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你好,如果你想说名词的总结,那么请用summary。abstract多用于形容词性 翻译为抽象的,深奥的。
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abstract,  summary这两个词都可表示“摘要”,即对已经流行的文字进行压缩的结果。其区别是:从原始材料上说:summary用于任何一篇文章; abstract用于一篇学术或法律方面比较艰深或复杂的文章。从含义上说:abstract强调简洁和实质性内容的集中; summary注重简练,而不刻意追求风格或事实、细节。从形式上说:abstract, summary都是一篇短文。从位置上说:abstract一般位于正文之前; summary既可位于正文之前,也可独立成篇。从写作时间上说:abstract, summary都是在文章写成之后。从写作目的上说:abstract, summary都是写给别人看的。

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学术堂来告诉你Introduction与abstract的区别:An abstract is a summary of a research It contains the most essential details of your research, including the findings, methods, and It is meant to help readers, who are often busy scientists, decide whether they wish to read the entire article and can be especially useful in case of paywalled It also helps journal editors to determine whether to consider articles for peer 摘要(Abstract)是对论文的总体概括,通常包含研究结果、方法、结论等精华信息。对于时间有限的科学家来说,这一小截摘要是他们判断文章是否可读的线索,也是读者考量付费文章的指标。此外,期刊编辑也会根据摘要来决定论文是否送审。Now let us understand what purpose the Introduction The Introduction is the beginning of your research paper and provides background for your research topic, helping the reader understand the motivation for conducting the It sets the context for your research by introducing the research topic, providing a brief overview of previously published literature, identifying the gaps or problems that existing research has failed to address, and finally introducing the problem that you intend to solve, ideally via an explicit ‘aim’ statement at the end of the introduction—more on this in the next section!接着讲讲引言(Introduction)。引言放在文章开头,交代研究背景,有助于读者理解研究动机。具体来讲,作者要依次阐明研究主题,综述相关文献,讨论现有研究的不足,引出研究问题,最好再以研究目标结尾(研究目标下面会展开讲)。The abstract is written to give readers a sneak peek into your research and engage their interest, and so it should briefly encapsulate the entire study; the Introduction, meanwhile, is written to provide specific context for the research question being explored, particularly for readers who may not be familiar with the specific subfield of your 摘要既要概括文章的主要内容,又要让读者产生读下去的兴趣。而引言则为研究问题提供详细的背景说明,方便垂直领域以外的读者理解。One notable difference that you must keep in mind is that the abstract includes the methods and results of your research but the Introduction does 从结构上来看,摘要中包含的研究方法和结果两部分内容是引言中没有的。

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abstract抽象的[英] [ˈabstrakt][美] [æbˈstrækt]抽象的; 理论上的; 纯概念的; 不切实际的; 抽象派的抽象化; 从理论上(或孤立地)考虑; 提取; 去除; 写(文章; 书)的摘要; 退出; 形成抽象概念; 拿走摘要; 梗概; 抽象艺术作品; 抽象的东西; 理论思考[例句]To abstract science and religion from their historical context can lead to 抽去历史背景孤立地考虑科学和宗教可能导致年代误植。[变形]过去分词:abstracted现在分词:abstracting过去式:abstracted第三人称单数:abstracts复数:abstracts

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抽象的(与个别情况相对); 纯理论的; 抽象的(与具体经验相对); 抽象(派)的; 抽象派艺术作品; (文献等的)摘要,概要;

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