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当代作家,山西霍州人。1946年出生,1968年毕业于中国人民大学。历任《内蒙古日报》记者、《光明日报》记者、国家新闻出版署副署长。 是著名的新闻理论家、散文家、科普作家和政论家。现任人民日报副总编辑、中国人民大学新闻学院博士生导师、中国作家协会全委会委员、中国记者协会全委会常务理事、人教版中小学教材总顾问。曾荣获全国青年文学奖、赵树理文学奖、全国优秀科普作品奖和中宣部“五个一”工程奖等多种荣誉称号。 主要作品  他的主要作品有科学史章回小说《数理化通俗演义》;新闻三部曲《没有新闻的角落》《新闻绿叶的脉络》《新闻原理的思考》;在散文创作方面,过去二十年他主攻山水散文,深得 梁衡作品古典山水文章的传统,行文草本有灵,水石有韵。近年来又致力于人物散文,特别是历史名人的写作,《红毛线、蓝毛线》等在社会上引起较大反响。 有散文集《夏感与秋思》《只求新去处》《红色经典》《大无大有周恩来》《名山大川感思录》《人杰鬼雄》《人人皆可为国王》等学术论文集:《为文之道》《壶口瀑布》《走近政治》。《梁衡文集》九卷;有《晋祠》《夏》《跨越百年的美丽》、《把栏杆拍遍》等多篇散文入选中等学校课本,另《梁衡理性散文》中的《壶口瀑布》被选入上海初一第一学期课文。 梁衡,山西霍县人,著名学者、新闻理论家。历任《内蒙古日报》记者、《光明日报》记者、国家新闻出版署副署长、人民日报副总编辑。现为全国人大代表,中国人民大学新闻学院博士生导师、中国记协特邀理事、中国作家协会全委会委员。著有散文集《觅渡》、《把栏杆拍遍》,科学史章回小说《数理化通俗演义》,写作研究集《为天之道》,政论集《继承与超越》等。曾获“青年文学奖”、“赵树理文学奖”、“全国优秀科普作品奖”、“全国好新闻奖”和中宣部“五个一”工程奖。有《梁衡文集》九卷。先后有《晋祠》、《夏感》、《觅渡、觅渡、渡何处?》、《跨越百年的美丽》、《把栏杆拍遍》、《青山不老》等多篇作品入选大、中、小学语文课本。主要学术贡献,新闻方面:提出新闻的新定义、报纸的4个属性、新闻与文学的12个区别、新闻与政治“四点交叉统一律”等理论。文学方面:第一个提出对杨朔散文模式的批评:首倡写“大事、大情、大理”,开创政治散文写作;提出散文没得“三层次”理论和“形、事、情、理、典”的“文章五诀”写作法。
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Elwyn Brooks "E B" White (July 11, 1899 – October 1, 1985)[1] was an American His acclaimed children's books included Charlotte's Web and Stuart LWhite graduated from Cornell University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in He picked up the nickname "Andy" at Cornell, where tradition confers that moniker on any male student surnamed White, after Cornell co-founder Andrew Dickson W While at Cornell, he worked as editor of The Cornell Daily Sun with classmate Allison Danzig who later became a sportswriter for The New York T White was also a member of the Quill and Dagger society and Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI) He wrote for The Seattle Times and Seattle Post-Intelligencer and worked as an ad man before returning to New York City in He published his first article in The New Yorker magazine in 1925, then joined the staff in 1927 and continued to contribute for six Best recognized for his essays and unsigned "Notes and Comment" pieces, he gradually became the most important contributor to The New Yorker at a time when it was arguably the most important American literary He also served as a columnist for Harper's Magazine from 1938 to In the late 1930s, White turned his hand to children's fiction on behalf of a niece, Janice Hart W His first children's book, Stuart Little, was published in 1945, and Charlotte's Web appeared in Stuart Little received a lukewarm welcome from the literary community at first, due in part to the reluctance to endorse it by Anne Carroll Moore, the retired but still powerful children's librarian from the New York Public L However, both went on to receive high acclaim and in 1970, jointly won the Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal, a major prize in the field of children's In the same year, he published his third children's novel, The Trumpet of the S In 1973, that book received the Sequoyah Award from Oklahoma and the William Allen White Award from Kansas, both of which were awarded by students voting for their favorite book of the In 1959, White edited and updated The Elements of S This handbook of grammatical and stylistic dos and don'ts for writers of American English had been written and published in 1918 by William Strunk, J, one of White's professors at C White's rework of the book was extremely well received, and further editions of the work followed in 1972, 1979, and 1999; an illustrated edition followed in That same year, a New York composer named Nico Muhly premiered a short opera based on the The volume is a standard tool for students and writers and remains required reading in many composition In 1978, White won an honorary Pulitzer Prize for his work as a Other awards he received included a Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1963 and memberships in a variety of literary societies throughout the United SWhite married Katharine Sergeant Angell in 1929, also an editor at The New Yorker, and author (as Katharine White) of Onward and Upward in the G They had a son, Joel White, a naval architect and boatbuilder, who owned Brooklin Boatyard in Brooklin, M Katharine's son from her first marriage, Roger Angell, has spent decades as a fiction editor for The New Yorker and is well-known as the magazine's baseball White was related to James White who was a Methodist preacher in MWhite died on October 1, 1985, at his farm home in North Brooklin, M He was buried beside his wife at the Brooklin C

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尤垂镇 原泉州市人大主任 尤泽贵 原武汉科技大学党委书记 尤国顺 厦门大学后勤集团党委书记 尤鹏飞 厦门航空公司党委书记 尤猛军 福建省安溪县县长 尤祖举 泉州市教育局副局长、黎明大学党委书记 尤清河 泉州市烟草专卖局副局长 尤文端 泉州市市委党校党工副书记 尤祖基 原南安市卫生局局长 尤祖钦 原南安市计生委主任 尤泽海 原南安市市委党校副校长

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