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关于interview (面试)参考:)~~ The best way to look at an interview is as a conversation rather than an In a conversation,information flows both ways and after all,you want to learn about the company you may be working for as much as they want to learn about You want to make sure the job fits you no less then they want to be sure you fit the If you can think of the interview as an opportunity to check them out,you'll show that you're interested in the company,you'll feel more relaxed,you'll perform better and you'll increase your chances of getting an There are a number of different approaches an interviewer can Perhaps the most common is the clarification interview,in which the interviewer asks general questions about points on your resume that he'd like to know more You may get asked what your career goals are,or what you think you can bring to the Know your resume,know how to make it fit the job and interviews like this should be a walk in the An interviewer may also throw in some doubt-resolving questions: "Why did you leave your last job? ","Are you always this late? ","Where it says on your resume,‘manufacturing mailbags for the government,’where exactly was that? " Be aware of the weaknesses on your resume and prepare some nice flowery words to cover any career cracks and flatten the interviewer's unfounded Increasingly popular are behavioral interviews,an approach which consultants claim is used by a quarter of You may be asked to describe an incident in which you had to use your initiative under pressure,deal with a difficult worker or work as part of a small The idea is that your past behavior will predict your future actions in similar situations and the questions the interviewers ask will highlight skills they believe are important to the To handle questions like these,think about your work experiences,and retell them in STAR order: Situation/Task,Action and R Identify the situation or task you were dealing with,explain the action you took and describe the
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学术论文写作步骤一、材料准备利用图书馆网站资源查阅有关的报刊目录索引、专题目录索引与年鉴等工具书以及制作文献目录卡片。卡片内容包含:作者标题杂志名页码对于单行本,要包含出版单位,报纸包含发行的年月日。 二、确定文章结构编写提纲的主要作用:帮助作者从全局着眼,树立全篇论文的基本骨架,是把论文格局形态化的过程,从而形成一个中心突出,层次井然,结构严谨的论文框架体系。为论文的写作和修改提供依据与参照,会更清楚地意识到行文中存在的不足与缺陷,找到修改的恰当方法。因此,必须在分析研究材料、认真构思的基础上编写提纲。 三、写作初稿初稿的写作是论文形成过程中最艰苦阶段。初稿的目的是要把所有想写的内容全部表达出来,对全部数据和资料进行详细的分析、归类。从初稿的写作过程中还可及时发现前期文献研究工作有无不足或错误。 四、修改修改是对论文初稿所写的内容不断加深认识,对论文表达形式不断优化,选择直至定稿的过程。 论文修改应做到:在语言修辞等枝节上自找毛病对全文论点及论据进行再次锤炼和推敲定稿。经过不断修改,确保论文达到一个基本满意的状态。

85 评论


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