这些都是名字的缩写,学位的缩写只有PhD,MD,BD啊,英文文献好像是不标学位的给你几个示范一下,都是根据国标写的。 作者 文章名 刊物类型 刊物 年度,期卷号:页码范围 [ ] Nikolaev Yu A, Gas Detonation and its Application in Engineering and Technologies[J] Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves, 2003, 39(4): 382-410 [ ] LCYang, P H D Key Parameters for Controlling of Function Reliability in “None1 Tube” Explosive Transfer System[C], 1999: AIAA99-31211 [ ] Peng Jinhua, Tang M One of the Applications of Dust Explosions – Nonel System[J] Archivum Combustionis, 1989(9): 223-229 [ ] Liu Dabin, Jiang Rongguang, Yang D The Pressure Characteristics of Nonel Tube in Its Detonation Growth Process[J/OL]: 93-96
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