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首页 > 论文问答 > 爱思唯尔期刊是sci吗

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不是SCI,是一本爱思唯尔出版的普通英文期刊Production and Hosting by Elsevier BV on behalf of Beijing Academy of Food SciencesPeer Review under the responsibility of Beijing Academy of Food SciencesFood Science and Human Wellness is an international peer-reviewed journal that provides a forum for the dissemination of the latest scientific results in food science, nutriology, immunology and cross-field Articles must present information that is novel, has high impact and interest, and is of high scientific By their effort, it has been developed to promote the public awareness on diet, advocate healthy diet, reduce the harm caused by unreasonable dietary habit, and directs healthy food development for food industrial Scope includes the following topics of research papers, prospective summarizes and comments:• Food Biochemistry: comprehensive studies involving in carbohydrates, proteins and enzymes, lipids, nucleic acids, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, genomics, genetic/cell/enzymatic engineering, proteomics and metabonomics, • Food Microbiology: includes physiology, genetics and behavior of microorganisms, microbial interaction, microbial toxin, food pathogens, biocontrol, predictive microbiology and microbial risk assessment, • Nutrition and Immunology: food nutrition in the molecular level and in clinical studies, bioactive compounds/ingredients and their functional evaluations, cytokines, food allergies, molecular immunology, immunobiology and immunogenetics, • Food Safety and Toxicology: studies on foodborne diseases, hazard analysis and toxicological evaluations, Food Science and Human Wellness is an international peer-reviewed journal that provides a forum for the dissemination of the latest scientific results in food science, nutriology, immunology and cross-field Articles must present information that is novel, has high impact and interest, and is of high scientific By their effort, it has been developed to promote the public awareness on diet, advocate healthy diet, reduce the harm caused by unreasonable dietary habit, and directs healthy food development for food industrial

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302 评论


ELSEVIER只是一个出版商,同全球学术界的7,000名期刊编辑、70,000名编委会成员、200,000名审稿人和500,000名作者一起紧密协作,每年出 版2,000 多种期刊和2,200种新书。但是其中有的期刊并不是SCI。 能被web of science index expanded 检索到的才是SCI。比如Energy Procedia 这个期刊是专门收录会议论文的,是ELSEVIER的,但不是SCI。SCI期刊在期刊主页都会有写被哪些数据库收录,如果有science citation index或engineering index,说明该期刊是SCI或EI收录,如果是science citation index-expanding,则就是通常所说的SCI-E了。第二种方法就是去去thomson公司的查询页面查询了,输入链接-bin/jrnlst/i?PC=D,然后输入要查询期刊的名称或者ISSN码,点击search,看到会出来一个Coverage,点开Coverage,下边就可以看到期刊的收录情况了!Elsevier 被SCI收录的期刊见下链接:-jInnKx_YlGdglT-WG29ygPEDJCpUNghHCW78xdWoErdvQ0nhezwiRI46zWUWUnmzS4CQV5oUNadx1kYdyTEhp26LKpgTzycYjOgXO

119 评论


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