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对英文广告中的典故翻译,方法应不拘一格,灵活多样。 参考文献: [1]李靖舒:英语广告翻译中的跨文化、跨语言因素[J]沈阳师范大学学报,第17卷第5期,2005年10月 [2]王莉莉:言语美策略在英文广告语中的运用[J]聊城大学学报(社会科 /html/Language/20090107/html
289 评论


310 评论


Someone asked me, a broadcast public service ads can change the life of the bad habits? «I say no, public service ads for the community in those uncivilized phenomenon, it might not be possible drug disease, but I believe that a public service ads on Is like a lamp, some bright lights in the dark on around us And I believe that each person's soul is like a window, will come in bright open I believe that civilization on around us, from our very close, almost Of your fingertips, and sometimes civilization is only 10 centimeters away from us the distance, sometimes only a few dozen centimetres in width, sometimes, may be the thickness of a piece of paper, I believe, in fact civilization on in our hearts, we will in life Inadvertently Sometimes more than a gesture to others, is a sympathetic, sometimes a little more patience to wait for the others is a caring, sometimes a little bit more sharing, more than others is a warm and I believe Each of us took a small step, the community will take a major step So I found that civilization is a force, like the Olympic torch, in the hands of every person transmission, but also to all the enthusiasm of " 有人这样问我,播出一条公益广告能不能改变生活中的陋习呢?我说不,公益广告对于社会中的那些不文明的现象,也许不可能药到病除,但我相信一条公益广告就好像是一盏灯,灯光亮一些我们身边的黑暗就少一些并且我更相信每个人的心灵就像一扇窗,窗户打开光亮就会进来我相信,文明就在我们身边,离我们很近,近的触手可及,有时候文明离我们只是十公分的距离,有时候只是几十厘米的宽度,也有时候,可能是一张纸的厚度;我相信其实文明就在我们心中,我们会在生活中不经意地流露有时候多一个手势对别人来说就是一份体谅;有时候多一点耐心的等待对别人就是一种关爱,有时候多一点点分享,对别人就是多一份温暖我相信,我们每个人迈出一小步,就会使社会迈出一大步 所以我发现文明是一种力量,就好像奥运火炬一样,在每个人手中传递,也能够汇聚所有人的热情”

180 评论


我写了相关的论文,绝对没错。答案是Public service advertisement(s)缩写是PSAs

163 评论


广告的本质是传播,广告的灵魂是创意。 广告一词,据考证是一外来语。它首先源于拉丁文advertere,其意为注意,诱导,传播。中古英语时代(约公元1300—1475年),演变为Advertise,其含义衍化为“使某人注意到某件事”,或“通知别人某件事,以引起他人的注意”。直到17世纪末,英国开始进行大规模的商业活动。这时,广告一词便广泛地流行并被使用。此时的“广告”,已不单指一则广告,而指一系列的广告活动。静止的物的概念的名词Advertise,被赋予现代意义,转化成为“Advertising”。汉字的广告一词源于日本。 《韦伯斯特词典》对广告的定义是:广告是指在通过直接或间接的方式强化销售商品、传播某种主义或信息、召集参加各种聚会和集会等意图下开展的所有告之性活动的形式(韦伯斯特辞典1977年版)。 在现代,广告被认为是运用媒体而非口头形式传递的具有目的性信息的一种形式,它旨在唤起人们对商品的需求并对生产或销售这些商品的企业产生了解和好感,告之提供某种非营利目的的服务以及阐述某种意义和见解等(韦伯斯特辞典1988版)。 《简明大不列颠百科全书》(15版)对广告的定义是:广告是传播信息的一种方式,其目的在于推销商品、劳务服务、取得政治支持、推近一种事业或引起刊登广告者所希望的其他的反映。广告信息通过各种宣传工具,传递给它所想要吸引的观众或听众。广告不同于其他传递信息的形式,它必须由登广告者付给传播的媒介以一定的报酬。 社会学家、评论家艾君在1994年由现代出版社出版的《当代生意经》对于广告概念问题这样阐述,读完一些广告定义,不难发现有的还可以说是个较为完整的定义,有的则只是对广告的简单地判断。更值得商榷的是有的定义还没有解释清楚广告是怎么回事,解释中又重复出现了“广告”之词。或将广告当成修饰词语出现,如广告语,广告客户、广告者、广告信息……这好比张三问李四:“什么叫艺术?”李四答:“由艺术家创作或表演的作品……”。人们便会问:没有讲明艺术的定义,不知道什么叫艺术,怎么会出现艺术家? 艾君认为,在弄清广告定义之前,首先要看看生活中的广告活动是怎样运转的。他解读为,组织或个体(广告主)为了目的(树立形象、推销产品、求购、声明、招生、求职等)依靠(付出费用)确定媒体,按规定时间、要求,真实地传播信息的活动。 从广告运转的规律、程序,艾君为广告下这样一个定义: 广告,即确定的组织或个人为了一定的目的,依靠付出费用,在规定的时间内,按照要求,由指定的媒体,将真实信息传播出去的一种交流活动。他认为,这个定义从实践中来,必然能反映广告的本质属性,也能够解释通除商业广告之外的一些广告现象。如“征婚启事”、“政府通告”、“聚会通知”等一些与经济无关的公益广告。 在中国,商业广告还没有到达颠峰,已存在着极大的泡沫成分和非理性行为;随着消费者的成熟、行业的规范,企业也会走向理性,自然会回落,启用普通模特将成为主流;同时,广告将异军突起并逐渐走向成熟,避免不了挑战。企业启用形象代言人,可能有各种目的,尤其当“子弦效应”和炒作之风盛行的年代。笔者在对形象代言人按照“准确营销”的观点进行理论总结,发现了现代市场形象代言人基本特性,用广告方式传达品牌独特、鲜明的个性主张,使产品得以与目标消费群建立某种联系,顺利进入消费者的生活和视野,达到与之心灵的深层沟通,并在其心中树立某种印象和地位,使品牌变成一个有意义的带有附加价值的符码。他通过一定的媒介或载体传播诉诸目标受众,从而在品牌如云的市场中树立和打造个性化的品牌形象。他或者通过品牌创立人独具人格魅力的形象代言,给目标受众以鲜明的品牌个性和信心;或者通过影视明星、社会名人极具亲和力的广告代言,令品牌产品迅速对目标消费群的购买施加影响;或者通过虚构人物演绎品牌叙事,传达品牌理念与价值取向,赢得目标受众的认同;或者通过漫画式卡通动物的形象代言,塑造活泼可爱、耳目一新的品牌形象,让人在相视一笑中对品牌产生美好的联想和印象。他的形象代言并不完全等于企业的形象,所以,他的走红并不意味着产品就能够走红。企业的监督与他们的配合就显得相当重要。而他们也应有自我约束的责任意识,真正融入这个企业文化,真正用心去演绎产品宣传理念,才会凸现广而告之的意思。英文The advertisement nature is propagation , the advertisement soul is an innovative That word , evidence once research textually advertisement is one word of foreign It originates from Latin advertere first , it's intention is guidance , propagation pay attention Middle English times (makes an appointment with AD 1300 develops into Advertise in 1475), that it's import spreads out Hua Wei "makes a certain person pay attention to arriving at some matter " , "informs others of or some matter, to arouse others's paying attention to " Until 17 ends of the century , United Kingdom begin to carry out large-scale commerce use personal At this time, advertisement one word convenience is popular for and is put into use But "advertisement" now , already not only finger one items of advertisement, point to the advertisement activity a train Conceptual motionless thing noun Advertise , quilt give modern significance to , conversion becomes "Advertising" The word once originates from the Chinese character advertisement J "Webster is lexicographic ", checking the advertisement definition is: Advertisement is that the finger is growing doctrine or information by the fact that direct or indirect way strengthening the marketing commodity , spreading some , open-minded possessions tells that sex flexible form (Webster under the intention calling together for participating in various party and rally Thesaurus 1977 printing plate) One kind of form being regarded as the information wielding a medium but being not that the verbal form is hereditary having teleonomy in modern times , advertisement, it aims at calling up people producing the acquaintance and favorable impression to the commodity need and to the enterprise producing or selling these commodities's , some grow (Webster dictionaries such as significance and view as well as expounding the service suing that provides some nonprofit species purpose 1988 printing plate) That "concise Great Britain encyclopaedias " (15 printing plate) check the advertisement definition is: Advertisement is to spread one kind of way of information , with a view to, whose promotes sales of commodity , labour service service , gets politics support , pushes close one kind of cause or arouses to advertise be what person hopes other Advertisement information passes the various instrument of propaganda , transfers to audience or audience wanted to attract by Advertisement is unlike the form transferring information other , it must be paid to the intermediary spreading with certain reward by The sociologist , critic Ai your "the present age business expertise " being come out by modern press in 1994 expound like this to advertisement concept problem , finish reading some advertisement definition , no difficult to find that some so to speak be comparatively entire definition, some simple however pair of advertisement field Being worth deliberating more is that some definition does not make an explanation understand advertisement what's all this about, word of making an explanation middle repetition has appeared "advertisement" Or advertisement should become polishing terms appearing, if advertisement speaks, advertising client , advertisement person , advertisement information, This is just like three ask about Li four: "What calls art "? Four reply Li: Work "creating or performing by artist, ,'' People just is able to ask about: Without the definition explaining art, do not know what calls art, why artist appears on meeting? The Ai monarch thinks, before making advertisement definition clear , that the primo asks advertisement in taking a look at life to use personal influence is how to move (, the demand setting up an image , promoting the sale of products for purpose buy the he is understood and explained in order, organizing or particular (advertisement host) , the declaration, enrolls new students , job wanted waits for support (pay cost) to ascertain a medium) , pushes down set time , the request, activity spreading information's From advertisement travel law , procedure,the Ai monarch defines in order advertisement goes down such one: Advertisement, be that organization or individual ascertaining that pays cost for certain purpose , support, medium being appointed as within the fixed time, according to the request , the reason, that true information propagation goes out one kind exchange is He thinks that this comes in secondary practice of definition, can reflect the advertisement nature attribute inevitably , also is able to make an explanation exchange some advertisement phenomenon except commercial If "the lonely-hearts ad " ", government public notice ", "get together inform equal few of " the public good advertisement having nothing to do with Before China , commercial advertisement return back to a peak not getting to jolt, already existence is burning the immense foam constitutive and is not reason behavior; With consumer's maturity , the industry norm, enterprise also meeting trend reason , natural meeting make fall after rise , start using the average model will become main current; At the same time, advertisement will appear all of a sudden and the trend is gradually mature, avoid challenge without Enterprise starts using the image spokesman , possibility has various purpose, age thinking that "subchord wind of effect " and speculation is in vogue The author has been in the summary carrying out theory on the viewpoint that the image spokesman "sells according to accurate camp" , has discovered the modern marketplace image spokesman basic characteristic property, unique , distinct individuality advocates through advertisement way janitor brand, make a product manage to build some species connection with target consumption group , enter consumer's life and ken smoothly , reach with that intelligent deep communicate with, in and the person sets up some species impression and position at heart, using a brand becomes a meaningful with additional value magic figure He accepts the masses by the fact that the certain intermediary or carrier propagation appeals to a target , thereby, sets up and makes the brand image individuation in the brand if the marketplace saying is His image having personality charm alone possibly by the fact that the brand founds person replaces a word, distinct brand individuality and confidence are used by the masses by target; The affinity advertisement replaces a word or by the fact that the movie and TV star , the society celebrity pole have , the purchase making brand product prompt to target consumption group exerts one's influence on sb; Or narrate by the fact that the fiction personage deduces a brand, idea and value take the janitor brand face, win a target accept numerous acception; Or by the fact that image of dyadic cartoon cartoon animal replaces a word, mold lively the brand image lovable , finding everything fresh and new, lets person produce fine association and impression in looking at one each other laughing at to the His image is equal to enterprise image , reason why not completely on behalf of a word , his walking makes red being going to being able to be in favour not implying a The enterprise supervision and their composition appear pretty important right They also should have but the self-control responsibility mental consciousness , melt really to enter this corporate culture, real intention goes to deduce a product propagating idea, only meaning that can bulge cash publicizing

191 评论


Public service advertizing

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