Opens the mold process to have the cushion process: The oil ductsystem Chinese dress has the cushion valve, causes to move the moldidling speed to finish the position to be accurate, guarantees safelyeffectively uses the manipulator, simultaneously is advantageous topulling out inserts the core mold the Uses the differential motion valve: The user may select thedifferential device according to the actual need, fast gathers themold to enhance the machine the production The automatic accent mold installment is loaded with the light tocontrol the switch user to be possible according to own to need tocarry on the entire automatic accent mold, quickly Locks the mold part lubrication to use the copper pipe and the copperpipe hinge attachment, but the non- plastic tube basis differentproduct cycle, does the hypothesis lubrication cycle, thelubrication is reliable, the economical fat, (whether there isguarantee sells the axis sufficient lubrication and installslubricating oil to report to the police) Four leaf of emergency exits all can move: Convenience