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英文期刊8、Jing Zhao, Zhen Z, Ashley A BThe Impact of the E-Business Process on Competitive Advantage in Supply Chain:The Components and M Submit to Journal of Operations Management , Zhu Z, Zhao J,Tang, XL, Zhang, Y Leveraging e-business process for business value: a layered structure Information & Management, 2015, 52 (6), 679–【SCI/SSCI/EI】 6、Zhen Z, Jing Zhao A Typology of Net-enabled Organizational Capabilities for Digital Competitive Advantage: The Case Study of Travel and Hospitality Industry in C International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organizations, 2013, 12(1):56-【EI收录】 Zhen Z, Jing Zhao The Sources of e-Business Competitive Advantages between Travel agencies and Online Travel Service Firms in China,International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management , 2011,5(2):160-【EI收录】 Zhen Z, Jing Zhao Impact of e-business on the demand-driven management: An empirical study in China?,International Journal of Networking andVirtual Organizations, 2010, 7(6):560-580【EI收录】 Jing Zhao, Wilfred V Huang, Zhen Zhu, An Empirical Study of E-Business Implementation Process in China? IEEE Transactions onEngineering Management, 2008, 55(1): 134-【SCI/SSCI/EI收录】 Chunming Wu Jing Zhao, Zhen Z Impact of Internal Factors on Information Technology Adoption: An Empirical Investigation of Chinese Firms? Tsinghua Science and technology, 2008, 13(3):318- 【EI收录】中文期刊<2015>18、朱镇,赵晶,王飞,胡乐炜 电子供应链合作中IT使能合作优势的实现_基于关系观的实证研究管理评论【基金委管理类A类重要期刊,T4,CSSCI】,2015,27(2):168-177 <2013>17、朱镇,赵晶,e就绪对传统企业电子商务吸收的影响——组织执行的中介作用,南开管理评论【基金委管理类A类重要期刊,校人文社科B类权威,CSSCI】,2013,16(2):150- 16、朱镇,赵晶,江毅 企业电子商务扩散——组织执行力视角的解释,管理评论【基金委管理类A类重要期刊,校人文社科B类权威,CSSCI】,2013,25(9):158-166 <2012>15、池毛毛, 赵晶, 朱镇 E-SCM中电子商务能力与绩效关联效应的实证研究, 中国地质大学学报(社会科学版), 2012, (3): 116- (CSSCI期刊,中文核心) 14、朱镇, 赵晶, 王菁 基于关系观的电子供应链IT价值形成研究 信息系统学报,2012, 10(1):32-45<2011>13、朱镇,赵晶,企业电子商务采纳的战略决策行为:基于社会认知理论的研究,南开管理评论,【基金委管理类A类重要期刊,校人文社科B类权威,CSSCI】,2011,14(3):151-16015、朱镇,赵晶,传统旅行社与在线服务服务商电子商务竞争优势的比较研究,中国地质大学学报(社会科学版),2011,11(2):114-119(CSSCI期刊,中文核心)11、赵晶,朱镇企业电子商务价值创造过程模型,管理科学学报,【基金委管理类A类重要期刊,校人文社科B类权威, CSSCI】,2011,13(12):46-60<2010>10、朱镇,赵晶,电子商务战略感知与能力优势识别的关系研究,管理评论【基金委管理类A类重要期刊,校人文社科B类权威, CSSCI】,2010, 22(3):54-629、赵晶, 朱镇, 王飞, 李晴,基于过程的企业电子商务绩效评价模型,管理工程学报【基金委管理类A类重要期刊,校人文社科B类权威,CSSCI】,2010, 24(1):17-24<2009以前>8、朱镇,赵晶,企业电子商务采纳:组织行为与战略整合视角的实证研究,研究与发展管理【基金委管理类重要期刊,校人文社科B类权威,CSSCI】,2009, 21(2):79-867、朱镇,赵晶,魏晓燕,江毅,电子商务与供应链驱动模式关系的实证研究,管理评论【基金委管理类A类重要期刊,校人文社科B类权威,CSSCI】,2009,21(7):41-486、朱镇,赵晶,管理者如何识别电子商务能力优势:基于传统行业的实证研究 ,研究与发展管理【基金委管理类B类重要期刊,校人文社科B类权威,CSSCI】,2009,21(5):20-285、朱镇,赵晶,现代服务企业e就绪对电子商务能力的影响:基于企业资源观的实证研究,信息系统学报【信息系统协会中国分会会刊】,2009,3(1):34-474、朱镇,赵晶,陈静琪,魏晓燕 基于RBV的旅游电子商务采纳关键成功因素研究 ,旅游学刊(CSSCI期刊,中文核心),2008, 23(2): 23-283、朱镇, 赵晶 传统企业电子商务战略感知要素关联效应实证研究 中国地质大学学报(社会科学版)(CSSCI期刊,中文核心),2007, 7(6):19-【人大报刊《经贸经济》2008年第三期收录】2、赵晶,朱镇 企业电子商务战略实施关键成功因素的实证研究,清华大学学报(自然科学版),2006,46(S1):914-922(EI检索)1、朱镇,赵晶 传统企业电子商务战略感知评估研究中国地质大学学报(社会科学版),2007, 7(1):47-51(核心期刊)发表会议论文11Zhu Z, Lin S-F Entrepreneurial Perceptions and E-business Opportunity Discovery: Evidence from C The proceeding of International Conference on Information Systems, 2015, Fort Worth, UAS 10、Christopher Furner, Pradeep Racherla,Zhen Z Cultural and review characteristics in the formation of trust in online reviews: A multinational The proceeding of 12th Wuhan International Conference on e-business, 2013, 423-433 【CPCI-SSH】Best paper Award of WHICEB2013 9、Zhu, Zhen, Zhao, Jing, and Zhou L Typology and Portfolio of Net-enabled organizational capabilities and competitive advantages: The case study of travel and hospitality industry?The proceeding of 11th Wuhan International Conference on e-business, 2012, 239-246 【CPCI-SSH】 Best paper Award nomination of WHICEB2012 8、Christopher Furner, Pradeep Racherla,Zhen Z Uncertainty, Trust and Purchase Intention Based on Online Product Reviews: an Introduction to a Multinational Study,The proceeding of Tenth Wuhan International Conference on e-business, Wuhan, P R China, 【CPCI-SSH】 7、Zhen Z, Jing Zhao, Xiaoqin Ye, Maomao C An Empirical Research on Competitive Advantages of Travel e-Business: a Comparative Perspective from Resource-based V The proceeding of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, 2009,pp612-617【EI/ISTP】6、Zhen Z, Jing Zhao, Xiaoyan Wei, Jingqi C Investigation of Critical Success Factors in e-Business Adoption by Chinese Travel Firms: A Resource-based Perspective, The proceeding of Seventh Wuhan International Conference on e-business, Wuhan, P R China, May31- June1,2008, pp 998-1004【ISTP】5、Zhen Z, Jing Zhao, An Empirical Investigation of Demand Integration in E-business Environments From Chinese Practices, The proceeding of International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, July, 2007,pp3628-3631【EI/ISTP】4、Zhen Z, Jing Zhao古文辉, An Empirical Evaluation of the Effectiveness of E-Business Strategic Planning, The proceeding of International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing , Shanhai, China ,September 21-25,2007, Volume1, pp 3521-3524【EI/ISTP】3、Zhen Z, Jing Zhao, and et Transformation from Supply Chain to Demand Chain Based on E-business Value-creation: A process perspective, Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and I Beijing, August10-2005, pp443-4482、Zhen Z, Jing Zhao An Empirical Study of Business Process Transformation with E-business Adoption, Proceeding of the fourth Wuhan International conference on e- Wuhan, June 4- 2005(1), pp696-702【ISTP】1、Zhen Z, Wang heng An Exploratory Study on Power Mechanism of Tour Service E-Business in China, Proceeding of International conference on service system and service Beijing, July19- 2004(2), pp777-713【ISTP】
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