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比较好的期刊请对照中文核心期刊2011版,岩石力学与工程学报 2.岩土工程学报建筑结构学报 岩土力学 土木工程学报 城市规划 工业建筑 建筑结构 城市规划学刊 中国地质学报 中国给水排水 空间结构 建筑材料学报 给水排水 重庆建筑大学学报(改名为:土木建筑与环境工程) 混凝土 建筑科学与工程学报 世界地震工程 建筑学报 暖通空调 中国园林 建筑钢结构进展 防灾减灾工程学报 混凝土与水泥制品 西安建筑科技大学学报自然科学版 工程抗震与加固改造 规划师 地下空间与工程学报 沈阳建筑大学学报自然科学版 国际城市规划 建筑科学 施工技术 结构工程师

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累计以第一作者发表学术论文六十余篇(其中5篇SSCI:EPB*1、CEUS*2、LUP*1、Cties*1)、7篇EI、《地理学报》5篇、《城市规划》2篇、《城市规划学刊》1篇,多篇SSCI投稿审理中),2007年在该领域出版专著《规划支持系统原理与应用》。CEUS(SSCI)、Cities(SSCI)、Annals of GIS、地理学报、地理研究和地理科学进展等期刊审稿人,CUPUM和SPSD国际会议科学委员会委员及审稿人,国际期刊IRSPSD执行主编。 Long Y, Shen Z, 2014 (expected), Geospatial Analysis for Understanding UrbanForm in Support of Urban Planning for Beijing, Springer-Verlag Berlin H (In English) Long Y, Shen Z, 2013, “Disaggregatingheterogeneous agent attributes and location from aggregated data, small-scalesurveys and empirical researches” Computers,Environment and Urban Systems (Tentative accepted) (SSCI) Long Y, Han H, Lai S-K, Mao Q, 2012, “Urbangrowth boundaries of the Beijing Metropolitan Area: Comparison of simulationand artwork” Cities (In press) (SSCI) Long Y, Gu Y, Han H, 2012, “Spatiotemporalheterogeneity of urban planning implementation effectiveness: Evidence fromfive master plans of Beijing” Landscapeand Urban Planning 108 103-111 (SSCI) Long Y, Shen Z, Mao Q, 2012, “Retrievingspatial policy parameters from alternative plans using constrained cellularautomata and regionalized sensitivity analysis” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 39(3) 586-604 (SSCI) Long Y,Mao Q, Shen Z, 2012, “Urban form, transportation energy consumption, andenvironmental impact integrated simulation: A multi-agent model” ” in ZhenjiangShen () Sustainable Development andSpatial Plan: How to achieve a sustainable urban form in Asian cities?,Springer-Verlag Berlin H Long Y,Shen Z, Mao Q, Du L, 2012, “A challenge to configure form scenarios for urbangrowth simulations reflecting the institutional implications of land-usepolicy” in Zhenjiang Shen GeospatialTechniques in Urban Planning, Advances in Geographic Information Science,Springer-Verlag Berlin H 3- Long Y,Shen Z, 2012, “Reaching consensus among stakeholders on planned urban formusing constrained CA” in Zhenjiang Shen GeospatialTechniques in Urban Planning, Advances in Geographic Information Science,Springer-Verlag Berlin H 91- Long Y,Shen Z, Mao Q, 2012, “An urban growth control planning support system for the Beijing Metropolis Area” in Zhenjiang Shen Geospatial Techniques in Urban Planning, Advances in GeographicInformation Science, Springer-Verlag Berlin H 285- Long Y, Shen Z, Mao Q, 2011, “An urbancontainment planning support system for Beijing” Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 35 297-307 (SSCI) Long Y, Shen Z, 2011, “An urban model usingcomplex constrained cellular automata: Long-term urban form prediction forBeijing” International Journal of SocietySystems Science 3 159-173 Long Y, Shen Z, Mao Q, Dang A, 2010,“Retrieving individuals’ attributes using aggregated dataset for urbanmicro-simulation: A primary exploration” Proceedingsof Geoinformatics Beijing, China (EI) Long Y, Mao Q, Dang A, 2009, “Beijing urbandevelopment model: Urban growth analysis and simulation” Tsinghua Science and Technology 14 787-794 (EI) Long Y,Zhang Y, “Land use pattern scenario analysis using Planner Agents” Environment and Plannign B: Planning andDesign (Under review) (SSCI) Long Y,Thill J-C, “Combining smart card data, household travel survey and land usepattern for identifying housing-jobs relationships in Beijing” Computers, Environment and Urban Systems(Under review) (SSCI) Gu Y,Elizabeth D, Long Y, “The effect of driving restrictions on travel behavior inBeijing” Transport Policy (Underreview) Zhou J,Long Y, “Bus commuters’ jobs-housing balance in Beijing: An exploration usinglarge-scale synthesized smart card data” Journalof Transport Geography (Revision under review) (SSCI) 龙瀛, 张宇, 崔承印, 2012, “利用公交卡刷卡数据分析北京职住关系和通勤交通形态” 地理学报 67(10) 1339-1352 龙瀛, 毛其智, 杨东峰, 王静文, 2011, “城市形态、交通能耗和环境影响集成的多智能体模型” 地理学报 66(8)1033-1044 龙瀛, 沈振江, 毛其智, 胡卓伟, 2011, “城市增长控制规划支持系统:方法、开发及应用” 城市规划 35(3) 62-71 龙瀛, 沈振江, 毛其智, 2011, “城市系统微观模拟中的个体数据获取新方法” 地理学报 66(3) 416-426 龙瀛, 韩昊英, 谷一桢, 沈振江, 毛其智, 2011, “城市规划实施的时空动态评价” 地理科学进展 30(8) 967-977 龙瀛, 沈振江, 毛其智, 党安荣, 2010, “基于约束性CA方法的北京城市形态情景分析” 地理学报 65(6) 643-655 龙瀛, 沈振江, 毛其智, 2010, “地块方向:表征城市形态的新指标” 规划师 (4) 25-29 龙瀛, 毛其智, 2010, “城市规划支持系统的定义、目标和框架” 清华学报 50(3) 335-337(EI) 龙瀛, 毛其智, 沈振江, 杜立群, 2010, “北京城市空间发展分析模型” 城市与区域规划研究 3(2) 180-212 龙瀛, 韩昊英, 毛其智, 2009, “利用约束性CA制定城市增长边界” 地理学报 64(8)999-1008 龙瀛, 2007, 规划支持系统原理与应用北京: 化学工业出版社 龙瀛, 何永, 刘欣, 杜立群, 2006, “北京市限建区规划:制定城市扩展的边界” 城市规划 30(12) 20-26(邀请论文,多次被引用)

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