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Children’s Song 作者:RS托马斯Welive in our own world,A world that is too smallFor you to stoop and enterEven on hands and knees,The adult And though you probe and pryWith analytic eye,And eavesdrop all our talkWith an amused look,You cannot find the centreWhere we dance, where we play,Where life is still asleepUnder the closed flower,Under the smooth shellOf eggs in the cupped nestThat mock the faded blueOf your remoter 孩子们的歌我们生活在自己的世界,一个对你们而言太小的世界,即使手脚并用俯下身子,你们也难以进来。成年人的托辞。即使你们用善于分析的眼睛去探究、窥视,用愉快的表情去偷听我们所有的谈话,你们仍然不能找到那个中心,在那里,我们跳舞,我们玩耍,生命仍在酣睡,在那紧闭的花朵下,在那光滑的蛋壳下,杯状的巢内的蛋,嘲笑着你们那更为遥远的天堂中褪色的忧郁。
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Dear BBC Staff:I am writing this letter to offer some I am a middle-school student and a BBC I listen to your programmes nearly every day so that I can learn my English No doubt,I like your programmes very much,especially your every day From my listening,I can not only study English but also learn something new happening in the Here,my suggestion is that,if you can speak slower,I will be very Also,if you can offer some pictures about the news,that will be much Meanwhile,I wish that you can have your web site so that the audience can be much easier to reach Thanks a Best Wishes!Sincerely Yours,XXX

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