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He Ping, Zhang Zhao, Cheng Guodong et Ventilation properties of blocky stones embankments, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2007,47(3): 271- (SCI,EI) 何平,程国栋,杨成松,赵淑萍,朱元林 冻土融沉系数的评价方法 冰川冻土 2003,25(6):608- He Ping, Zhu Yuanlin, Cheng G Constitutive models of frozen C G J , 2000,37(4):811-SCI,EI He Ping, Cheng Guodong, Yang Chengsong, Zhao S The Analysis on Strength of Insaturated Frozen S The 5th International Symposium of Permafrost E 2002, 26- ISTP He Ping, Cheng Guodong, Zhu Y Heat, water and stress fields of saturated soil during Ground freezing J-F Thimus (), AA B2000:101- ISTP He Ping, Cheng Guodong & Zhu YConstitutive Theories on Viscoelastoplastictity and Damage of Frozen Soil, Science in China(D), 1999,V42(Supp):38- SCI 何平,程国栋等 块石通风性能试验研究,岩土工程学报,2006,28(6):789- EI He Ping & Zhu Y Constitutive relation of saturated frozen silt in torsion, The 8TH International Symposium on Ground Freezing: AABalkema: 1997,313- EI 何平,程国栋,朱元林冻土粘弹塑损伤耦合本构理论,中国科学(D),1999,V29(增):34- 何平, 张家懿,朱元林,吴紫汪,振动频率对冻土破坏之影响, 岩土工程学报, 1995,V17(3):78- 何平,程国栋,杨成松,赵淑萍 非饱和冻土的强度分析 冰川冻土,2002,24(3):260- 何平,程国栋,俞祁浩,朱元林。饱和正冻土中的水热力场耦合模型。冰川冻土,2000,22(2):135- 何平,程国栋,朱元林。土体冻结过程中的热质迁移研究进展。冰川冻土,2001,23(1):92- 何平,土冻结过程中电阻的特性及应用,冰川冻土,1990,12(4):365- 何平,朱元林,饱和冻结粉土的动弹模与动强度,冰川冻土,1993,15(1):170- 何平,朱元林,常小晓冻土的变形性能及泊松比,地下空间,1999,V19(5): 504- 何平,朱元林,王文斌饱和冻结粉土扭转状态下应力应变分析,兰州铁道学院学报, 1998,V17(3):29- 何平,朱元林,张家懿 振动频率对冻土弹模之影响, 第一届全国寒区环境与工程青年学术会议,兰州大学出版社:1994,53- 何平,朱元林,张建明,俞祁浩冻土扭转过程剪应变分析, 第五届全国冰川冻土学会议,甘肃文化出版社:1996,733- He Ping, Bing Hui et Process of frost heave and characteristics of frozen Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Permafrost Engineering, 2004:21- He Ping, Cheng Guodong, Zhu YConstitutive Theories on Viscoelastoplastictity and Damage of Frozen Soil, Geocryological Problems of Construction in Eastern Russia and Northern China international symposium,Y 1998, 10- He Ping, Cheng Guodong,Liu Weiming and Zhang Z Analyses on Thermal Conductivity for Unfrozen and Frozen S Proceedings of the International Geotechnical Conference on Reconstruction of Historical Cities and Geotechnical E Saint Petersburg-Moscow: ASV Publishers ( edited by A VA Llichev and P VM Ulitsky): 2003,341- He Ping, Zhu Yuanlin & Shi Q Statistical analyses of frozen soil creep, The 7th International Permafrost Conference,Y 1998,449- He Ping, Zhu Yuanlin, Zhang J Dynamic strain characteristics of saturated frozen silt, The 7th International Symposium on Cold Regions Engineering, AABalkema: 1994,721-Bing Hui, He Ping,Yang Chengsong et Impact of sodium sulfate on soil frost heaving in an open Applied Clay Science, 2007, 35:189- SCI等等
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  • 冰川冻土是sci吗

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