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首页 > 论文问答 > 修改润色的英语单词

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第一句去掉ing 因为是祈使句 动词用原形under the 换成withnothing is worth fearing for us kissesspirits 换成moodus前加上for另外 这几个句子写的挺好 注意一下语法 不可逐字翻译
202 评论


293 评论


润色是指通过对文字进行修饰,使其文采丰富,以下例子是对句子进行润色,希望对理解有帮助: I realized the importance of English when I entered senior high (强调句强调句强调句强调句) It was when I entered senior high school that I realized the importance of E We can live a happy life only by this (倒装) Only by this means can we live a happy He fell The lights were still (with结构) He fell asleep with the lights When I heard that, I was much (非谓语动词) Hearing that, I was much They carried out a survey among 260 (被动语态) A survey was carried out among 260 They were faced with many They didn’t lose (非谓语动词) Faced with many problems, they didn’t lose heart. It was getting And it began to (插入语) It was getting What was worse, it began to He worked very He made great progress in his (改为复合句) He worked so hard that he made great progress in his He offered me a piece of advice that I should cheer up and start all over (what引导的主语从句) What he offered me was a piece of advice that I should cheer up and start all over I got on a There were already too many people on (定语从句) I got on a bus on which there were already too many 50% of the students surveyed choose super stars as their (强调数字) As many as 50% of the students surveyed choose super stars as their

169 评论


retouch 英[riː'tʌtʃ]美[,ri'tʌtʃ] 润饰;修整部分 润饰;修整 润饰;修整[ 第三人称单数retouches 过去式retouched 过去分词retouched 现在分词retouching ] 同近义词润饰;修整trim up, give shape 润饰;修整trim up, give shape to 双 21世纪大英汉词典retouch [,ri:'tʌtʃ; 'ri:tʌtʃ] 润色;修改:The artist retouched the painting several 画家对这张画作了几次润色。 【摄影术】修描(底片等):This photograph has been 这张照片已经过修整。 补染(新长出的头发) 【考古学】修磨(石器毛坯等) 润色;修整 补染 润色;修饰 润色时的增删部分 【摄影术】修描过的照片(或底片等);修版 (头发的)补染 【考古学】(石器毛坯的)修磨

271 评论


  • 修改润色的成语

    瞻前顾后 [zhān qián gù hòu] 生词本基本释义 详细释义 瞻:向前看;顾:回头看。看看前面,又看看后面。形容做事之前考虑周密慎重。也形容顾虑太

    cherryhu111 2人参与回答 2023-12-11
  • 润色英语单词怎么写


    大璐璐131483 6人参与回答 2023-12-10
  • 形容修改润色的词语

    瞻前顾后 [zhān qián gù hòu] 生词本基本释义 详细释义 瞻:向前看;顾:回头看。看看前面,又看看后面。形容做事之前考虑周密慎重。也形容顾虑太

    一谷鱼vegfish 1人参与回答 2023-12-07
  • 修改润色意思的词语

    瞻前顾后 [zhān qián gù hòu] 生词本基本释义 详细释义 瞻:向前看;顾:回头看。看看前面,又看看后面。形容做事之前考虑周密慎重。也形容顾虑太

    winwing168 1人参与回答 2023-12-11
  • 表示修改润色的词语

    瞻前顾后 [zhān qián gù hòu] 生词本基本释义 详细释义 瞻:向前看;顾:回头看。看看前面,又看看后面。形容做事之前考虑周密慎重。也形容顾虑太

    早秋2013 3人参与回答 2023-12-06