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Dear Li,With this letter i'm introducing my student Liu Ming to you who graduate from Guangdong Construction Vocational Technical His major is environmental monitoring and management In the school period study diligently,the result outstanding and participates in each kind of group activities What's more,he is a talented and ambitious young If you give him a chance,i think he will be a very good Sincerely,Zhang Q/question/html
221 评论


173 评论


译为英文:As Referrals bachelor's thesis guidance of teachers during their university studies to guide their completion of their studies and The student's research focuses on the XXX, the degree thesis was titled: XXXXThe student to learn to consciously serious, hard work, there is a strong desire for knowledge, and study the spirit of discovery with a certain problem, analyze problems and independent problem-solving In this expertise has laid a good foundation, especially in the XX, and other areas with outstanding results and has strong The student's dissertation research direction is mainly for the "XX areas of expertise" in the "XXX question of " Under my guidance, the student through independent access to the relevant literature, analysis of the relevant cases, to overcome various difficulties and eventually completed an independent study on the His thesis has been rated as excellent school papers,XX and therefore received a bachelor's degree awarded by the University XWhile studying at the school the student is a high academic achievers, and a rare outstanding Therefore, I decided to recommend to your school of Health, National Graduate Institute for want to use your school a good academic environment and research atmosphere, so that the student to pursue advanced studies, so that his potential to be Wang permit the enrollment of hope

310 评论


Dear Sir/Madam:My friend George would like to apply for the position you are offering as a part-time It is my great pleasure to recommend him to As a well-behaved college student, George is a conscientious and considerate person, who is fond of reading and writing during his spare He is very talented and diligent at study, and is awarded scholarship every year in He can speak great English as I am sure he is perfect for this position in the I would much appreciate your Should you need any more information, please feel free to contact Sincerely, XXXF 24, 2011注意,此类应用文应简洁明了,直接写明目的就好。不知道是什么级别的应用文,随便写了点以供参考,希望对您有帮助。

228 评论


推荐信一般应包括下列内容:被推荐人的基本情况介绍。侧重于个人的毕业时间、学校、所获学位以及个人的专业经历。推荐人对被推荐人的基本评价。侧重于被推荐人的专业基础、个性、特点、工作态度和在学术上的前途估计。若是推荐研究生,推荐人还需进一步说明其深造学习的基础和当前所具备的研究能力。显然,恰如其分地评价被推荐人的基础、能力和前途,比言过其实的赞誉更令人情服,更具有实际意义。推荐人可以着重介绍被推荐人曾经获得的奖励,发表过的论文,参加过的重要学术会议,以及曾在学生组织或学术团体中的任职等来支持自己的评价。推荐人还必须清楚地表明被推荐人留学的身份是研究生还是访问学者,专业领域和研究方向是什么。如果大学提供了现成的推荐表格,则必须按这类表格认真逐项填写。推荐表格中一般有学生综合评估的一项,即要求推荐人说明该生在所教的学生中应列为前5%,10%,或25%等。这种评估是指教授的个人评价,可以稍高一点。另外,推荐表格上常有许多难以填写的项目,遇到该情形可填"I don't know",亦不致对该生的评价有何严重影响。就学校方面 首先,必须先了解申请专业的特点(推荐信内容可以强调此特点);整理各校对推荐信内容的要求,即可得到关于评估的基本要求(例如,学术研究能力、创造力等),以及特殊要求(例如,对研究领域的适应度等)。试想:你认为录取委员会希望由推荐信获取那些关于你的信息。就个人方面分析自己的优缺点,在校成绩以及工作表现,有无特殊经历可以展现自己在此研究领域的潜力,或拥有那些特殊的能力,依此作为选择老师写推荐信及提供了解你的基础。并以明确具体的证据来支持证明自己的特殊能力和个人特点(例如,试验成果、研究计划、学术出版物、课外活动等)。就推荐者方面推荐信是了解申请人的重要依据,在研究生课程中尤其如此。申请人可以选择现在或以前的老师、教授或雇主。推荐人必须熟悉学生的学习情况,了解学生的学习目的是否明确,在学术上是否有前途,以及学生的适应能力、创造能力、品行和特长。书写推荐信的最理想的人选是一封由系主任写,一封由专业课教授写,一封由自己的导师写。不过,对方若无规定,则除了自己的亲属之外,任何人皆可为推荐人。推荐人一般应具备高级技术职称,如教授、副教授、研究员、副研究员等。如果推荐人在国内外学术界享有盛誉,或者被申请就读学校聘为客座教授,或者曾经在该校讲过学,那么这样的推荐人写的推荐信就具有很强的效力了。注意事项一般而言,推荐信需要三封,最好三封各有其强调的重点,以完全申请人的特点与才华,推荐信的基本组成除信头、发信日期、收信人性命、地址、称呼、签名、推荐人性命、职务等外,信件内容还应包括以下各项:被推荐者全名:不可全文都只写M Huang和Miss He,需要明确写出被推荐者的全明至少以次。认识期间:何时认识?或认识多久?认识程度:偶尔见面或者密切接触,例如任课老师或者班主任等。与申请人之间的关系:老师或者部门主管等。学业成绩:讨论申请人擅长与不擅长的学习领域。个人成就:在学校、工作或家庭中的特殊表现。如曾经获得某种奖学金、工作中表现优秀等。特殊才能:语言、艺术、体育等方面的特殊能力

142 评论


National Institute of AccountantsLevel 8,12-20 Flinders LaneMelbourne VIC 3000AustraliaDear Sir,Thanks for reading the A student JIM utilizes the time in summer vacation to become a volunteer in this It's time to grow and work for about 20 hours and help to clear up the work , such as books ,, serious, hereby believe and contain , praise

289 评论


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    Dear Li,With this letter i'm introducing my student Liu Ming to you who graduate

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