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2011年(部分):T Ding, GX Chen , X Wang, MH Zhu,WH Zhang, WX Zhou Friction and wear behavior of pure carbon strip slidingagainst copper contact wire under AC passage at high speeds [J] Tribology International 44 (2011) 437–T Ding, GX Chen, J Bu, WH Zhang Effect oftemperature and arc discharge on friction and wear behaviours of carbonstrip/copper contact wire in pantograph–catenary systems [J] Wear 271 (2011)1629–LIN Xiu-zhou , ZHU Min-hao , MO Ji-liang ,CHEN Guang-xiong , JIN Xue-song , ZHOU Zhong- Tribologicaland electric-arc behaviors of carbon/copper pair during sliding frictionprocess with electric current applied [J] T Nonferrous M S China 21(2011)292-卢瑜挺,陈光雄,杨红娟,章赛丹 滑板倾斜对碳滑板/纯铜接触线高速滑动摩擦磨损性能的影响[J]润滑与密封,2011,36(12):19-王鑫,陈光雄,杨红娟,卢瑜挺电弧能量对碳滑板/铜接触线高速滑动摩擦磨损性能影响[J] 润滑与密封,2011,36(06):44-丁涛,王鑫,陈光雄,杨红娟,朱旻昊 不同刚度下受流质量与摩擦磨损性能关系研究[J] 机械工程材料,2011,35(01):33-2010年:G X Chen, Z R Zhou, H Ouyang, X S Jin, M H Zhu and Q Y Liu A finite element study on rail corrugation based on saturated creep force-induced self-excited vibration of a wheelset-rail system Journal of Sound and Vibration,329(2010) 4643–4655 (SCI)GXChen, PBWu, H YDai, Z R Zhou A comparative study on the complex eigenvalues prediction results of brake squeal obtained by two infinite element modeling approaches Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2010,23(3)383-390 (SCI)丁涛,王鑫,陈光雄,张卫华,周文祥 120~170km/h条件下滑板/接触线摩擦磨损性能试验研究 机械工程学报, 2010, 46(16):36~40 (EI)丁涛,陈光雄,朱旻昊 法向载荷对不锈钢/浸金属碳载流摩擦磨损性能的影响 机械工程材料, 2010, 46(16):36~40(核心期刊)丁涛,王鑫,陈光雄,朱旻昊 有无电流下温度对碳/铜摩擦磨损性能的影响中国机械工程 2010,21(7):843-846 (核心期刊)Tao Ding, Guangxiong Chen, Minhao Zhu, Weihua Zhang Effect of arc discharge on friction and wear behaviors of stainless steel/copper-impregnated metalized carbon couple under electric current Advanced materials research, 2011,150-151:1364-1368 (EI)卜俊,丁涛,陈光雄温度对受电弓滑板材料磨损的影响 润滑与密封, 2010,5:22~26(核心期刊)2009年:Wei Zhang, Xinbiao Xiao, Guangxiong Chen1, Xuesong Jin, Jianying F An Analysis of Subway Pass-by Noise including Source Separation Based on Frequency C Proceedings of the 3rd ICMEM International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, October 21-23, 2009, Beijing, P R C陈光雄, 戴焕云, 曾京, 周仲荣 双侧踏面制动尖叫噪声和颤振的有限元分析 工程力学, 2009, 26(4):234-陈光雄,戴焕云,曾京,周仲荣 踏面制动尖叫噪声的有限元分析 机械工程学报, 2009, 45(3):204-丁涛,何宏高,陈光雄,朱旻昊 弹性条件下载流摩擦磨损性能研究 西南交通大学学报,2009,44(9):558-丁涛,何宏高,陈光雄,朱旻昊 载流摩擦磨损中不同放电现象的机理研究 中国铁道科学,2009,30(5),83-丁涛,卜俊,陈光雄,朱旻昊 纯碳、浸金属碳与接触线载流摩擦磨损性能对比研究 润滑与密封,2009,34(9),16-2008年:林修洲, 朱旻昊, 陈光雄, 周仲荣 载流摩擦过程中摩擦因素影响因素试验研究 中国机械工程 2008, 19(23): 2786-(EI)陈光雄, 刘启跃, 金学松, 周仲荣 时滞摩擦尖叫噪声模型的稳定性研究 振动与冲击,2009, 27(4): 58-李海丽,陈光雄,周仲荣 微晶玻璃/H300铸铁、45 钢低速摩擦学性能试验研究 润滑与密封,2008,33(2):26-李灵敏,贾步超,陈光雄 接触网系统受流质量影响因素的试验研究 润滑与密封,2008,33(3):32-贾步超,丁涛,陈光雄 两种气体环境中的不锈钢/浸金属碳带电摩擦磨损的试验研究 润滑与密封,2008,33(6):35-董霖, 陈光雄, 朱旻昊,周仲荣 支撑刚度对载流摩擦磨损特性的影响 交通运输工程学报,2008,18(14):7-2007年:林修洲, 朱旻昊, 陈光雄, 张卫华, 周仲荣 高速电气化铁路弓/网系统的摩擦磨损研究进展润滑与密封, 2007, 32(2): 180-183 (核心期刊)陈光雄,周仲荣 摩擦噪声有限元预测 机械工程学报,2007,46(3):164-文武,陈光雄,戴焕云,曾京 铁路车辆盘形制动尖叫噪声的有限元分析 中国铁道科学, 2007, 25(8):89-92文武,陈光雄,戴焕云,曾京,约束对盘形制动摩擦噪声影响的有限元研究,润滑与密封,2007(2):54-58李丰学,陈光雄,朱旻昊,两种受电靴材料与不锈钢带电接触摩擦磨损特性的试验研究,润滑与密封,2007(2):13-162006年:林修洲, 朱旻昊, 陈光雄, 张卫华, 周仲荣 高速电气化铁路弓/网系统的摩擦磨损研究进展润滑与密封, 2007, 32(2): 180-183 (核心期刊)陈光雄,周仲荣 摩擦噪声有限元预测 机械工程学报,2007,46(3):164-文武,陈光雄,戴焕云,曾京 铁路车辆盘形制动尖叫噪声的有限元分析 中国铁道科学, 2007, 25(8):89-92文武,陈光雄,戴焕云,曾京,约束对盘形制动摩擦噪声影响的有限元研究,润滑与密封,2007(2):54-58李丰学,陈光雄,朱旻昊,两种受电靴材料与不锈钢带电接触摩擦磨损特性的试验研究,润滑与密封,2007(2):13-16任平弟, 王勇, 张鹏, 朱旻昊, 陈光雄, 周仲荣 水膜及油水混合膜对GCr15钢微动磨损行为的影响 润滑与密封, 2006, 175(3): 4-6 (EI)陈光雄,周仲荣 摩擦振动的时频特性 机械工程学报,2006,42(2):1-梁爽,陈光雄,戴焕云,曾京,周仲荣 制动颤振的试验研究 润滑与密封,2006(10):12-梁爽,陈光雄,戴焕云,曾京 纤维增强合成闸片摩擦磨损特性的试验研究 摩擦学学报,2006(6):590-陈光雄,戴焕云,曾京,周仲荣 摩擦噪声系统的振动特性研究 润滑与密封,2006(9): 8-梁爽,陈光雄,戴焕云,曾京,周仲荣 四种车辆制动闸瓦材料摩擦特性试验研究润滑与密封,2006(9): 62-642005年:林修洲, 朱旻昊, 陈光雄, 张卫华, 周仲荣 高速电气化铁路弓/网系统的摩擦磨损研究进展润滑与密封, 2007, 32(2): 180-183 (核心期刊)陈光雄,周仲荣 摩擦噪声有限元预测 机械工程学报,2007,46(3):164-文武,陈光雄,戴焕云,曾京 铁路车辆盘形制动尖叫噪声的有限元分析 中国铁道科学, 2007, 25(8):89-92文武,陈光雄,戴焕云,曾京,约束对盘形制动摩擦噪声影响的有限元研究,润滑与密封,2007(2):54-58李丰学,陈光雄,朱旻昊,两种受电靴材料与不锈钢带电接触摩擦磨损特性的试验研究,润滑与密封,2007(2):13-16任平弟, 王勇, 张鹏, 朱旻昊, 陈光雄, 周仲荣 水膜及油水混合膜对GCr15钢微动磨损行为的影响 润滑与密封, 2006, 175(3): 4-6 (EI)陈光雄,周仲荣 摩擦振动的时频特性 机械工程学报,2006,42(2):1-梁爽,陈光雄,戴焕云,曾京,周仲荣 制动颤振的试验研究 润滑与密封,2006(10):12-梁爽,陈光雄,戴焕云,曾京 纤维增强合成闸片摩擦磨损特性的试验研究 摩擦学学报,2006(6):590-陈光雄,戴焕云,曾京,周仲荣 摩擦噪声系统的振动特性研究 润滑与密封,2006(9): 8-梁爽,陈光雄,戴焕云,曾京,周仲荣 四种车辆制动闸瓦材料摩擦特性试验研究润滑与密封,2006(9): 62-64Chen Guangxiong, Zhou Z Experimental observation of the initiation process of friction-induced vibration under reciprocating sliding Wear 259 (2005) 277– (EI,SCI收录)郑华,陈光雄,周仲荣 在往复滑动条件下摩擦噪声发生时磨痕形貌的观察 润滑与密封 2005, (2): 9-QYLiu, X S Jin, Z R Z An investigation of friction characteristic of steels under rolling-sliding condition, Wear, 259(2005),439–444 (SCI、EI收录期刊)
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必修课6门:①(证券投资专题、精算学专题、汇率专题任一)②金融统计方法③金融监管的理论与实践④投资学⑤现代金融市场与基本工具⑥投资银行学;选修课(12选6):①数值方法与PDE②概率论与随机过程③金融时间序列分析④汇率统计分析⑤金融经济学⑥实用精算方法⑦动态资产定价⑧风险理论⑨金融工程学⑩金融衍生证券⑾金融风险管理⑿高级精算模型; 理论物理:①高等量子力学②群论③量子统计物理④量子场论⑤粒子物理⑥广义相对论⑦中高能核物理⑧李群和李代数⑨量子规范场论⑩粒子物理专题⑾微分几何与拓扑学⑿计算模拟方法 大气物理与大气环境:①大气湍流和扩散②大气化学③大气遥感④大气科学进展⑤大气辐射与光学⑥边界层物理⑦城市边界层气候和数值模拟⑧污染气象学概论⑨大气污染⑩大气科学概论; 气象学:①大气动力学②大气环流③全球气候④地球流体力学⑤气候动力学⑥统计-动力分析⑦应用卫星气象学⑧对流天气和短时预报⑨中尺度气象学⑩高等天气学⑾数值天气模拟⑿气候模拟; 地图学与地理信息系统:①遥感物理②计算机图象处理③遥感图像解释与方法④数字地球⑤GIS工程与应用⑥地理信息系统⑦地理学基础⑧空间数据库原理⑨遥感与地理信息科学⑩遥感光学图象处理⑾计算机地图制图; 人文地理(城市规划、房地产开发与管理):①城市区域与国土规划②城市化与城市体系研究③房地产理论与方法④城市景观与生态规划⑤建设项目投资分析⑥城市问题研究⑦城市经济专题⑧城市设计⑨旅游规划原理⑩城市园林绿地规划; 基础心理学(发展与教育心理):①心理学概论②发展心理学专题③社会心理学专题④认知心理学专题⑤儿童社会性发展⑥统计与测量⑦研究方法与实验⑧教育心理学专题⑨学校心理学专题⑩异常儿童心理学;另设非考试类专业课程若干门。 计算机软件与理论(金融信息化):①数据库系统原理②数据仓库与数据挖掘③软件工程④面向对象分析与设计⑤金融管理信息系统⑥计算机网络⑦网络信息安全⑧数字图象处理⑨Internet与Web技术概论⑩信号与信息处理课题实习⑾信号与信息处理专题⑿金融学专题; 环境科学(规划与管理):必修课①环境规划学②环境质量评价学③水环境学④微机及其应用⑤环境生态学⑥环境管理学⑦环境经济学⑧环境数学方法;选修课①污染气象学②环境法学③环境工程学④大气化学; 传播学(新闻传播学海口班):①世界新闻事业②传播学概论③新闻学理论研究④新闻实务研究⑤传播学研究方法⑥说服学⑦网络传播⑧广告学概论⑨媒体经营管理⑩新闻传播政策与法规; 传播学(新闻传播学福州班):①传播学概论②中外媒体比较研究③新闻学理论研究④新闻实务研究⑤传播学研究方法⑥说服学⑦网络传播⑧广告学概论⑨媒体经营管理⑩新闻传播政策与法规; 传播学(新闻传播学北京班):①世界新闻事业②新闻学理论研究③新闻实务研究④传播学研究方法⑤传播学概论⑥说服学⑦网络传播⑧广告学概论⑨媒体经营管理⑩新闻传播政策与法规; 中国古代史(历史文化旅游):必修课①周秦汉唐史研究②宋元明清史研究③中国古代文化史研究④中国古代艺术史研究⑤中国古代典章制度研究⑥考古学与旅游研究⑦历史地理学与旅游研究⑧宗教学与旅游研究⑨旅游历史文献研究⑩历史文化旅游系列讲座;选修课①中国近现代史研究②中外文化交流史研究;

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中国和英国的教育制度有何不同? The Diffrences Between Chinese Education And British Education Because of diffrent traditions and cultures,there are many diffrences between Chinese education and British Firstly,the Chinese education is "nine year compulsory education"Most of schools are public And the tutions come from the And the British education is also compulsory But the school system is two-track system which included the public school and the private And the tutions are free in the public school while those come from the students' parents in the private Secondly,the Chinese schools only have some subjects,such as Chinese,maths,English,history,physics and so The Chinese students must study these subjects every And they must work hard that they hardly have spare But in Britain,the students have chances to choose an elective cource to expand their knowledge and And they have much more spare time to play than Chinese Finally, the Chinese educational system is very Most of students have to pass the college entrance And then they can go to college to study a But in Britain, the students have many choices to There are many technology Every body can enter without certisfication and limeted Although there are many differences between the Chinese educantion and the British education,they have some adventages and disadventages in some 英汉广告文化和翻译Abstract Advertisement is not only an economic activity, but also a cultural In China, the authoritative definition of advertisement is the Advertisement Law of the People’s Republic of C “Advertisement” refers to “Any commercial advertisement, which passes certain media or forms, directly or indirectly introducing their commodities being sold or services being provided” Advertisement culture includes the culture of goods and the culture of The advertisement is a propaganda form which is the sales of commodity of cross-nation and cross- The translator is in a important position to apply advertisement At the same time, they confront any kinds of difficulties, because of the different culture and language of different In evidence, the translation of the advertisement is different from the other The translator should have universal knowledge including language, culture of society, folkway, aesthetics, psychics, economics and advertisement’s At the same time, the translators also adopt new strategies when they 从尊卑与平权看中西方文化的道德差异Abstract The moral sense of authority in Chinese traditional culture has always influenced people’s thought and Although the slogan of democracy and equality has been put forward for a long time, in today’s real life, the conflicts between the traditional sense of authority and the sense of equal rights in western countries make young generation fall into the awkward The phenomenon of superior and inferior still exists in the relationship between man and woman, parents and children, teachers and However young generation is being affected by the sense of equal rights of the west, it provides some developing clues for their The differences of the sense between China and the west left them enough space to This essay compares the moral differences of China and western countries; its purpose is not to solve problems but to find the reasons for the The author hopes that in the near future people can really find some effective methods to solve this problem, and hopes that everyone could enjoy equal rights and the society can become more 中国和西方的酒文化The wine,which plays an important role in the daily life, is familiar to human People’s life becomes colorful with As regards the wine culture, there exists difference between China and the western The raw material and drinking custom is different in terms of There also exist Both China and western countries have some beautiful legends about the origin of wine and the symbol wine of spirit, leading to the birth of romanticism and the development of mainstream The development of world wine culture depends on the intercommunication of different Thus, communicating with other nations is helpful and indispensable to the development of wine Three methods can be done to promote Nowadays, as we know, globalization is inevitable, so is the intercommunication of wine culture between

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