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我与奥运 奥运是窗口,我是守望者。 这是一扇极大的窗,被擦得明亮。透过它,看到的是世界。这里每天都在变,这里每天都有新兴事物在更替。只有我,这个忠诚的守望者,每天都在关注它,希望更多地了解它。 奥运是路口,我是行人。 每天路过这里的人很多,有亚洲人、有欧洲人,有老人、有孩子。这儿是交通要塞,连接着五湖四海的朋友。我只是路过这里的亿万人之一,穿过它,到另一个世界去。 奥运是圣地,我是志愿者。 这是片圣洁的土地,自始至终都有圣火在旁边陪伴。正因为这样,我自愿为它付出,我要尽我的力量让这片土地更加洁净,让更多人了解它,也像我一样愿意献身于它。我还要给来这里的人予以帮助,让他们享受这片圣地的快乐。 奥运是平台,我是主人。 它为我们搭起了平台,让世界了解我们;它为我们建造了桥梁,让我们与世要尽地主之谊,让来客感受到热情与欢乐。界更好地沟通。这个平台可以让我们尽情展现自己。我是这里的主人,我为是这里的主人自豪。我I and Olympic Games Olympic Games is window, I keep This is a maximum window, had been rubbed Through it, those that see are Here, it is changing every day, here burgeoning thing is being Have only me, this loyalty keep watch, it is paying attention to it every day, hopes to know it Olympic Games is crossing, I am There are many persons who pass here every day, there is Asian, have European, there is old person, have Here is traffic fort, joins the friend of all corners of the I pass the one of persons of hundreds of millions of here merely, cross it, go to another Olympic Games is Holy Land, I am This is the land with pure flat, has holy fire from start to finish to accompany in Just because it is so, I pay out voluntarily for it, I will let my strength, let this slice of land more clean, let more ones know it, is also willing to devote oneself to it as I still help to the person who comes to here, let them enjoy the happiness of this slice of Holy L Olympic Games is platform, I am It has put up platform for us , lets world know us; It has built bridge for us , lets us and world link up This platform may let us display self I am the host of here, I am proud to be the host of I will let the friendship of landlord, let guest experience enthusiasm and
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这篇可以参考: The Snow What a big snow I have never seen! What a beautiful snow I have never When I went out for school from home, I was doomed to get a Everything seemed unlucky to I left the umbrella at home; I couldn’t unlock my bike and a big truck held up the traffic, which took me above 5 minutes to pass the At last I met Charlie and we were both late for the maths If it happened the day before, we would go to our seats without saying But today we were forced to stand outside in the cold wind because of the head teacher’s bad I didn’t want to say It was So I began to stand with C After a short while, we both felt so cold that we couldn’t speak a The world seemed very I suddenly found there was a lot of thin ice dropping from the “Ice!” I shouted to Charlie who soon became excited the same as We expected for the snow but nothing The ice turned white and turned to snow We were immersed in it without any From little to big, the snow changed out of my With the wind blowing heavily, the snow beat on my face, hair and covered all over my We couldn’t help shaking in the We opened our mouths to taste the icy snow, stood still in the snow, and enjoyed the wonderful scene I did believe the snow was not only a scene but a great wonder as It bought me much more than it It was too great and too beautiful that I couldn’t How fantastic it was! With the snow dropping on my body, I didn’t want to move though it was so If you lived in the north, you might think it was But the following thing was more A bird, a beautiful parrot, like an angel, flew from the sky onto Charlie’s shoulder and then flew to my I didn’t know how to express my feelings, only enjoying The parrot didn’t seem to How fantastic, I The snow became smaller and smaller after Maybe we lost something, but we got something, I didn’t know what it I only wished to believe it would bring me good I would never forget that

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