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Now has become a family to decorate curtain fabric, traditional though conventional shading shading performance to a certain extent, but the lack of beauty, the post-processing, such as chemical coating permeability is poor, not only there is peculiar smell, easy to aging, and volatile and fall off, already affect the shading performance can not meet the requirements of environmental protection, its performance cannot be Ordinary jacquard fabric can present different design effect, but the shading performance is Double jacquard curtain fabric organization easy washing and durability, sound insulation effect is good, adornment sex is strong, the different weft yarn and organization can show all kinds of color collocation, make this kind of decoration is of rich colors, already has a good shading performance, and to show variety of pattern, fully meet the needs of This topic based on the analysis of the fabric drapability key shading performance test on fabric By comparing the experimental results of different sample number group, discuss the factors of different organizational structures and fabric shading sex relationship, determine the best Experimental results show that the fabric drape performance is general, but have good shading performance, different raw material composition, yarn different weft density, different backings organization, different junction points and the selection of different organizations will be different degree effects on the jacquard curtain fabric shading Using a light silk as raw materials could achieve better than extinction silk shading performance, backing and surface tissue for fabric shading effect with the same sex, shading performance rather than the plain satin is better than that of twill, because along with the increasing number of, make the yarn bound to each other, thin fabric, luminous flux increasing, indicates that the thickness of the fabric is one of the important factors that influence its shading At the same time, connect nodes the uniform fabric its shading, the better the
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植物胚后发育发生在分生组织,在那里干细胞自我更新和产生的子细胞,区分并产生不同的器官结构。对于分生组织的维持费用,子细胞分化的速率必须等于一代新细胞:如何实现这一点是在植物发育的一个主要问题。在拟南芥的根分生组织,干细胞包围一小群组织细胞,静态Together它们形成干细胞小生境[1,2],其位置和活性取决于两组基因-PLETHORA1的组合动作( PLT1)和PLETHORA2(PLT2)[3,4]和SCARECROW(SCR)与SHORTROOT(SHR)[2] - 以及对极性生长素运输。与此相反,控制分生组织细胞分化的机制仍不清楚。在这里,我们报告,细胞分裂素控制分生细胞分化的速度,从而通过双组分受体组氨酸激酶转录因子信号传导途径确定根分生组织大小。细胞分裂素的突变体,空间细胞分裂素耗竭,和外源细胞分裂素应用程序的根分生组织的分析表明,细胞分裂素作用在根分生组织,在那里它们拮抗非细胞自主性细胞分裂信号的受限区域,我们提供了证据,该信号是生长素。

81 评论


Now the curtain had become family decorative fabric, conventional shading cloth shading performance is certain, but the lack of sense of beauty, the chemical coating treatment, not only poor air permeability, have peculiar smell, easy to aging, and volatile and fall off, not only affects the shading performance is not up to the requirements of environmental protection, its performance not Common jacquard fabric can show different patterns, but shading performance is not Double-layer weave jacquard curtain fabric is easy to wash and durable, good sound insulation effect, highly decorative, different yarn and organization matching may exhibit a variety of color, make the decorative cloth color is very rich, not only has the good performance and shading, can show a variety of flower type, fully meet the needs of This research is based on the analysis of fabric drape on shielding performance tests of the fabric By comparing different number group sample experimental results, a discussion on the relationship between different organizational structure factors and shielding properties of fabrics, to determine the optimum The experimental results show that, the fabric drape performance in general, but the shading performance excellent, composed of different materials of different weft yarn, weft density, different backing group, different nodes and different organizations such as the selection of jacquard curtain fabric shading performance due to different degrees of The bright yarn as raw material will be shading performance better than extinction wire, backing and surface microstructure has the same rules influence on fabric shading, shading performance is superior than plain satin twill, because increased with interleaving times, makes the yarn fabric bonded, thinning, leading to more light, showed that the fabric thickness is one of the most important factors affecting the shading At the same time, connecting nodes more uniform fabric the shading effect is

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