这是2003年的数据:2003年12月9日 联想承担的国家网格主节点“深腾6800”超级计算机正式研制成功,其实际运算速度达到每秒183万亿次,全球排名第14位,运行效率5%。下面是最新数据:(中国计算机排在第35位。)发信人: TmacD (搏一搏 单车变摩托), 信区: CS标 题: top500supercomputer发信站: 武汉白云黄鹤站 (2006年06月29日22:59:31 星期四), 站内信件Rank Site Computer Processors Year Rmax Rpeak1 DOE/NNSA/LLNLUnited States BlueGene/L - eServer Blue Gene SolutionIBM 131072 2005 280600 3670002 IBM Thomas J Watson Research CenterUnited States BGW - eServer Blue Gene SolutionIBM 40960 2005 91290 1146883 DOE/NNSA/LLNLUnited States ASC Purple - eServer pSeries p5 575 9 GHzIBM 12208 2006 75760 927814 NASA/Ames Research Center/NASUnited States Columbia - SGI Altix 5 GHz, Voltaire InfinibandSGI 10160 2004 51870 609605 Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA)France Tera-10 - NovaScale 5160, Itanium2 6 GHz, QuadricsBull SA 8704 2006 42900 66 Sandia National LaboratoriesUnited States Thunderbird - PowerEdge 1850, 6 GHz, InfinibandDell 9024 2006 38270 87 GSIC Center, Tokyo Institute of TechnologyJapan TSUBAME Grid Cluster - Sun Fire X64 Cluster, Opteron 4/6 GHz, InfinibandNEC/Sun 10368 2006 38180 88 Forschungszentrum Juelich (FZJ)Germany JUBL - eServer Blue Gene SolutionIBM 16384 2006 37330 458759 Sandia National LaboratoriesUnited States Red Storm Cray XT3, 0 GHzCray I 10880 2005 36190 4352010 The Earth Simulator CenterJapan Earth-SimulatorNEC 5120 2002 35860 4096011 Barcelona Supercomputer CenterSpain MareNostrum - JS20 Cluster, PPC 970, 2 GHz, MyrinetIBM 4800 2005 27910 4214412 ASTRON/University GroningenNetherlands Stella - eServer Blue Gene SolutionIBM 12288 2005 27450 413 Oak Ridge National LaboratoryUnited States Jaguar - Cray XT3, 4 GHzCray I 5200 2005 20527 2496014 Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryUnited States Thunder - Intel Itanium2 Tiger4 4GHz - QuadricsCalifornia Digital Corporation 4096 2004 19940 2293815 Computational Biology Research Center, AISTJapan Blue Protein - eServer Blue Gene SolutionIBM 8192 2005 18200 616 Ecole Polytechnique Federale de LausanneSwitzerland eServer Blue Gene SolutionIBM 8192 2005 18200 617 High Energy Accelerator Research Organization /KEKJapan KEK/BG Sakura - eServer Blue Gene SolutionIBM 8192 2006 18200 618 High Energy Accelerator Research Organization /KEKJapan KEK/BG MOMO - eServer Blue Gene SolutionIBM 8192 2006 18200 619 IBM Rochester, On Demand Deep Computing CenterUnited States eServer Blue Gene SolutionIBM 8192 2006 18200 620 ERDC MSRCUnited States Cray XT3, 6 GHzCray I 4096 2005 16975 2129921 COLSAUnited States MACH5 - Apple XServe, 0 GHz, MyrinetSelf-made 3072 2005 16180 2457622 Korea Meteorological AdministrationKorea, South Cray X1E (4GB)Cray I 1020 2005 15706 1844223 Indiana UniversityUnited States Big Red - BladeCenter JS21 Cluster, PPC 970, 5 GHz, MyrinetIBM 2048 2006 15040 2048024 Oak Ridge National LaboratoryUnited States Cray X1E (2GB)Cray I 1014 2005 14955 1833325 Los Alamos National LaboratoryUnited States ASCI Q - AlphaServer SC45, 25 GHzHewlett-Packard 8192 2002 13880 2048026 University of Southern CaliforniaUnited States HPC - Pentium4 Xeon, EM64T, Opteron, Opteron dual core, Cluster, MyrinetIBM 5328 2006 13810 2131227 Geoscience (E)United States BladeCenter LS20, Opteron 2 GHz Dual core, GigEthernetIBM 5000 2005 12312 2200028 Virginia TechUnited States System X - 1100 Dual 3 GHz Apple XServe/Mellanox Infiniband 4X/Cisco GigESelf-made 2200 2004 12250 2024029 Japan Atomic Energy Research InstituteJapan SGI Altix 3700 Bx2, 6 GHz, NUMALinkSGI 2048 2005 11814 1310730 Atomic Weapons EstablishmentUnited Kingdom Cray XT3, 6 GHzCray I 2652 2006 11810 431 IBM - RochesterUnited States BlueGene/L DD1 Prototype (5GHz PowerPC 440 w/Custom)IBM 8192 2004 11680 1638432 Wright-Patterson Air Force Base/DoD ASCUnited States SGI Altix 3700 Bx2, 6 GHz, NUMALinkSGI 2048 2003 11652 1310733 US Army Research Laboratory (ARL)United States John Von Neumann - LNX Cluster, Xeon 6 GHz, MyrinetLinux Networx 2048 2005 10650 634 Center for Computational Science, University of TsukubaJapan PACS-CS, low voltage Xeon 8 GHz, 3D Hyper-CrossbarHitachi/Fujitsu 2560 2006 10350 1433635 China Meteorological AdministrationChina eServer pSeries 655 (7 GHz Power4+)IBM 3200 2005 10310 2176036 Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO)United States eServer pSeries 655 (7 GHz Power4+)IBM 2944 2004 10310 2--Arch linux is: * Awesome * Fast * Light * Better than sex * OK, maybe not that great※ 来源:·武汉白云黄鹤站 ·
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