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Ecotourism, ecotravel, ecolodges and just generally being "eco" have become popular tourism sales What is true ecotourism? What defines an ecolodge or an ecological company? How is the surrounding community involved? And finally, is ecotourism such a great thing anyways?In order to truly understand ecotourism and all of it's attendant pros and cons it is necessary to do some background This page offers an introduction to the topic along with several links to more detailed The basic definitions below have been adapted and clarified from commonly used travel industry Some of the links are to articles that help further define ecotourism some promote it and some attack it but all are provocative and The goal of this page is neither to sell nor devalue ecotourism but rather to explore it as a concept and to help create informed travelers who ask lots of questions before, during and after their Well informed travelers choose their guides, travel companies and lodges from a position of This purchasing power can be the driving force behind positive or negative impacts on the places you To learn more read

351 评论


中文文献3篇和英文1篇 1、【题名】经济型酒店的产品创新与市场细分 【作者】沈涵 【杂志名全称】旅游学刊 【年, 卷(期), 起止页码】2007年第22卷第10期 【全文链接】 【求助者email】 2、【题名】上海经济连锁酒店隐现困局 【作者】王欣 【杂志名全称】《经济导报》 【年, 卷(期), 起止页码】2007年第20期 【全文链接】 【求助者email】 3、【题名】中国经济型酒店业:是否太热? 【作者】无 【杂志名全称】《中国中小企业》 【年, 卷(期), 起止页码】2007年第6期 【全文链接】 【求助者email】 4、【题名】Economy hotel performance indication of travel trends [J] 【作者】Mark L 【杂志名全称】Hotel & Motel Management 【年, 卷(期), 起止页码】2007, 222(5): 【全文链接】连接不知道啊,是在网上搜到题目 【求助者email】 参考资料:-136695-1-html

117 评论


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