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我国是以煤为主要一次能源的国家,而50%以上煤炭消耗于火力发电,传统火力发电面临发电效率低、环境污染大等缺点,亟待改善。整体煤气化联合循环技术(Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle, IGCC)将煤的气化和高效联合循环相结合,是一种高效洁净的燃煤发电技术。其中辐射式废热锅炉是IGCC系统中煤气化显热回收设备的重要组成部分。气化炉生成的高温合成气经辐射式废热锅炉回收其显热,可提高整个系统发电效率2~4%。由气化炉进入辐射式废热锅炉的合成气中带有大量的高硬度飞灰颗粒,其进入废热锅炉后受气体夹带作用会对受热面产生严重的冲刷,进而造成水冷壁严重磨损,影响显热回收装置的安全正常运行。因此,在对辐射式废热锅炉温度场、流场的模拟和分析的基础上,根据数值模拟结果加装有效的飞灰分离装置并对飞灰颗粒对壁面磨损进行预测,对IGCC系统辐射式废热锅炉的设计、安全运行具有重要意义。本文针对“国家863计划”项目中某中试试验废热锅炉开展了现较为通用的双层水冷壁式辐射式废热锅炉内部气体流动、温度分布的模拟,并采用欧拉-拉格朗日随机轨道模型进行了辐射式废热锅炉内气体、粒子气固两相流动的模拟,最终获得了辐射式废热锅炉内气体温度场、流场以及颗粒相运行轨迹。在此基础上,结合该中试试验设计工况,根据固体颗粒沉降以及惯性分离原则,在确定最佳固体颗粒分离位置的情况下,提出了一种具有多层结构的固体颗粒径向分离装置,采用Fluent软件进行了相关数值模拟,深入研究了该分离装置分离效果,并开展了相关参数,如分离环倾角、间距比、遮盖比例对分离效果影响规律的研究,为不同设计参数情况下分离装置的设计提供了理论依据。结果表明:当分离环倾角为50°、间距比为5、遮盖比例为5 %时,径向分离装置的分离效率达到最高。而后,根据辐射式废热锅炉内流场情况结合粒子运行轨迹模拟结果,编制程序,统计了内、外水冷壁粒子碰撞情况,确定了辐射式废热锅炉内粒子碰撞概率较大区域,并针对该类型区域,统计了30~100μm不同粒径固体颗粒在该区域的碰撞次数,并根据其运行轨迹计算出颗粒入射角,进而采用磨损模型计算出不同颗粒对壁面的磨损状况,同时给出了年标准工况下壁面区域由机械磨损引起的减薄的预测值。结果表明,辐射废热锅炉内筒末段区域壁面磨损程度大,最严重时可每年磨掉壁面3mm。
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238 评论


In today's fast-changing information technology time, people's demand for network communications have also Communication networks become increasingly large and complex structure of the scale, the growing diversity of network applications, network performance has become increasingly difficult to Simply rely on the experience of network planning and design, network equipment and network protocols of the Research and development, has been unable to adapt the rapid development of the current in this circumstances, the network simulation as a new method of network planning and design came into being, with its unique approach for network planning and design to provide objective and reliable quantitative basis for the network to shorten the construction period to improve the network construction in scientific decision-

120 评论


一篇文章的引用参考部分包括注释和参考文献两部分,注释是作者自己的解释(转引的参考文献也可以放在注释里),参考文献仅需列出参考书或论文的名称、作者、出版社或发表的期刊、著作时间或期刊期数等。注释用圆圈1 2标注,放脚注,参考文献用[1][2]标注,放尾注。  有的刊物要求注释和参考文献都要在内文标注,有的刊物对参考文献不要求内文标注,在尾注列出就行。按最新的CNKI规范的要求应是前者。为保险起见,你还是都标吧。注:参考文献如是著作要标页码,论文只要标出期刊是第几期。  例:  参考文献:  [1]金福海论建立我国的惩罚性赔偿制度[J]中国法学,1994,(3)  [2]杨立新“王海现象”的民法思考——论消费者权益保护中的惩罚性赔偿金[J]河北法学, 1997,(5)  [3]金福海消费者法论[M]北京:北京大学出版社,2005:  [4]闫玮完善我国<消费者权益保护法>中的惩罚性赔偿制度[J]太原师范学院学报,2007,(1)  [5]梁慧星<消费者权益保护法>第49条的解释适用[J]民商法论丛,2001,(3)  [6]王堃论我国<消费者权益保护法>中的惩罚性赔偿[J]现代商业,  [7]梁慧星关于<消费者权益保护法>第49条的解释适用[N]人民法院报,2001-3-  [8]孔祥俊公平交易执法前沿问题研究[M]北京:工商出版社,1998:

81 评论


In today's rapidly changing information technology era, people's demand for network communications have also Communication networks become increasingly large and complex structure of the scale, the growing diversity of network applications, network performance has become increasingly difficult to Simply rely on the experience of network planning and design, network equipment and network protocols of the R & D development, has been unable to adapt the rapid development of the current In this case, the network simulation as a new method of network planning and design came into being, with its unique approach for network planning and design to provide objective and reliable quantitative basis for the network to shorten the construction period to improve the network construction in scientific decision- This study is based on campus network, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology as the background to Opnet network simulation software as a technical support, on the campus network to simulate the internal main switch, analytical Cisco5500 main switch is able to meet the needs of the network, if the analysis shows that to meet the simulation results, improvements are not satisfied with the This article reads as follows: (1) introduced the technology in the context of network simulation and emulation software Opnet general principles; (2) the use of Opnet network simulation software to simulate the school campus (3) According to the actual needs of schools to test whether the Cisco5500 the main switch into the network to meet the (4) the results of the analysis and proposed

325 评论


In today's rapidly changing information technology era, people's demand for network communications have also Communication networks become increasingly large and complex structure of the scale, the growing diversity of network applications, network performance has become increasingly difficult to Simply rely on the experience of network planning and design, network equipment and network protocols of the R & D development, has been unable to adapt the rapid development of the current In this case, the network simulation as a new method of network planning and design came into being, with its unique approach for network planning and design to provide objective and reliable quantitative basis for the network to shorten the construction period to improve the network construction in scientific decision-

341 评论


In today's rapidly changing information technology era, people's demand for network communications have also Communication networks become increasingly large and complex structure of the scale, the growing diversity of network applications, network performance has become increasingly difficult to Simply rely on the experience of network planning and design, network equipment and network protocols of the R & D development, has been unable to adapt the rapid development of the current In this case, the network simulation as a new method of network planning and design came into being, with its unique approach for network planning and design to provide objective and reliable quantitative basis for the network to shorten the construction period,Network construction to enhance the scientific nature of decision-This study is based on campus network, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology as the background to Opnet network simulation software as a technical support, on the campus network to simulate the internal main switch, analytical Cisco5500 main switch is able to meet the needs of the network, if the analysis shows that to meet the simulation results, improvements are not satisfied with the This article reads as follows:(1) introduced the technology in the context of network simulation and emulation software Opnet general principles;(2) the use of Opnet network simulation software to simulate the school campus (3) According to the actual needs of schools to test whether the Cisco5500 the main switch into the network to meet the (4) the results of the analysis and proposed

172 评论


  • 太原师范学院毕业论文格式

    一、参考文献是对期刊论文引文进行统计和分析的重要信息源之一 ,在本规范中采用 GB 7714推荐的顺序编码制编排。  二、参考文献著录项目   主要责任者

    彷徨爱情 2人参与回答 2023-12-07
  • 青岛科技大学毕业论文格式


    大熊简单明了 4人参与回答 2023-12-06
  • 太原科技大学优秀毕业论文

    高校名称:太原科技大学  英文名称:Taiyuan University of Science and Technology  成立时间:1952年  高校隶属

    huixin0090 7人参与回答 2023-12-08
  • 太原科技大学毕业论文查重率

    今天是2019年7月5日,我就毕业了。对科大只剩下深深爱意。在大四的一年中,跟着几位专业老教授作设计。老教师真的是兢兢业业,认真教书育人作学问。 学术和为人对我

    小狸露宝1234 6人参与回答 2023-12-09
  • 武汉科技大学毕业论文格式


    狮子猫的吃路 3人参与回答 2023-12-09