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近年来在国内外学术刊物及国际会议上发表论文50多篇。其中在国际期刊(包括IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence、IEEE Trans on Image Processing、Pattern Recognition等本专业权威期刊)上发表论文14篇(其中影响因子超过2的8篇),SCI索引18篇、SCI他引53次。在国际CVPR大会上发表6篇论文。相关研究成果受到国际同行的高度评价。近期代表性论著:[1] Z Fan, J Zhou and Y Wu, “Multibody Grouping by Inference of Multiple Subspaces from High-Dimensional Data Using Oriented-Frames”, IEEE T on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 28(1):91-105, [2] D Wan and J Zhou, “Fingerprint Recognition Using Model-based Density Map”, IEEE T On Image Processing, 15(6): 1690-1696, [3] J Gu , J Zhou, and Chunyu Yang, “Fingerprint Recognition by Combining Global Structure and Local Cues”, IEEE T On Image Processing, 15(7): 1952-1964, [4] J Zhou, D Gao, and D Zhang, “Robust Moving Vehicle Detection for Automatic Traffic Monitoring”, IEEE T On Vehicular Technology, 56(1), Jan, [5] C Yang, and J Zhou, “A comparative study of combining multiple enrolled samples for fingerprint verification”, Pattern Recognition, 39(11): 2115-2130, [6] J Zhou, and J Gu, “A Model-based Method for the Computation of Fingerprints Orientation Field”, IEEE T On Image Processing, 13(6): 821-835, [7] J Zhou and J Gu, “Modeling Orientation Field of Fingerprints with Rational Complex Functions”, Pattern Recognition, 37(2): 389-391, [8] J Gu, J Zhou, and D Zhang, “A combination Model for orientation Field of fingerprints”, Pattern Recognition, 37(3): 543-553, [9] J Zhou, L Xin, and D Zhang, “Scale-orientation histogram for texture image retrieval”, Pattern Recognition, 36(4): 1061-1063, [10] D Zhang, H Peng, J Zhou, and S K Pal, “A Novel Face Recognition System Using Hybrid Neural and Dual Eigenspaces Methods”, IEEE T On SMC, Part A, 32(6), [11] J Zhou, X Lu, D Zhang and C Wu, “Orientation analysis for rotated human face detection”, Image and Vision Computing, 20(4): 257-264, [12] Z Fan, J Zhou and Y Wu, “Multibody Motion Segmentation Based on Simulated Annealing”, Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, USA, 1: 776-781, [13] Z Fan, J Zhou and Y Wu, “Inference of Multiple Subspaces from High -Dimensional Data and Application to Multibody Grouping”, Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, USA, 2: 661-666, [14] Y Zhang, and J Zhou, “Audio Segmentation Based On Multi-Scale Audio Classification” Proceedings of International Conference of ASSP, Canada, 4: 349-352, [15] J Gu and J Zhou, “A Novel Model for Orientation Field of Fingertips”, Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, USA, 2: 493-498, [16] C Wu, J Zhou, Z Bian and G Rong, “Detecting Creases in the Fingerprint”, Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, USA, 2: 505-510, [17] J Zhou, and D Zhang, “Face Recognition by Combining Several Algorithms”, Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2002), Canada, 3: 497-500, [18] J Zhou, etal, “Automatic Cartridge Identification for Firearm authentication”, Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, USA, 1: pp749-754, [19] X Lv, J Zhou, and C Z“A Novel Algorithm for Rotated Human Face Detection”, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, USA, 1: 760-765, [20] D Gao, J Zhou, and L Xin, “A novel algorithm of Adaptive background estimation”, Proceedings of 2001 International Conference on Image Processing, 2: 395-398, 发明专利:“用于音乐试听的流行歌曲关键段提取方法”,专利号:0发明人:周杰,张一彬,冯上平等,公告日:23“基于断纹检测的指纹识别方法”,专利号:1发明人:周杰,吴南南,杨春宇,公告日:02“指纹多特征识别方法”,专利号:6发明人:周杰,顾金伟,万定锐,公告日:16“多注册指纹融合方法”,专利号:9发明人:周杰,杨春宇,公告日:02“基于密度图模型的指纹识别方法”,专利号:3发明人:周杰,万定锐,公告日:16
134 评论


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1、动脉粥样硬化斑块来源于动脉粥样硬化; 2、动脉粥样硬化的基础是动脉血管内壁不光滑; 3、引起动脉化的原因是:80后国人吃的相对过好, 运动量相对过少;吸收的过多,消耗的过少;引起 了血液物质代谢不良,高脂、高粘血症出现。血脂、 胆固醇脂、代谢物长期在血管内壁沉积。 4、这些硬化斑块在血管痉挛、情绪激动时会脱落到循 环的血液中,平时要血细胞推动着循环;会引起血液 循环不良。低压相对升高;若再到血管狭窄的地方会 停在狭窄处,这就发生了血管梗塞。 我们健康社区行专家工作队正在调研这个课题,若有需要可与我们做进一步探讨。

142 评论


这个期刊with AE状态从到AE手上一直到出结果之前一直会持续,慢慢等吧,就像IET CTA一提交成功就变成under review一样。

317 评论


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