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Harvard Reference格式是英国学校学生用来写英文论文的一种引用格式;使用率相比其它引用格式较普遍一些。那么如何使用Harvard Reference格式进行引用呢?学术堂来带你认识哈佛引用格式。Harvard Reference格式包括两种类型: 直接引用或解释源时,使用正文引用。它们位于作品的正文中,并包含完整引用的片段。根据来源类型的不同,哈佛大学参考文献中的一些引文可能如下所示:“After that I lived like a young rajah in all the capitals of Europe…” (Fitzgerald, 2004) 参考资料列表位于工作结束,显示完整的引用,用于分配中使用的来源。以下是哈佛参考书目中一本书的完整引用例子:Fitzgerald, F (2004) The great G New York: SHarvard Reference格式参考列表是为了让读者自己定位原始资料而创建的。引用列表中的每个引用包括各种信息,包括:作者姓名发表年份标题城市出版出版者引用内容的页码通常,哈佛参考文献列表引用遵循以下格式:Ÿ 姓,首字母。(发表年份)标题。城市:出版商,页面。引文按照作者姓氏的字母顺序列出。如果同一作者有多个来源,则在出版之日前按照顺序列出引文。引用两个或两个以上作者的书的Harvard格式引用具有多个作者的引文时,请按照它们在来源上的显示顺序进行排列。用“and”来分隔名字。姓,首字母 和姓氏,第一首。(发表年份)标题。城市:出版商,页面。例:Desikan, S and Ramesh, G (2006) Software Bangalore, India: Dorling Kindersley, Vermaat, M, Sebok, S, Freund, S, Campbell, J and Frydenberg, M (2014) Discovering Boston: Cengage Learning, 446-Daniels, K, Patterson, G and Dunston, Y (2014) The ultimate student teaching 2nd Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, 145-Harvard Reference格式参考文献列表当同一作者有多件作品时,按年份排列引用次序。在同一年出版资料时,请按照标题的字母顺序排列。例:Brown, D (1998) Digital New York: S Martin’s PBrown, D (2003) Deception New York: Atria BBrown, D (2003) The Da Vinci New York: DHarvard Reference格式引用印刷期刊印刷期刊引用的标准结构:姓,首字母 (发表年份)文章标题。期刊,卷(期),页面(s)。例子:Ross, N (2015) On Truth Content and False Consciousness in Adorno’s Aesthetic T Philosophy Today, 59(2), 269-Dismuke, C and Egede, L (2015) The Impact of Cognitive, Social and Physical Limitations on Income in Community Dwelling Adults With Chronic Medical and Mental D Global Journal of Health Science, 7(5), 183-

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254 评论


你列举的感觉并不是引述句啊,引述一般都是要用你的话把别人的话转一道。你列的不就是直接引用吗引用句有时会直接引用名词和形容词引述名词引用名词可在后面加that, to do或wh词,通常用名词或形容词引述的时候,不会用到原文,而是用自己的话来描述被引用的观点事实 当遇到acknowldgement, advice, allegation, announcement, answer, argument, comment, decision, explanation, forecast, guarantee, indication, observation, promise, recommendation, reply, speculation, statement, suggestion, threat, warning,用名词+that从句的形式,且that通常不能省略。例:The claim is often made that smoking causes heart        The jury came to the conclusion that the woman was 遇到名词decison, invitation, encouragement, instruction, order, promise, recommendation, refusal, threat, warning,通常用名词+to do从句,其中部分名词后面也可以跟that从句例: I accept Luisa's invitation to visit her in R        He gave me every encouragement to take up painting        They carried out their threat to dismiss workers on (或heir threat that tehy would dismiss workers on )遇到名词question, issue, explanation, discussion, problem时,用名词+wh从句,且名词后通常加of例:Juan raised the question of when the money would be        Our previous meeting looked at the issue of how to increase  以上很多名词还可以在后面+as to+wh从句或as to+wh词+to do来引出问题或话题,as to也可以被对应的介词替代例: She asked my advice as to what subject she should study at (或advice )        There was some discussion as to whether the price included tax or (或discussion )         Before we left we gave them strict instructions as to how to cook (或者about how )引述形容词 引述某人的感受或观点时可以用形容词+that从句,此类形容词除以下例句还有adamant, agreed, angry, annoyed, grateful, insistent, sure例:The builders are certain that they'll be finished by the end of next   表示不确定的形容词后跟wh从句,这类形容词除以下例句还有doubtful(通常跟wheter),uncertain, not certain, unsure例:Scientists aren't sure where the remains of the satellite will   某些形容词后面通常跟介词+名词短语,这类形容词又apologetic, comlimentary, insulting, tactful(+about), dismissive, scornful(+of), abusive, sympathetic(+to/towards)例:Today's newspapers are very critical of the President's decision to appoint Mr W

146 评论


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