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建筑艺术是指按照美的规律,运用建筑艺术独特的艺术语言,使建筑形象具有文化价值和审美价值,具有象征性和形式美,体现出民族性和时代感。以其功能性特点为标准,建筑艺术可分为纪念性建筑、宫殿陵墓建筑、宗教建筑、住宅建筑、园林建筑、生产建筑等类型。 从总体来说,建筑艺术与工艺美术一样,也是一种实用性与审美性相结合的艺术。建筑的本质是人类建造以供居住和活动的生活场所,所以,实用性是建筑的首要功能;只是随着人类实践的发展,物质技术的进步,建筑越来越具有审美价值。 造型艺术之一。建筑,它是建筑物和构筑物的统称,工程技术和建筑艺术的综合创作,各种土木工程、建筑工程的建造活动。从而可知,建筑是人类为自己创造的物质生活环境,即人类生活所必需的居住和活动的场所,也是为满足人们生活、生产或从事其他活动而创造的空间环境。建筑艺术,是一种立体艺术形式。是通过建筑群体组织、建筑物的形体、平面布置、立面形式、内外空间组织、结构造型,亦即建筑的构图、比例、尺度、色彩、质感和空间感,以及建筑的装饰、绘画、雕刻、花纹、庭园、家具陈设等多方面的考虑和处理所形成的一种综合性艺术。 建筑起源于人类劳动实践和日常生活遮风雨、避群害的实用目的,是人类抵抗自然力的第一道屏障。作为人类重要的物质文化形式之一,车尔尼雪夫斯一针见血地指出,"建筑作为一种艺术,比其他各种实际活动更专一无二地服务从美感要求。"而建筑艺术的审美特征,主要是技术与艺术相结合、实用与审美相统一,建筑空间与实体的对立统一,静态的、固定的、表现性的、综合性的实用造型艺术,内容表现上的正面性、抽象性和象征性,建筑与环境的协调等。从而可知,建筑艺术与其他造型艺术一样,它主要通过视觉给人以美的感受。同时,建筑艺术是一种立体艺术形式,故建筑艺术形象具有特殊的反映社会生活、精神面貌和经济基础的功能。历代建筑艺术与它所处的历史时代、地理气候、民族文化和生活习俗密切相关,同时受到材料、结构、施工技术的制约。中国建筑体系是以木结构为特色的独立的建筑,在城市规划、建筑组群、单体建筑以及材料、结构等方面的艺术处理均取得了辉煌的成就。尤其近现代中国建筑艺术,则在继承优秀传统和吸收当今世上建筑艺术长处的实践中,不断发展,有所创新。
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Goose tower (大雁塔) The goose tower is located in the Nanjiao greatly kind graciousnesstemple, was the nation famous ancient architecture, is regarded asancient capital Xi'an the After hands down is Tang Sengcongthe India (ancient India) learns from experienced people, specially isengaged in translates after with the Buddhist scriptures Because imitates the Indian wild goose tower style the constructiontherefore the famous wild goose Because afterwards recommendedin the lucky temple in Chang An to construct a smaller wild goosetower, in order to distinguish, the people on called the goose thetower the kind graciousness temple tower, recommended the lucky templetower to call the small wild goose tower, continuously spreads The goose delivers in person the square shape, constructsin side approximately 45 meters, on high approximately 5 meter Tower seven, first floor length of side 25 meters, by place Surface to tower crest elevation 64 The tower bodybecomes with the brickwork, the polished bricks fitting snuglytogether are firm In the tower has the staircase, maycircle Around each respectively has a brige entry, may leanagainst a railing looks out into the The Chang An style getsa panoramic Around the tower first floor all has Shimen, on thegate mast has the fine line to engrave the image of Buddha, passes onfor the Tang Dynasty big painter Yan Liben writing In the towerNanmen two sides brick niches, inlays has Tang fourth day of a soldierthen good book storytelling legalist schools big tang dynasty pilgrimmonk saint to teach the foreword "and" States Tripitaka Saint To teachForeword To record "two After Tang Mo, the temple repeatedlysays the warfare, the palace burns d

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