基本格式(除了标题)是:The basic format (except the title) is:1、先把事件中最重要的部分在导语中简明地体现出来。First, the most important part of the event is concisely reflected in the 2、在第二段进一步具体阐述导语中的这个重要部分,形成支持,不至于使受众在接受时形成心理落差。因而,第二段实际上是一个过渡性段落。In the second paragraph, this important part of the introduction is further elaborated to form support, so as not to make the audience form a psychological gap when Therefore, the second paragraph is actually a transitional 3、按照事件发展的时间顺序把“故事”讲下来。Tell the story in chronological 扩展资料实例——一场别开生面的考试A new test本报通讯员 xxxOur correspondent: XXX3月12日下午3点,一场别开生面的考试在xxx省xxx市政府五楼会议室举行。At 3 on March 12, a special exam was held in the conference room on the fifth floor of XXX municipal government, XXX 能容纳500多人的会议室里,端坐着全市49名乡镇党委书记、乡镇长,他们将通过闭卷考试获得任职“科技资格”。In the conference room, which can accommodate more than 500 people, there are 49 township party secretaries and township heads in the They will pass the closed book examination and get the "science and technology qualification"主考官:分管农业的市委副书记xxx和副市长xxx。Examiner: Deputy Secretary of the municipal Party committee and deputy mayor in charge of 主监考:市委组织部长。Chief invigilator: Organization director of the municipal Party
音乐和我(Music and Me)i like listening tu music,when i am happy,loud rock music make
正式的英文学术文章格式设置如下:1、字体为 Times New Roma,大小为12 font(也就是小四);2、行距 为5 或 2倍 行距,段与段之间需要空一
英语作文格式四边的距离:在书写时,上下左右要留有一定的空白距离。 题目的写法:题目应写在第一行的中间,题目左右两边的空白距离大致相等。题目的第一个单词的第一个字