_uploads/notebook2_pdf这是别人的论文,(全英文)看一下吧~another one:_pub/itu-s/opb/pol/S-POL-IRIT-2005-SUM-PDF-Epdf有中文的:_4_pdf_4_pdf以上所提供之网站资料仅供参考, 切不可抄袭使用,以免触犯著作权法!祝你论文顺利~
The internet has made life easier for so many invisible criminals in the Meanwhile, the information transferred timely has also made life saving possible in many ways as For some parents, children advance in studying through the use of internet is very encouraging, they have concerns though: time surfing on the internet may not being spent Many teachers also have concerns but that of that their schools’ are not equipped adequately to facilitate students in developing their potentials; as to me, I am happy because I have self-control in suing the internet and I’ve learned a 100字英特网使得许多现形犯得以轻易隐匿 讯息得以快速传播亦使得生命的救援在许多地方进行 对父母们来说英特网帮助解决孩子在学习上的困难是好事 但他们同时也耽心孩子们对上网时间的运用、控制 许多的老师也有顾虑 不过他们耽心的是学校设备不足 阻止了学生的学习 减弱了他们的竞争能力 至於我呢 由於我有充分的自制能力 英特网的便利促进了我的学习
“物联网”的英文正是 Internet of Things(IoT)。“物联网”是英文 Internet of Things 的中文翻译。这是一个将互联网、传统
节能减排指的是减少能源浪费和降低废气排放。 我国“十一五”规划纲要提出,“十一五”期间单位国内生产总值能耗降低20%左右、主要污染物排放总量减少10%。这是贯彻
下一代工业革命逐步逼近,我们将如何应用融会贯通新的功能?工业0将由自动化进步支持,工业物联网和基于电脑的控制器转型就是明显的例子。 工业0比前面3次工业革命