take down; to clock up; to keep track s taken down; the minutes (of a meeting) who takes the a record
您好! 爸爸:daddy 妈妈:mami 哥哥弟弟:brother 姐姐妹妹: sister 爷爷,外公: grandpa 奶奶,外婆: grandma , 叔叔,伯伯和舅舅,英语全部叫:uncle 阿姨,婶婶和舅妈,英语全部叫: auntie father 父亲 papa, dad 爸爸 daddy 爸 father-in-law 岳父,公公 mother 母亲 mama, mum, ma 妈妈 mummy 妈 mother-in-law 岳母,婆母 son 儿子 daughter 女儿 son-in-law 女婿 daughter-in-law 儿媳 only child 独生子 youngest, youngest child 最小的儿子 eldest child 大儿子
首先,需要将“文献综述( Literature Review) ”与“背景描述 (Backupground Description) ”区分开来。我们在选择研究
录用(是收录在会议中用还是引用)收录用:be included in the meeting / be adopted by the meeting引用:be
take down; to clock up; to keep track s taken down; the minutes (of a meeting)
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