回答 宝宝稍等 Science magazine is a comprehensive science magazine with English Name: Science Its science news report, summary, analysis and book review are authoritative popular science The magazine is also suitable for general The main focus of the journal is to publish important original scientific research and scientific research In addition, science also publishes science related news, views on science and technology policies and matters of interest to Unlike most scientific journals that focus on a particular field, science and its rival, nature, cover all According to the Journal Citation Report, the impact factor of Science in 2014 was 更多1条
本期《自然》《科学》精选本期《自然》《科学》精选 【字体:大 中 小】 时间:2009年4月3日0 来源:生物通------------------
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《Science》杂志[英文] 美国自然科学权威杂志。 《Nature Asia》 Gateway to Nature's world of science