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2001-2011年SCI收录至少有一位中国学者(不包括台湾地区)发表的论文983,099篇(截至到2011年12月5日按出版年统计),其中化学(CHEMISTRY)学科论文199,376篇(是近十年中国学者发文最多的学科),199,376篇文献包括学术论文188,160篇、会议摘要6,099篇、会议论文4,743篇、综述3,270篇、通讯751篇、社论705篇、更正354篇、传记20篇、新闻12篇等。  199,376篇文章共发表在555种化学学科期刊上,其中发文量居前十位的期刊见下表:      表一  2001-2011年SCI收录中国学者发表的化学学科论文发文量居前十位的期刊  排名 期刊名称 2010年 影响因子 发文量 占总文章 量的百分比(%) 1 Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities Chinese 《高等学校化学学报》 656 6028 023 % 2 Journal of Alloys and Compounds《合金与化合物杂志》 138 5445 731 % 3 Abstracts of Papers of The American Chemical Society《美国化学会会议论文摘要》  4974 495 % 4 Acta Chimica Sinica《化学学报》 611 4665 340 % 5 Chinese Chemical Letters《中国化学快报》 775 4148 080 % 6 Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry《分析化学》 798 4069 041 % 7 Applied Surface Science《应用表面科学》 795 3878 945 % 8 Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry《无机化学学报》 670 3696 854 % 9 Acta Physico Chimica Sinica《物理化学学报》 734 3648 830 % 10 Journal of Physical Chemistry C《物理化学杂志,C辑》 524 3429 720 % 11 Chinese Journal of Chemistry《中国化学》 773 3253 632 %  注:排名3的Abstracts of Papers of The American Chemical Society《美国化学会会议论文摘要》为专门刊登会议摘要的期刊        附件:2001-2011年SCI收录中国学者发表的化学学科论文发文量居前100位的期刊  排名 期刊名称 发文量 占总文章 量的百分比(%)           Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities Chinese 6028  023 % 
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SCI没有收录,以下为该期刊相关信息。Journal Name:Materials Sciences and Applications (ISSN: 2153-1188) Published By: scirpWebsite: /journal/msa Print ISSN: 2153117X 2153 117XOnline ISSN: 21531188Aims & Scope: Materials Sciences and Applications ISSN Print: 2153-117XISSN Online: 2153-1188 Website: /journal/msaAim & ScopeMaterials Sciences and Applications is an international journal dedicated to the latest advancement of The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of materials sciences and All manuscripts must be prepared in English, and are subject to a rigorous and fair peer-review Accepted papers will immediately appear online followed by printed hard The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:Biological and Biomedical MaterialsCeramicsComposite MaterialsElectrical MaterialsFibersGlassesMetalsNanocompositesNanostructured MaterialsPolymersWe are also interested in: 1) Short Reports – 2-5 page papers where an author can either present an idea with theoretical background but has not yet completed the research needed for a complete paper or preliminary data; 2) Book Reviews – Comments and

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