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Short Communications (Letters) are intended as brief reports of significant, original and timely research results on the science, applications and processing of materials which warrant In considering a manuscript for publication, particular attention will be given to the originality of the research, the desirability of speedy publication, the clarity of the presentation andthe validity of the There is a strict four-page limit to printed Manuscriptsmust not exceed 2000 words plus three figures and one This includes everything: the title,authors, affiliations, abstract, keywords, body of the manuscript, acknowledgements, references,figure captions, The maximum number of figures is strictly limited to If the maximum of4 figures is used, then the total number of words must be reduced to If the maximum of 5figures is used, then the total number of words must be reduced to If more than 5 figures areused, the manuscript will be The manuscript submitted for review should not exceed8 pages (including title, abstract, references, figures, tables and figure captions) ShortCommunications need to report a concise but exhaustive Material and methods section included inthe main
282 评论


177 评论


  • plantphysiology投稿经验

    要看你的表型明不明显,别人做没做过,能不能讲清楚一个故事。很有新意的可以冲 Plant Cell;别人做过,但是你完善,可以冲Plant J,当时最好做拟南芥;

    jason19203 2人参与回答 2023-12-11
  • naturechemistry投稿经验

    Scientific reports上面的文章都还好吧,关键看你的心态了,潜心学术吧!scientific reports是nature集团创刊的。在出了Nat

    一个人淋着雨 2人参与回答 2023-12-08
  • amc投稿经验

    Systems & control letters---Systems & Control Lettersstabilisation改为-stabilizati

    么么哒ALICE 6人参与回答 2023-12-10
  • nature投稿经验


    多多吃多多评价 3人参与回答 2023-12-12
  • circulationresearch投稿经验


    Smile丶燚 4人参与回答 2023-12-05