从申请号看,10-2007-0046326 首两位数字10,代表发明。 韩国很少申请实用新型,大概占整个申请量的5%。整个案子只有一件韩国专利,没任何同族。以下是欧专局的摘要翻译。A multi-stage elevated ladder truck is provided to confirm the movement and installation state of the top boom stand checking the front state at the same time when the boom stand is A multi-stage elevated ladder truck(70) comprises as Multi-stage expansion and contraction boom stand(20) and 1 shift base boom stand(10-1) integrally form pairwise, the upper frame and the lower frame in which the length is long and width becomes narrow with the support In the leading end of 1 shift base boom stand, the boom stand anchor stopper is In the both side of vertical hem of the top boom stand(10-n), the bucket(30) is set up in the respective axis in order to control the installation state with the supporting ; In the leading end of the top boom stand, in order to mount the CCD camera(36) and the state where the top boom stand moves is confirmed by the installed monitor the state is
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