,王克.泛函微分方程的一类边值问题,东北师范大学学报(自然科学版),2000,32(2):1-6. 1999年 1. Meng Fan, Ke Wang, Daqing Jiang. Existence and global attractiv of positive periodic solutions of periodic n-species Lotka-Volterra competition system with several deviating arguments, Mathematical Biosciences, 1999,160: 47-61. 2. 范猛,王克.一致最终有界性与无限时滞泛函微分方程周期解,系统科学与数学 1999, 19(3): 323-327. 3. Meng Fan, Ke Wang, Michael Yi Li. Global stability of SEIR models with saturation incidence, Procedding of the International Conference on Differential Equations and Computational Simulations (Edited by Peter W.Bates, Kening Lu, Daoyi Xu), 1999, 71-80,World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. 4. 王克,范猛. 泛函微分方程相空间理论及其应用简介, 东北师范大学学报(自然科学版, 1999,31(12):42-51. 5. 范猛,王克,周毅. 具有临界推偿增长的生物种群的开发,丹东师专学报,1999,21(4):3-5. 1998年 1. Meng Fan, Ke Wang. Optimal harvesting policy for single population with periodic coefficients, Math. Biosci., 1998, 152(2): 165-177. 2. 范猛, 王克. 具有限时滞中立型泛函微分方程周期解,科学通报,1998, 43(23):2498-2452. (硕士学位论文,1998年) 3. Meng Fan, Ke Wang. Asymptotic stability for linear autonomous differential equations with several delays, Ann. Differential Equations, 1998, 14(4): 605-610. 4. 范猛,王克,李宪高. 容许空间对中解的有界之间的等价关系,广西教育学院学报, 1998, 2: 113-118. 5. 张树文,张玉娟,刘会民,杨启昌,范猛,王克. Gordon理论的改进与开放渔场的可持续开发, 生物数学学报, 1998, 13(6): 1070-1074. 6. 范猛,王克,张树文,刘会民,张玉娟.具有退偿增长曲线生物种群之研究,生物数学学报,1998,13(6):913-915. 7. 翁世友,高海音,王克,范猛. 互惠系统的捕获优化问题, 生物数学学报, 1998,13(5): 754-757. 8. 范猛,王克,张玉娟,张树文,刘会民. 价格成本变化的具有退偿增长的生物种群的经济捕获模型,生物数学学报, 1998, 13(5): 630-637. 9. 刘会民,张树文,张玉娟,范猛,王克. 临界退偿系统的捕获优化问题, 生物数学学报,1998, 13(4):479-483. 10. 张玉娟,刘会民,张树文,范猛,王克. 竞争系统的两个种群同时进行捕获的优化问题, 生物数学学报, 1998,13(4): 456-461. 1997年 1. Ke Wang, Meng Fan, Xiangao Li, Yi Zhou. Establishment and qualitative analysis of mathematical model of AIDS, Proceeding of the China and Japan Joint Symposium on Applied Mathematics and its Related Topics (Edited by Ningzhong Shi, H. Umegaki and Y Naleamura), 1997, 1-8. 2. 范猛, 王克. 集合稳定性理论中的正定函数,东北师范大学学报(自然科学版),1997,29(4):5-7. 3. 范猛,王克. 一类具有退偿增长的生物种群的捕获优化问题,生物数学,1997,1(4):38-42

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