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于敏莉(女),南京农业大学副教授、硕导。研究方向:禽生殖细胞发育;肌肉发育及肉质调控;家禽生产。一、教育简历2003年9月-2007年6月,东北农业大学,动物科学专业攻读本科2007年9月-2012年6月,浙江学校,动物遗传育种与繁殖专业攻读博士于敏莉(女),南京农业大学副教授、硕导,禽类生产专家。二、工作简历2012年6月至今,在南京农业大学动物科技学院任教2016年12月-2017年12月,康奈尔学校,访问学者三、学术兼职中国畜牧兽医学会动物生理生化分会,家禽分会,遗传分会会员南京农业大学四、科研项目1、中央高校基本科研业务费项目;2、国家自然科学基金青年基金;3、江苏省自然科学基金项目;4、校青年科技创新基金项目;5、江苏省科技计划项目(苏北科技发展计划——科技富民强县项目)。6、“课程思政”示范课程项目。参与项目7、国家自然科学基金青年基金项目、面上项目;国家科技支撑计划项目等。五、奖励荣誉南京农业大学教师教学比赛(教师教学创新组)优秀奖,2020动科院青年教授授课比赛特等奖,2020南京农业大学教师教学质量评价优秀,2018-2019学年动科院青年教授授课比赛一等奖,2018动科院青年教授授课比赛二等奖,2016温氏奖教金,2015南京农业大学六、论文论著1、Kai Shi, Yinglin Lu, Xiaolu Chen, Dongfeng Li, Wenxing Du and Minli Yu* Effects of Ten-Eleven Translocation-2 (Tet2) on myogenic differentiation of chicken Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B 2021, 252:2、Dongfeng Li, Qin Wang, Kai Shi, Yinglin Lu, Debing Yu, Xiaoli Shi, Wenxing Du and Minli Yu* Testosterone promotes the proliferation of chicken embryonic myoblasts via androgen receptor and PI3K/Akt signaling International Journal of Molecular S 2020;21(3): 3、Mengjie Liu, Yinglin Lu, Peng Gao, Xiaolei Xie, Dongfeng Li, Debing Yu* and Minli Yu* Effect of curcumin on laying performance, egg quality, endocrine hormones, and immune activity in heat-stressed Poult S 2020, 99(4):2196-4、Li Dongfeng, Pan Zaixu, Zhang Kun, Yu Minli, Yu Debing, Lu Yinglin, Wang Jiantao, Zhang Jin, Zhang Kangning, Du Wenxing* Identification of the differentially expressed genes of muscle growth and intramuscular fat metabolism in the development stage of yellow broilers, Genes, 2020, 11(3): E5、Li Dongfeng, Zhang Kun, Pan Zaixu, Yu Minli, Lu Yinglin, Wang Guiying, Wu Junfeng, Zhang Jin, Zhang Kangning, Du Wenxing* Antibiotics promote abdominal fat accumulation in broilers, Animal Science Journal, 2020, 91(1): 6、Minli Yu*, Dongfeng Li, Wanyan Cao, Xiaolu Chen, and Wenxing Du* Effects of TET1 on DNA methylation and gene expression in chicken primordial germ cells, Reprod Fertil Dev, 2019, 31(3): 509-5207、Minli Yu*, Yali Xu, Ming Li, Dongfeng Li, Yinglin Lu, Debing Yu, and Wenxing Du* Bisphenol A accelerates meiotic progression in embryonic chickens via the estrogen receptor β signaling Gen Comp Endocr, 2018, 259:66-758、Minli Yu*, Huan Wang, Liu Zhen, Yinglin Lu, Debing Yu, Dongfeng Li and Wenxing Du* Ebp1 regulates myogenic differentiation of myoblast cells via SMAD2/3 signaling Dev Growth Diffe, 2017, 59(6):540-5519、Xiaochuan Tang, Shiyong Xu, Hongpeng Zhang, Qing Chen, Rongyang Li, Wangjun Wu, Minli Yu and Honglin Liu* Retinoic acid promotes expression of germline-specific genes in chicken blastoderm cells by stimulating Smad1/5 phosphorylation in a feeder-free culture BMC Biotechnol, 2017, 17(1):10、Minli Yu, Huan Wang, Yali Xu, Debing Yu, Dongfeng Li, Xiuhong Liu and Wenxing Du* Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) promotes myoblast proliferation and skeletal muscle growth of embryonic chickens via the PI3K/Akt signalling Cell Biol Int, 2015, 39(8):910-92211、Minli Yu, Yali Xu, Defu Yu, Debing Yu*, Wenxing Du* Comparative analysis of temporal gene expression patterns in the developing ovary of the embryonic J Reprod Develop, 2015, 61(2): 123-13312、Debing Yu#*, Minli Yu #, Fei Lin, Baochun Jiang, Lina Yang, Siyu Wang, Ying Zhao, Zhengchao W Morphological and hormonal identification of porcine atretic follicles and relationship analysis of hormone receptor levels during granulosa cell apoptosis in J Integr Agr, 2014, 13(5):1058-1064(Co-first author)13、Minli Yu, Ping Yu, Imdad Hussain Leghari, Chutian Ge, Yuling Mi, Caiqiao Zhang* Raldh2, the enzyme for retinoic acid synthesis, mediates meiosis initiation in germ cells of the female embryonic Amino Acids, 2013, 44(2):405-41214、Minli Yu,Chutian Ge,Yuling Mi, Caiqiao Zhang* Retinoic acid promotes proliferation of chicken primordial germ cells via activation of PI3K/Akt-mediated NF-κB signaling Cell Biol Int, 2012, 36(8):705-71215、Minli Yu, Kun Guan, Caiqiao Zhang* The promoting effect of retinoic acid on proliferation of chicken primordial germ cells by increased expression of cadherin and Amino Acids, 2011, 40(3):933-94116、Chutian Ge, Minli Yu, Caiqiao Zhang* GPR30 mediates estrogen-induced proliferation of primordial germ cells via EGFR/Akt/β-catenin signaling pathway in Endocrinology, 2013, 153(7):3504-351617、Chutian Ge, Minli Yu, James N Petitte, Caiqiao Zhang* Epidermal growth factor promotes proliferation of chicken primordial germ cells: Involvement of Ca2+/PKC and NF-κB Biol Reprod,2009, 80: 528-53618、Xu Yulin, Yu Minli, Wu Fabai, Jianguo Sun, Chris Wood, Masa-Aki Hattori, Jinfu Wang*, Yongmei Xi* Effects of ectopic expression of human telomerase reverse transcriptase on immortalization of feather keratinocyte stem J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol,2009, 312B 8: 872-88419、王琴,刘震,史凯,杜文兴,于敏莉*萨索鸡与白羽鸡及其杂交F1代生长和屠宰性能比较研究 畜牧与兽医,2018,50 (12) : 1~ 6.20、于敏莉, 李铭, 虞德兵, 杜文兴* 激活素A通过TGFβ/SMAD信号通路促进鸡原始生殖细胞增殖 农业生物技术学报, 25(4): 537-546, 201721、徐雅丽, 王欢, 刘震, 杜文兴, 于敏莉* 不同品种鸡蛋品质及孵化期发育变化的比较研究 畜牧与兽医,49 ( 1) : 12-15,2017.22、解晓东, 虞德兵, 于敏莉, 林凯, 何宗亮, 杜文兴* siRNA干扰Wnt11对鸭成肌细胞增殖的影响 畜牧与兽医, 2017, 49 (2): 42~4623、刘震, 于敏莉, 王欢, 李东峰, 杜文兴* 萨索鸡、涟水土鸡及其杂交F1代生长曲线的拟合分析 畜牧与兽医, 2017, 49 (5): 8~1224、张琨, 卞良勇, 许盛海, 文媛, 张进, 张康宁, 虞德兵, 陆应林, 于敏莉, 杜文兴, 李东锋* 基于L、a、b色度系统的乌骨鸡肤色规律研究 中国家禽, 15期, pp 12-16, 2017/8/25、李铭, 李东锋, 杜文兴, 于敏莉*TET蛋白质在动物原始生殖细胞发育过程中的作用中国细胞生物学学报, 38(8), 1043-1048,201626、潘磊庆,张伟,于敏莉,孙晔,顾欣哲,马龙,李紫君,胡鹏程,屠康*基于高光谱图像的鸡种蛋孵化早期胚胎性别鉴定 农业工程学报,32(2),181-186,201627、林凯,虞德兵,解晓东,于敏莉,李东锋,杜文兴 TGF-β/Smad信号通路在Follistatin调节鸭骨骼肌卫星细胞增殖过程中的作用机制 中国农业科学,48(12):2460-2468,2015南京农业大学中国各农业大学教授简介石放雄,南京农业大学,教授、博导,动物繁育研究所长、钟山学者韩兆玉,南京农业大学动科院教授、博导,奶牛养殖专家杭苏琴(女),南京农业大学教授、博导,动物遗传育种、饲料专家熊波,南京农业大学教授、博导,动物遗传育种与繁殖专家王锋,教授,博士,南京农业大学,国内克隆羊领军人物王根林,教授、博士,南京农业大学,畜牧兽医学会牛分会副理事长鲁绍雄,云南农业大学教授、博导,动物遗传育种专家陈东(女),湖南农业大学,博士、讲师,牛羊饲草专家魏时来,甘肃农业大学教授,动物营养和饲料利用专家李利(女),四川农业大学教授、博导,分子遗传与羊育种专家
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楼上的教堂历史,我这个是介绍 Westminster Abbey Formally titled The Collegiate Church of St Peter, Westminster, this mainly Gothic church in London is the traditional place of coronation and burial site for English First built by Edward the Confessor between 1045 - 1065 in the Norman style, it replaced an earlier church on the same It was built as an abbey for the Benedictine monks and was consecrated on December 28, It was rebuilt in the Gothic style between 1245 - 1517, with Henry VII adding a perpendicular style chapel in In 1579, Elizabeth I re-established Westminster as a "royal peculiar" -- a church responsible directly to the sovereign, rather than the Archbishop of Canterbury -- and made it a school, the Collegiate Church of S P Since then, the head has been not a bishop (although the Abbey is the seat of the Bishop of London) but a dean, appointed by the Until the 19th century, Westminster was the third seat of learning in England, after Oxford and C It was here that the first third of the King James Bible Old Testament and the last half of the New Testament were William the Conqueror was the first monarch crowned in the Abbey and all subsequent English monarchs (except Edward V and Edward VIII, who did not have coronations) have been crowned The Archbishop of Canterbury is the traditional cleric in the coronation The church contains the bones of St Edward the Confessor as well as the remains of many other famous These include Ben Jonson, Geoffrey Chaucer, Edmund Spenser, John Dryden, Dr Samuel Johnson, Charles Dickens, Robert Browning, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Rudyard Kipling, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Lord Kelvin, Ernest Rutherford,George Friderich Handel, Henry Purcell, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Laurence Olivier, William Pitt the Elder, William Pitt the Younger, William Ewart Gladstone, Clement Attlee, and David L Oliver Cromwell was buried in the abbey but Charles II ordered his remains Nearest London Underground stations: S James' Park[?] (District, Circle lines) 你看呢??

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我有几本英文期刊你可以试试:Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering (月刊)Open Journal of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases(月刊)Journal of Software Engineering and Applications(月刊)World Journal of Condensed Matter Physics(季刊)Open Journal of Discrete Mathematics(季刊)Geomaterials(季刊)以上这几本都有知网,谷歌学术检索,投稿之后正常1-2个月可以出版,对中国作者比较友好。

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