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首页 > 论文问答 > scientistswillhaveto

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The scientists will have to put out new ways to increase global Perhaps now they have already tumbled on the answer to the He found the aircraft responds well to the Although we have got brilliant achievements in our work, there is still no room for A lot of people believe that education is the immense propulsion of social
316 评论


113 评论


1 I broke my spectacles so I could not see clearly what happened at that 2 This 10-men committee supported this decision 3 How they completed this project according to schedule remained a 4 Scientists will have to propose new ways for increasing the global supply of 5 Only until recently do I realise that language and culture are closely related to each 人手翻译

347 评论


1;科学家们将不得不提出增加世界粮食供应的新方法。 1) The scientists will have to propose a new way to increase the world food 2) The scientists will have no choice but to suggest a new method to inrease global food way 比较口语,method比较书面。global/world 都可以 propose 和suggest都可以不过个人偏向suggest2;他们现在也许已经解开这个迷了。 1)Maybe now, they'd have already discovered the 2) Now, they'd have already had a solution to this problem 3) Now, they may have already solved the 因为这是个假设形式的句子,所以要用虚拟语气,would/ may + have + done 动词的过去分词,来表示现在有可能发生的事。 may /maybe等区分,May 可能性大于80%,maybe =50%,might be <50%, might <10% 3;他发现这飞机的控制系统很灵。 he discovers that the air-plane is responding well to the new control responding with +方式 responding to +事物 我有感觉也可能是 he has discovered that the air-plane is responding well to the new control 因为发现不是一时完成的,纯语感。 4;即使我们在工作中取得了巨大成就也不应该自满。 we should not be presumptuous, even though we have achieved huge success in our presumptuous 是很书面的词, 非常非常自满的人。 even though 在书面语言里最好不要置前。 5;许多人相信教育是社会发展的巨大动力。 1)many people consider that education is the propeller of our society 2)many people are convinced that education is the strength for developing our consider 是书面常用的词语,多解释为认为,中性。 你也可以用believe,相信,信仰,比较肯定。 think 也常解释为认为,想,比较容易改变的想法。 strength 力量,propeller 有点比喻的用法, 是船的动力浆,有推动的意思。本人认为这里propeller比较贴切 PS: 顺便说个题外话,有人不要太cocky, 也许上面的比较有中国味,但起码语法上的错误并不大,语言除了掌握会说以外,也要会正确运用。你,对于这两种语言都没有掌握,八岁移民并不能代表你的英文就一定好, 送你一句忠告:山外有山,天外有天,人外有人。 你有先天的条件,不光要把自己的语言领悟,掌握,也要珍惜你先天的条件。楼主,其实你需要翻译的句子,可易可难,重要要看考点,和用法。但语法上的东西很重要,我也不认为我的一定就是100%对的,不过你可以考虑语境和考点来参考。

139 评论


I broke my glasses so I didn't see what happened clearly This commitee consisting of 10 people It remains a mystery that how they completed this program on Scientist will have to put forwand new methods on increasing the supply of food in the Until recently do I realize that languages are closely related with

243 评论


11C,12D,13C,14B,15D,16D, 17B, 18C,19B,20D

240 评论


  • scientistswillhaveto

    The scientists will have to put out new ways to increase global Perhaps now the

    meimeimilly 6人参与回答 2023-12-09