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Conclusion, Acknowledgement, References, A
322 评论


173 评论



283 评论


Acknowledge First and foremost, I appreciate my college which gives me a comfortable learning Second, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Miss Zhang, who has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this Without her illuminating instruction and patience, this thesis could not have reached its present I am also greatly indebted to all my teachers who have helped me to develop the fundamental and essential academic My sincere appreciation also goes to all my classmates, who are my proud of my Last but not least, I want to thank all my friends, especially my three lovely roommates, for their encouragement and

325 评论


本科毕业论文致谢800字1篇  时光荏苒,转眼间已是本科生涯结束之际,浙江大学,曾是我高中时梦想的高等学府,大学时念念不忘的目标志向,感谢2011年那个坚定的自己,通过种种努力最终成为XXXX学院的一名本科生。回首过往,本科生活的点点滴滴都涌上心头,三年多丰富的科研生活,是我人生中收获最大、成长最快的时光。  时值本科论文即将完成之际,谨对多年来给予我支持与帮助的良师益友、新们致以最诚挚的谢意!  首先感谢我的导师XXX教授在学习上对我的悉心指导和生活上无微不至的关怀。X老师在毕业论文的选题、实验方法的拟定以及论文的撰写等各方面都给予了精心的指导。X老师治学严谨,博学善思,为我创造了良好的科研和学习环境。同时也学习到了很多为人处事与待人接物的道理。X老师以身作则、爱岗敬业的崇高风范,平易近人、谦逊和蔼的人格魅力,令人如沐春风,倍感温馨。感谢水煤浆课题组的XXX院士、XXX教授、XXX教授、XXX教授、XXX教授、XX教授、XXX副教授、XXX副教授给予我的莫大指导和帮助。感谢热能所为我提供了一一个设备先进、学风严谨的学习科研环境。感谢XXX在我最初的学术探究过程中为我指引方向,在我学术遇到困难时为我答疑解惑,感谢XX、XXX、XXX等师兄师姐在学业和生活上的指导,感谢XXX、XXX、XXX、XX、XXX、XXX等同学和师弟们在实验过程中提供的帮助。  感谢G楼304的XX、X师姐、XXX师兄、XXX、XXX等,难忘我们一起骑行、节日聚餐等每一个温馨而感动的瞬间。感谢同寝室的XX、XX、XX,我们分享生活,共同成长,成为了密无间的挚友。感谢好闺蜜XXX一直以来的支持陪伴 ,让我的生活充满了色彩和收获。还有感谢那些远在他乡的朋友、学长的支持和帮助,感谢这些真心的朋友愿意耽误自己的休息时间给我哪怕一点点帮助,谢谢你们。也要感谢一直站在我身后默默无私奉献的我的父母,你们是我心脉远的挂,不论我飞的多高飞的多远,你们始终是我心灵深处最温暖的港湾。  英文论文致谢词800字1篇  I would like to take this opportunity to thank a number of people who haveofferedinvaluable assistance in the preparation of the   My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor Luo Ping, mysupervisor, whohas walked me through all the stages of the writing of this Hiscritical comments,  constant encouragement and guidance have greatly enlightened menot only on theacademic pursuit but also on the morals of being a Without hisconsistent andiluminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its   Secondly, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all the professors andteacherswhose insightful lectures have well prepared me for the completion of thethesis during mypursuit of the Master Degree of Arts at SISU  I also greatly appreciate the assistance offered by the authors and scholarsmentioned inthe bibliography, without whose works, the literature review of mythesis would not havebeen   Last, I am deeply indebted to my beloved parents and friends, who alwayssupportedme, willingly discussed with me, and offered valuable Their helpand support haveaccompanied me through the difficult course of the thesis andmoments of my

232 评论


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