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The Seniors Tourism Market China has entered an ageing society, and is the world's ageing population than any other countries The 21st century will become a century of the As of 2001, China's elderly people aged 60 and above have reached 132 million, accounting for 35 percent of the total Moreover, in the next 40 years, the elderly population will be 2 percent annual increase in the medium- And it is expected that in the 21st century in China the number of people aged over 60 will be more than 400 The seniors’ market has become a huge market, and tourism as a social activity is increasingly becoming the main leisure activity to the The increase in the elderly population and the demand for expansion of the original market has also put forward a new demand, so as to provide a lot of business opportunities in the China's tourism industry is the ageing of the population of the opportunities brought about by the performance of major The elderly will form part of an enormous tourism consumer groups, according to demographers forecast, China's aging population will reach the peak, which means that the consumer groups will rapidly expand their tourism market to the potential role that can not be China has many famous tourist resorts, with waterfront scenery to the main characteristics of natural tourist resources, as well as a modern city with active economic development advantages, and continuously expands the tourism market, can be particularly timely development Seniors With the reform and opening up, many factors have stimulated the elderly in need of tourism, such as improved living standards, increased disposable income of the elderly and leisure time, good health, a need to maintain psychological balance and to improve the quality of older persons’ lives Thus, the elderly tourism market is a huge potential In fact, the elderly in the international tourist market share is very large, accounting for about one-third of the total number of However, at present, China's tourism industry specializing in the elderly tourism enterprises and organizations is relatively backward, and unable to meet the growing needs of the elderly tourist Throughout the tourist groups, the elderly tourists are the most favorable conditions, both in time and economic The elderly tourists especially concern about good health, the pursuit of quality of life, they are willing to choose security, not for physical and beautiful environment, elegant and quiet to tourists or tourist Moreover, elderly tourists are keen about slow pace of activities, often with spouses or with neighbors and old friends to visit the resorts with high quality Among them, a sound medical security system is an extremely important component; this is different from the general elderly tourist group With the ageing of the world development trend, the elderly consumer groups constitute a huge potential for unlimited tourist market, also, the elderly tourist market remains With China's social pension insurance system, and gradually perfect, and their living standard and quality will be continuously improved, and with the National Health activities generally carried out, people's physical fitness will be getting better and better, there will be more elderly people to take part in tourism in the activities than the Development of the country's aging tourism market to follow the trend of the times, not only can create considerable economical and social benefits, but also can be an effective balance of tourism in our country the gap between the short season, to make use of tourism resources and develop the tourism market of the elderly which can also promote China's tourism market restructuring, expand the scope of opening up the tourism industry and improve the living conditions of older persons; elderly tourist market in China will gradually become larger and larger, and then enter into a new stage of The elderly will also become a tourist market as a new growth point to China's tourism economy; Not only that, the elderly will also facilitate the development of tourism and the tourism resources ,and improve the overall standard of living of the elderly and promote social The 21st century is a century of older persons, I’ll take full advantage of the development potential of elderly tourism market, and tourism will certainly usher in hair bright prospects for
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振兴老年产业 完善老年旅游市场 本世纪将属于老年人的世纪,老年市场和老年产业如同老龄问题一样,已成为当前的社会热点问题。开发老年市场,振兴老年产业,已成为促进经济持续增长和社会可持续发展不可缺少的内容,是“建立不分年龄、人人共享的未来社会”的物质保证。这是市场经济的新机遇。 一、我国人口老龄化给我们的旅游业带来的启示 从老年人的心理特点来看,老年人在为国家、为社会贡献了大半生后,退休时节他们最怕被社会所淡忘。许多老人对社会怀有极强的责任感,只要他们感到自己还能被社会所接纳就足够了。另一方面,旅游活动是人们在满足基本生活之后的一种更高层次的休闲和学习方式,在本质上是人类自我丰富、自我发展和自我肯定,把自己融于人类社会,参与社会发展的一种形式。这样老年人选择旅游便成为一件自然的事了。 从国家旅游局公布的1998年来我国旅游的外国旅游者年龄结构来看,超过51岁的老年人的比例占全部来华旅游者的3%,仅次于商务旅游活动为主的中年组的5%。根据最近一次世界老人年旅游大会的资料,美国人口中约有1/5的人年龄超过55岁,他们当中有47%的人有过远程出游的经历。可见,老年人已构成了旅游人口中颇具规模的一支队伍。 从老年人的消费水平来看,在旅游人群中,老年人的消费水平并不低,而且消费潜力大,特别是发达国家。据预测,1990-2000年美国总人口将增长7%,而55岁以上的人口将增长11%,他们的收入也随之增加。另外一方面,他们的开销却比年轻人少得多,子女已远离他们,社会保险免去了他们的后顾之忧。所以许多身体健康者往往选择昂贵的航空和游船来旅游,给旅游企业带来高额利润。 从我国自古有尊老爱老的习俗来看,据对北京几家大的旅行社办理中国公民出国旅游老人情况的调查,其中相当数量的人是子女出钱为老人实现“出国梦”。此外,我国许多高收入老年人依靠自身储蓄,也可出国旅游。 从对日益扩大的老年旅游队伍来看,我国目前还没有专门从事老年旅游的旅行社和旅游服务组织。更有甚之,许多旅行社在推出热点路线时,还对年龄作了限制,使广大老年人望“景”兴叹。可见,开创老年旅游市场,为老年人旅游提供专门的服务,是旅游企业谋求发展的一种机遇。 二、老年旅游市场的特点 老年人由于其身体、阅历等情况与其他年龄组差异很大,所以其参与旅游活动有几个共性的特点,主要表现在:(1)对旅游目的地选择性强,对出游活动的安排比较慎重。老年人已经失去了青年人所具有的对旅游活动中探险成分的好奇,因此,出发前会通过各种媒介,对旅游目的地的情况作尽可能详尽的了解,并力求提前安排。(2)以纯旅游活动为主,区别于青少年组的休闲旅游活动,更不同于中年组的带有特定商务目的的旅游活动。与此相对应,在旅游消费支出中,基本上全部用于旅程中的吃、住、行、游、娱,很少购物。相比之下,其他年龄组的购物支出往往占到整个旅程总消费的50%左右。(3)以团队旅行活动为主,往往老俩口结伴而行,对旅程中各种活动的安排,要求以舒适、休闲和旅游机构的高质量服务为标准。这之中,健全的医疗安全保障体系,是老年旅行团完成旅行的一个极其重要的组成部分,这也是老年旅行团不同于一般旅行团的一个显著特点。(4)美丽的自然风光和独特的传统文化,是对老年游客吸引力最大的两类旅游产品。(5)旅行距离受局限,通常是旅程长的目的地参游的老年人趋少。 三、当前开发国际国内老年客源市场的几个基本策略 (一)由于老年旅游市场有区别于其他市场的重要特点,因此,我们在开发老年旅游市场时,要以这些特点为依据,有的放矢。 老年人对目的地选择性强,对出游活动安排慎重,这就要求我们在针对老年人作促销宣传时,尽量内容丰富详尽,并且简单明了,一目了然。老年人旅游受身体状况及经济能力的限制,就要求我们在制定旅游线路时本着“短而精”的原则,行程路线要短,旅游景点精炼而特色鲜明,内涵丰富。鉴于老年人对旅游目的地文化意义情有独钟,应在这方面多花费些精力。老年旅行团一个显著特点就是要有健全的医疗保障体系,这就对我们旅游服务的硬件和软件都提出了更高的要求。应配随团医护人员,及时与旅游途中和目的地的医院挂钩。对导游也提出了更高要求,不但要求有丰富的专业知识和过硬的语言表达能力,还要求在老年心理、老年保健等方面有所了解,如安排老年人用餐时,尽量安排香、脆、软和含糖少、营养高、易消化、易咀嚼的食物。安排活动时本着稳健的原则,强度要适当。 (二)从国际市场看,由于不同经济发展水平地区老年人的出游比例不同,在开发老年市场时应采取“全面出击,重点突破”的策略。从国际范围来看,继续巩固我国在西欧和北美的市场,大力开拓周边和大洋洲的老年旅游市场,适当发展非洲和东欧的市场。 从国内市场来看,我国东部沿海地区经济比较发达,老年人出游比例高,内陆和西北地区经济比较落后,老年人出游比例比较低;城市经济比较发达,老年人出游比例较高,乡村经济相对落后,老年人出游比例较低。所以我们在开拓国内老年市场时,要考虑到我国的国情,一方面重点开发经济发达地区的老年旅游市场,积极为这部分老年人的出游提供方便;另一方面适当开发经济不发达地区的旅游市场,鼓励经济不发达地区老年人出游,并对这部分老年人采取相应的优惠政策。 (三)由于不同经济发展水平地区老年人采取旅游的形式也有明显差异,在对不同地区老年人旅游促销时也应采取不同的形式。对经济发达地区的老年旅游者特别是国际旅游者,应注重宣传我国五千年灿烂文化、具有中国特色的民族风情。如已列入世界文化遗产,位于滇西北泸沽湖的摩梭族人的母系生活,尽管交通不便,但每年还是吸引了大批外国游客,特别是欧洲游客。针对日本的崇佛情怀,苏州的“寒山撞钟”引来日本游客如织。对于经济不够发达地区的老年旅游者,在促销时应充分考虑到他们的经济状况和他们的心理特点。那就是“花费少点,看的地方多点。”尽量多安排景点,可以是一系列优美的自然风光游,也可以是一连串名胜古迹游,也可以互相交织穿叉。总之,开发老年旅游市场一定要真正做到想老年人所想,急老年人所急。这既是对旅游从业者的一次机遇,又是一项考验。

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